Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 132 Gives You a Chance to Unleash a Sword! [1, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 132 Gives You a Chance to Unleash a Sword! [13, please recommend and reward]

"Ah You!"

Qi Canghai's eyes were blood red, and flames were about to burst from his eyes.

He entered the Tao with a sword, and one foot has already stepped into the realm of a master. I don't know how many masters have been defeated by him.

He originally thought that the man in front of him was young and his cultivation level would not be very high, and he could beat him to the ground with just one stance of condensing his fingers into a sword.

Unexpectedly, after this trial, I realized that I really underestimated the enemy!
This young and handsome man, he can break his own finger sword with a single grasp, this ability, this level of cultivation, is definitely not inferior to him!
"Old Qi, you?!" Li Guohao also noticed Qi Canghai's abnormality, and his eyes trembled immediately.

As for He Jingyao and the other three girls, when Qi Canghai made a move just now, they were all so frightened that they covered their eyes.

Only now did I realize that it was not Ye Yun who was injured, but Qi Canghai!
"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to be a master of martial arts."

He Jingyao said softly, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

A handsome man like Ye Yun, like a person walking out of a painting, has attracted these girls very much.

Now, seeing that he was so calm, he repelled Qi Canghai, a generation of sword masters.

These girls are even more fascinated by the masterful temperament exuded by this gesture.

"So handsome! He is really a perfect man! It's a pity, it's a pity that he already has a family, otherwise, even if I die, I will pursue him!"

"Huanjun's Pearl is crying, I wish I could meet again when I was not married, that's what I'm talking about!"

In the private room, swords are tense.

He Jingyao and the others were deeply impressed by Ye Yun.

Like a young girl with spring thoughts, she looked at Ye Yun obsessively.

Only Yaya and Luo Xuewei were playing around with Winnie the Pooh on the sofa, not taking Qi Canghai and the others seriously at all.

Yaya knows that her daddy is number one in the universe, no one can beat her, and it's useless for anyone to come!
And Luo Xuewei also understood that Ye Yun could make Xiao Xuanzong kneel down at a glance, and it would be no problem to deal with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The sound of the blade rubbing against the air broke the dull atmosphere in the private room.

Qi Canghai held the long sword in his hand, glared at Ye Yun and said:
"I, Qi Canghai, entered the Dao with a sword, and I'm just a piece of paper away from the realm of the master. If you dare to hurt me today, you can't let out this bad breath!"

"It's either you die or I die now, you have to catch my duckweed sword move!"

With a flick of his wrist, the blade of the sword turned over, and a flash of fire was emitted, with a very fierce momentum.

Ye Yun sneered and said: "When you made the move just now, you were doomed to die. Now I will let you use this sword before you die."

"You... are crazy to heaven!"

Qi Canghai saw extreme contempt in Ye Yun's eyes, which made him furious.

As a sword master of his generation, he was known as the number one sword in Jiangcheng. When was he ever humiliated like this?

Anyone who has humiliated him has always had only one death!
Today, he will not make exceptions!

"go to hell!"

Qi Canghai roared angrily.

When the words fell to the sword, a flame flashed out, and Sen Ran's sword tip was no more than three centimeters away from Ye Yun's forehead.

"so fast!"

Not only Li Guohao, but even He Jingyao and the others couldn't help exclaiming.

Suddenly the sword stopped, Ye Yun only used one index finger to catch the sword firmly.

"It's too slow, and the strength is too light, why don't you go to the circus to play swords." Ye Yun sneered.

Starting from the tip of the sword, the whole sword shattered in an instant.

Pieces of fragments fell and scattered all over the ground.

"You... who are you?"

Qi Canghai quickly took two steps back, his eyes full of fear.

This man smashed his duckweed sword with just one finger. This kind of ability has never been seen before!

Ye Yun frowned slightly: "Since you lost, why not get out!"

"Get out?" Qi Canghai narrowed his eyes, showing a sly smile, and quickly turned to Li Guohao and said, "Let's go!"

Li Guohao glared at Ye Yun bitterly, and quickly followed Qi Canghai out.

After the two got into the car, Li Guohao cursed angrily:

"Damn him, I didn't expect this little boy to be so powerful! Who the hell is he, and how can he be so strong?"

Qi Canghai sneered and said, "According to my guess, this man might be from the Murong family in Jincheng next door."

"Not long ago I heard that Murong Hui's eldest daughter is the head of the Murong family, and his son-in-law is a surprisingly handsome man, quite capable!"

"In this world, there are not many such handsome men, and Jincheng and Jiangcheng are so close, so I guess he is the man of Murong's new head of the family."

Li Guohao was surprised and said, "Jincheng Murong Patriarch's man? Damn it, he came to Jiangcheng to bully me!"

His eyes were instantly filled with murderous intent: "Well, so what if he is from the Murong family?"

"Our Li family is not a vegetarian either. My elder brother is a master of transformation. Before long, even the former Xiao Xuanzong can't compare with him. What is a little boy from the Murong family?"

Qi Canghai nodded and said: "This kid is too rampant, he's not good enough!"

"He defeated me today, and he was so proud that he let us go. In the future, I will definitely work with the Patriarch to return today's shame to him a hundredfold!"

"You really think I'll let you go?"

Just when Qi Canghai was secretly complacent, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

At the same time, Li Guohao also heard someone talking in his heart.

This voice is exactly Ye Yun!
"I said earlier that when you make a move, you are doomed to die."

"I let you go because I don't want my daughter to see me kill someone."

Ye Yun's voice was so flat, as if killing people in his eyes was as simple and normal as taking a breath.

Before Qi Canghai, Li Guohao and others could react, a ball of purple flames appeared in their chests.

Together with their car, they were all reduced to ashes in the dark night!


Just as Ye Yun and Qi Canghai were making their move, Xiao Tian ran out of the private room while everyone was not paying attention.

It turned into a gust of wind and quickly came to a mountain range at the junction of Jiangcheng and Jincheng.

This mountain range is composed of five hills, and in the deep valley at the southeast corner, there is a strange green light constantly shining.

Xiaotian soon came to the side of the green light, and saw that the green light was a black thing like bark.

And as the green light continued to brighten, the aura in the surrounding air became denser and denser, and it was about to become watery.


Xiaotian let out a happy cry, lay down next to the green light, opened his mouth and sucked violently.

Then I saw a burst of abundant aura, which was sucked into the mouth by it.

While Xiao Tian was eating, a dozen or so black shadows were standing quietly on the hilltop one mile behind him, looking towards him.

"Innate Lingbao was born, I didn't expect a beast to react faster than us!"

A middle-aged man standing on the far left said coldly.

 Rest for two days, first three shifts, and then continue to four shifts.By the way, have you not seen much in the past two days?I feel that there are very few rewards, and I don’t know what the situation is, ε=(ο`*)))

(End of this chapter)

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