Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 131 Congealing Fingers into a Sword?So brittle! [44, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 131 Congealing Fingers into a Sword?So brittle! [44, please recommend and reward]


Li Guohao woke up more than half of his wine, covered his red and swollen face, looked at Ye Yun angrily and shouted:

"Who are you? Dare to hit me, you'll be bored!"

Ye Yun took a step forward and picked him up directly, pop!He slapped him again with a loud thud, and his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Get out."

Ye Yun said something coldly, and with a flick of his hand, he threw Li Guohao into the corridor.

Turning around, he looked at Yaya with extremely gentle eyes, and said with a smile:
"Now the annoying person is gone, baby you continue to play."


He Jingyao, Liu Yina and Dong Manli were speechless for a while.

The three of them looked at Ye Yun as if they were looking at a monster.

They never thought that this handsome guy who was so handsome that he could make their heart beat faster even with just one breath, would be so cruel.

Moreover, extremely domineering!
No fear!

You know, what he hit just now was the second son of the famous Li family in Jiangcheng, the famous second master Li in the underworld!
He Jingyao's eyes were full of worry, and she looked at Luo Xuewei with a trembling look:
"Xuewei, this Li Guohao is not easy to mess with! This Mr. Ye beat him up like this, I don't think he will let it go!"

She swallowed softly and said:
"I heard my father talk about some things about Li Guohao. This man is very lustful, and he can't move when he sees a beautiful girl. The year before last, he fell in love with a girl in a bar in this city, and he insisted on it in front of her boyfriend. face, snatched her away."

"That girl's boyfriend was not someone to mess with at first. It is said that he is the eldest son of the district chief executive, and he is very well connected in the city's underworld. Later, he brought more than 100 people to Li Guohao to seek revenge, but not only did he have no revenge. In return, Li Guohao chopped off three fingers in public."

"As for his girlfriend, she was tortured so badly by Li Guohao that she went crazy the next day! Logically speaking, if such a big incident happened, the target was the district chief's son, and Li Guohao would definitely not get away easily. "

"But no one expected that not only would he be fine, but he would also allow the district chief to personally come to the Li family to make amends. It can be seen that the methods of the Li family are beyond imagination!"

Liu Yina also said with concern: "Xuewei, why don't you and Mr. Ye leave now! Even if the Li family wants revenge, there is nothing they can do if they can't find you!"

"Yeah, it's better to leave early! These people are cruel and ruthless, and they are not easy to deal with!"

Dong Manli was the least courageous of the three girls, and she was already trembling with fright at this moment.

Luo Xuewei frowned, and said lightly: "This pervert should have seen me in the corridor just now, and he has evil intentions."

She glanced at Ye Yun, smiled slightly and said:
"But don't worry, it's not a big deal. With Ye Yun here, nothing is a problem."

After finishing speaking, he and Yaya continued to play Winnie the Pooh.

He Jingyao and the others were taken aback by what she said, and they didn't know why she was so calm.

In their impression, Luo Xuewei is the most popular female anchor of Diaoyu TV, and also the most respected star goddess of the younger generation in China.

Although she is backed by the Yin family and has the support of the largest family in China.

However, there is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

The Li family is the most popular big family in this city in recent years, and the two brothers Li Guodong and Li Guohao are known for their cruelty.

Now that Ye Yun beat Li Guohao so badly on Jiangcheng's territory, one can imagine the consequences!
Moreover, even if the time comes, the Li family will not dare to offend Luo Xuewei due to the majesty of the Yin family.

But Ye Yun was different, he was just Luo Xuewei's friend, without the protection of the Yin family, how could the Li family easily spare him?

"Xuewei, I'd better call some security guards over."

He Jingyao still couldn't let go, and planned to call the security room to find more people.

"Anyone who dares to meddle in other people's business, let him come and go today!"

Suddenly a sound wave came from the outside to the private room, and the air in the whole private room shook instantly.

He Jingyao was shaken by the sound and almost dropped her phone to the ground.

I saw an old man with long hair in a ponytail walking in.

On his body was a sharp sword more than one meter long.

Behind the old man was Li Guohao, who was beaten just now, and seven or eight gangster-like dog legs.

"Old Qi, this kid beat me!" Li Guohao pointed at Ye Yun, wanting to tear him apart.

"Old Qi?" He Jingyao looked at the old man carefully, and suddenly her eyes trembled, she covered her mouth and exclaimed:
"Oh no! He is the most powerful swordsman in the Li family, Qi Canghai!"

Liu Yina and Dong Manli looked at her in surprise: "Jing Yao, do you know him?"

He Jingyao shook her head: "I don't know him, but I heard from my father that there is a sword master surnamed Qi in the Li family. His sword skills are superb with one hand, and he has stepped into the realm of a master of swordsmanship with one foot. He is so powerful that it is unimaginable!"

"From his appearance, he should be that Qi Canghai!"

Liu Yina and Dong Manli shuddered suddenly: "It's so scary!"

They all knew that He Jingyao's father specialized in running an entertainment club in this city, and had a very wide network of contacts, and he knew almost everything about the famous people in Jiangcheng.

Since this Qi Canghai can be mentioned by her father like this, he must be a very powerful person.

Moreover, just looking at Qi Canghai's outfit, he was full of murderous aura and so fierce that people dare not look directly at him. This is definitely the performance of a top expert.

"It's over, it's over! Xuewei, what should I do?"

Liu Yina and Dong Manli were so frightened that they were about to cry.

Li Guohao glanced triumphantly at the two girls who looked like little white rabbits, and laughed wildly:

"Are you afraid now? I tell you, it's too late!"

"I've changed my mind. Not only that little girl, but you guys will sleep with me tonight!"

"How dare you!" He Jingyao glared at Li Guohao, "My father's name is He Yuanlong, if you dare to be rude to me, he will not let you go!"


As soon as He Jingyao finished speaking, Qi Canghai raised his right hand and swiped his index finger and middle finger together in the air.

A white light fell, cutting the sofa beside He Jingyao in two.

"Whoever dares to talk nonsense will end up like this sofa!"

Qi Canghai said proudly.


He Jingyao was so frightened that her legs gave way and she sat on the sofa shivering.

Li Guohao saw that Luo Xuewei and Yaya were still playing with toys, while Ye Yun had a calm expression on his face. The three of them didn't take their group of people seriously, and they were so angry that they almost smoked.

He pointed at Ye Yun and roared: "Old Qi, this kid is very crazy! Since he doesn't take you seriously, there is no need to show mercy today!"

"I know."

Qi Canghai spat out three words lightly, and he had already walked two meters away from Ye Yun.

He looked down at Ye Yun and said contemptuously: "Young man, you shouldn't offend the Li family, let alone ignore me!"

"Since you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, I will let you have long eyes!"

After he finished speaking, he condensed his fingers into a sword and stabbed at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: "You should use your sword, not such brittle fingers."

He stretched out his hand lightly, and grabbed Qi Canghai's fingers.


Then, there was the sound of bones breaking.

Qi Canghai's finger sword was actually broken by Ye Yunsheng!
~~ Recommended tickets, give a reward and go for a wave, okay~~~
(End of this chapter)

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