Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 130 You Are Really Annoying! [34, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 130 You Are Really Annoying! [34, please recommend and reward]

Ye Yun took Yaya to wander around the pet supplies city for a long time, and bought a lot of dog supplies, Yaya left with Xiaotian and Ye Yun contentedly.

"Xiaotian, you have a new home, are you happy?" Yaya looked at Xiaotian with a smile.

"Woo!" Xiaotian nodded.

"Haha, my sister will love you very much!"

Yaya rubbed Xiaotian's head with her small hands, with a pampering look on her face.

Ye Yun smiled and said, "Honey, you are so caring, do you want Papa and Mama to give you a younger brother and sister?"

Yaya immediately nodded and laughed: "Yes! But Mama hasn't agreed to Papa's marriage proposal yet, so Papa has to work hard!"

She raised her little powder fist to encourage Ye Yun.

"Okay! Baba, come on!" Ye Yun smiled, put the pet supplies in the car, and carried Yaya to the passenger seat.

Just after he got into the car, his phone rang.

Ye Yun answered the phone: "Hello."

From the opposite side came a clear and sweet female voice with a touch of charm: "Mr. Ye, I'm Luo Xuewei."

Ye Yun nodded slightly: "What's the matter?"

Luo Xuewei smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, today I'm here in Jiangcheng, attending a friend's KTV opening ceremony."

"She gave me the best private room, and I want to invite you to come too, and thank you for saving my grandfather's life."

Ye Yun shook his head and said: "The matter of your grandfather is over, you don't need to thank me. I have important matters today, so I can't get over it."

"Mr. Ye, wait!"

Just when Ye Yun was about to hang up the phone, Luo Xuewei said hastily:
"Last time, Yaya told me that she really likes a doll in our company."

"Two days ago, I specially customized one from abroad, and I promised to give it to her personally, but now I can't find the time."

"Is that so?" Ye Yun turned his head and asked Yaya: "Honey, did Aunt Xuewei promise to give you a gift?"

Yaya nodded: "Yes! I like that doll very much. Aunt Xuewei said she would buy it for me as soon as possible!"

She blinked her big eyes and asked, "Papa, has she already bought it?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

Yaya said impatiently: "Then can we get it now?"

Ye Yun pinched her little nose lovingly:
"Little girl, you are too anxious! When I get home and make dinner for Ma Ma, I will take you to Jiangcheng."

"Okay! Papa is good, kiss!"

The little girl immediately crawled to Ye Yun's side, hugged his face and kissed him hard.

Ye Yun then said to Luo Xuewei: "Let's go there later and send me the address."

"Okay, right away!" Luo Xuewei smiled.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, Ye Yun drove and took Yaya to Chunjiang Huayue KTV located in the center of Jiangcheng City.

This is a well-decorated KTV entertainment club with a separate yard.

In the center of the main city of Jiangcheng, where every inch of land is expensive, such a skill can be seen, which shows that the boss's strength is very extraordinary.

After Ye Yun parked the car in the yard, he took Yaya and walked towards the gate.

Walking forward, a tall and perfect young woman.

She was wearing black tight casual clothes and a peaked cap with the brim pulled down very low, covering half of her face.

Seeing Ye Yun, the woman raised her head and said with a sweet smile, "Mr. Ye, you are here!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly, and said lightly: "You can call me by my name directly, I don't like the title Mr."

Luo Xuewei nodded and smiled, "Okay, Ye Yun!"

Then she reached out and hugged Yaya: "Yaya, do you miss Auntie?"

Yaya nodded: "Yes! I also want Winnie the Pooh!"

Luo Xuewei pretended to be wronged: "So you still miss that doll! Oh, Auntie is so heartbroken!"

Yaya immediately shook her head: "Yaya really misses Auntie!"

"Okay, I believe you! Auntie is teasing you!"

Luo Xuewei kissed Yaya's little cheek, then looked at Xiaotian in her arms, and asked, "This little dog is so cute, what's its name?"

Yaya laughed and said, "It's called Xiaotian!"

"It's so cute!" Luo Xuewei touched Xiaotian, then walked towards the KTV with Yaya in her arms, "Auntie will take you to see the toys?"

"Good!" Yaya was very happy.

Ye Yun followed behind them, took the elevator from the lobby to the third floor, and finally came to a diamond private room at the end of the corridor.

After walking in, there were still three girls sitting inside. When they saw Ye Yun appearing, the girls immediately looked strangely:
"Wow, Xuewei, your friend is so handsome!"

Luo Xuewei smiled and said to Ye Yun:

"They are all my high school classmates, He Jingyao, Liu Yina, and Dong Manli. This KTV is run by Jingyao's family."

She looked at the three girls again: "My friend is Ye Yun."

After the introduction, she took Ye Yun to sit down on the sofa, and took out a beautifully crafted packaging bag from the side, and handed it to Yaya:

"Yaya, your Winnie the Pooh!"

Yaya took the packaging bag, opened it and burst into laughter immediately: "Wow! It's really cute! Thank you, Aunt Xuewei!"

Just when Yaya was smiling happily, a very discordant voice sounded.

The door of the private room was kicked open by someone.

Ye Yun frowned suddenly, and looked coldly at the door.

I saw a fat middle-aged man rushing in with a sound of alcohol.

He stared at all the people in the private room with staring red eyes, then pointed at Luo Xuewei, smiled lewdly and said:
"Beauty, so you are here!"

Luo Xuewei frowned: "Who are you?"

The man took two steps forward unsteadily, and said, "Who am I? My name is Li Guohao, who do you think I am?!"

Luo Xuewei looked at He Jingyao and the others beside her, and asked doubtfully, "Is this person famous?"

He Jingyao frowned, and there was a look of awe in her eyes:

Luo Xuewei asked again: "Isn't there only two families in Jiangcheng, Li and Han? When did the Li family come out?"

He Jingyao shook her head: "Xuewei, you haven't been here for so many years, I don't know that six years ago, another Li family was born, and suddenly became a big family comparable to the Li Han family."

"It is said that the head of the Li family, Li Guodong, is a martial arts prodigy. His cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds overnight, and he has become a master at the master level. Even the Li and Han families are very afraid of him."

"And the person in front of me is relying on his brother."

Luo Xuewei nodded: "So that's the case."

After Ye Yun heard their conversation, he also had some judgment in his heart. It seems that the method of the newly-emerged Li family is not simple.

Otherwise, He Jingyao and the others would never have shown such awe.

Seeing that He Jingyao and the others were so afraid of him, Li Guohao couldn't help laughing wildly, his voice very proud.

He arrogantly scanned the audience and shouted:
"It's good to know who I am! I want to keep this girl tonight, and all other irrelevant people go away!"

Yaya was having a good time, and was taken aback by his roar.

She frowned and looked at Li Guohao: "What a disgusting person, I just came in to make a noise after I was playing with Winnie the Pooh."

Li Guohao stared at Yaya with red eyes, and shouted again:
"Little girl, do you dare to say that I hate you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt pain on the left side of his cheek.

When he came back to his senses, his body had already flew two meters away and hit the wall heavily.

Ye Yun looked at him coldly:
"It's really annoying that you disturb my daughter playing with toys!"

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(End of this chapter)

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