Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 129 My little genius is really fierce! [24, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 129 My little genius is really fierce! [24, please recommend and reward]

Murong Villa.

In the yard, Yaya was sitting on a small stool, holding a pack of bone biscuits in her hand, and beside her, there were a lot of snacks.

"Come here, little darling, my sister will feed you biscuits!"

Yaya grabbed a handful of biscuits, but Tianxu Thunder Dog wasn't interested at all.

"Don't you have porridge and biscuits? My sister also has potato chips, gummy candies, and spicy sticks. Which one do you want next?"

Yaya piled up all the snacks in front of Tianxu Leigou and let him choose by himself.

Tianxu Thunder Dog took a look at those things, his eyes were full of grievances.

As a ten thousand year old monster, it lives on the aura of heaven and earth in the cultivation world.

No matter how bad it is, we should also catch some small animals with spirituality, or send them to the door for food.

How could it be possible to eat things like potato chips and spicy sticks?
Seeing that Tianxu Thunder Dog didn't eat anything, Yaya felt a little uncomfortable, and muttered while holding her chin:

"What does it eat porridge?"

"Baby, it doesn't need to eat anything, and it won't starve to death."

Ye Yun came out from behind Yaya and brought her a cup of warm water.


Tianxu Thunder Dog barked twice aggrievedly.

As an ancient ferocious beast, it had just escaped from the Xiao family, and originally wanted to live a life of freedom from now on.

Who would have thought that after being captured by someone turned into a puppy, he would not even be given food now!
Yaya looked at Ye Yun suspiciously: "Papa, it doesn't eat anything, so it won't starve to death?"

"No, don't worry." Ye Yun smiled, and moved his finger at Tianxu Thunder Dog.

In an instant, Tianxu Thunder Dog felt his whole body was surrounded by a terrifying qi.

This infuriating energy made it feel that its cultivation base had rapidly increased several realms!

If it was just an innate monster before, then now, it can definitely be called the god of monsters!

Feeling that he had become extremely powerful, Tianxu Thunder Dog whimpered twice at Ye Yun with a flattering expression.

When it reaches the realm of demon gods, it does not need to eat anything to live a million years, or even longer!

"You have to play with Yaya well in the future, otherwise, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I can turn you into ashes in an instant."

Ye Yun glanced at Tian Xu Thunder Dog indifferently.

Tianxu Thunder Dog's body trembled suddenly, his limbs became limp and he lay on the ground, nodding repeatedly.

Yaya clapped her hands happily and said with a smile: "Papa, look at it, it looks so cute!"

She rolled her eyes, "By the way, Papa, what would you call it?"

Ye Yun smiled and said, "Let's call it Xiaotian."

"Okay!" Yaya's eyes narrowed into crescents, and she waved to Tian Xuleigou: "Xiaotian, come here, big sister hugs!"

Xiaotian immediately ran forward with a flattering expression.

Ye Yun smiled, Yaya wants to be an older sister so much, it would be great if she had a younger brother or younger sister in the future!
Yaya raised her head and said, "Papa, Xiaotian just came here and there is nothing at home. Let's buy him a home and toys!"

Ye Yun smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take you there now!"

He then took Yaya into the car and went to Jincheng's largest pet supply store to help Xiaotian choose some pet supplies.

Soon, they arrived at the parking lot of the pet supplies city.

As soon as she got out of the car, Yaya pointed to the front and said, "Look, Xiaotian, there are a lot of things in it that you don't like!"

"Wow, what a cute puppy! It's like a fluffy little ball in my arms, so cute!"

A four or five-year-old boy came down from the parking space next to him, and he also held a puppy in his hand.

But compared with Xiaotian, that dog is too ordinary, and it looks far less lovable than Xiaotian.

Yaya happily said to the little boy: "My little Tian is the cutest!"

The little boy was full of envy. He stared at Xiaotian for a while, then turned around and said to a middle-aged man:
"Papa, I want a dog like that too!"

The middle-aged man glanced at Xiaotian and said with a smile: "Son, that dog is for girls to play with. You are a boy, so you should raise a more aggressive dog."

The little boy said unhappily: "I don't want it! I like that kind of dog, you go and buy it for me!"

The middle-aged man said angrily: "What's so good about that dog, it doesn't move in your arms, it doesn't have any vitality at all, it's better to buy a toy dog!"

When Yaya heard him belittle Xiaotian like this, she immediately pouted and said:

"Shushu, my Xiaotian is very fierce, and he is very big and powerful!"

"You, are you joking?"

The middle-aged man had a mocking expression on his face, "Just this dog, is it fierce? Big? Very strong?"


Yaya nodded, when Xiaotian first appeared, he was as tall as a building, how could she forget?

"Hehe, kid, I didn't want to argue with you, but I didn't want you to mislead my son."

The middle-aged man sneered again and again, "I'll let you know right away, what is a real fierce, big and powerful dog!"

He turned around, waved to a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle next to him, and shouted: "Brother Cheng, bring your Tibetan Mastiff here!"

A burly man named Chen Cheng got out of the Mercedes-Benz, opened the back door, and pulled out a brown Tibetan mastiff.

This Tibetan mastiff is half a meter high and nearly three meters long. It looks amazing and full of evil spirits.

Chen Cheng and the Tibetan mastiff came side by side in front of everyone, looking at the middle-aged man with an arrogant look:

"Wang Jian, do you want to use my Tibetan mastiff to act aggressive again?"

Wang Jian chuckled and said, "I'm not pretending to be aggressive, I just want this little sister to see what a big and fierce dog is."

"That's it." Chen Cheng glanced at Xiaotian in Yaya's arms, and then let the Tibetan mastiff take half a step forward:
"Bill, say hello to this little sister!"


Bill the Tibetan Mastiff roared immediately, staring at Yaya with his eyes like copper bells, his mouth opened wide, revealing sharp fangs, full of murderous intent.

Wang Jian's son backed away in fright at this roar, and even Wang Jian himself felt a little panicked.

The Tibetan mastiff is an extremely ferocious animal. It only knows its owner from birth, and it is very aggressive to other people.

Although he was friends with Chen Cheng, he didn't dare to get too close to Bill.

"How about it, is Bill fierce?" Wang Jian asked with a sneer.

But he found that the father and daughter standing in front of them had a flat expression on their faces.

Even the puppy in the little girl's arms squinted his eyes in a relaxed manner, as if he didn't pay much attention to Bill the Tibetan Mastiff.

"Could it be that you were scared stupid?" Wang Jian and Chen Cheng looked at each other.

"Not fierce, not as fierce as my little sky!" Yaya said calmly.

"Hehe, is that so?" Chen Cheng sneered twice unconvinced, "Little sister, let your dog bark for us to see!"

"Okay!" Yaya patted Xiaotian's head so that he could look at Bill the Tibetan Mastiff, "Xiaotian, you can call too!"

As a demon god, Xiaotian didn't take Tibetan Mastiff Bill seriously.

But when the master gave the order, it had no choice but to call out in response to the situation: "Woo!"


The sound of it scared the Tibetan Mastiff Bill directly to the ground, trembling all over, not daring to raise his head.

Then, the windows of the car behind Wang Jian and Chen Cheng were all shattered.

Even the car door scoffed!With a bang, several cracks were shaken out.

"My god! Is this him, not a dog at all!"

"This is a monster!"

Wang Jian and Chen Cheng only felt a gust of wind blowing around them, making their scalps tingle with fright.

His legs felt weak for a while, and he almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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