Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 134 Invincible Among Invincibles! [33, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 134 Invincible Among Invincibles! [33, please recommend and reward]

In the private room of Chunjiang Huayue KTV just now, Yaya suddenly found that Xiaotian who was sitting next to her was gone.

Ye Yun felt its whereabouts carefully, because the aura in its body was perfused by Ye Yun, so it was easy to know where it was.

But Ye Yun didn't expect that Xiaotian would sneak out for a piece of innate spirit wood.

You know, with Xiaotian's current cultivation base, he is already a super pervert in the divine realm, and there is no need to rely on the aura in the innate spirit tree to maintain his life.

There is no need to use this aura to improve cultivation, because this aura is insignificant to it!

However, it still ran over.

This reminded Ye Yun of a saying, dogs can't change eating shit.

Even if it is a ten-thousand-year monster that has been promoted to a god among monsters, it still has this virtue.

Ye Yun secretly made up his mind to teach it a good lesson after returning home.

If Yaya didn't like it, Ye Yun would never have spared it so lightly!


Xiaotian looked at the man in front of him in horror.

His strength, his aura made him feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

It is even more powerful than the Patriarch of the Xiao family it has encountered before!

As for Han Taixuan and Li Haolun, as well as the two gangs of servants who were standing on the distant mountain and watching the battle, they were so frightened that they almost fainted because of Ye Yun's appearance.

To them, Starry Sky Demon Emperor Lin Bei is an invincible existence!

However, this extremely handsome man sent Lin Bei flying with a single slap.

What is he?
Invincible in invincible? !

Han Taixuan and Li Haolun stared at each other, and each saw a puzzled look in each other's eyes:
"Who is this man? Why did he appear in Jiangcheng?"


Just when everyone was confused, a dense black light exploded halfway up the mountain.

Rocks are flying.

Lin Bei roared, flew out from the mountainside, glared at Ye Yun and said, "How dare you attack me?"

Ye Yun gave him a disdainful look: "Is it still a sneak attack to hit you?"

"You are presumptuous!"

Lin Bei was furious, "I am the Emperor of the Starry Sky, the king of billions of demons! You, a person from a fringe planet, dare to belittle me like this?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: "Your name is too small, I have never heard of it, but there is a person named Cancang Demon Emperor who has dealt with me a little bit."

"The Cangcang Devil Emperor?"

Hearing this name, Lin Bei's pupils shrank.

"That is the first generation emperor of our Demon Race, my [-]th generation ancestor, what can you do with him?"

Ye Yun said lightly: "He once offended me and wanted to let me spare him with his life, and even handed over his own demon heart, but he was still killed by me."

"If I hadn't seen you, I would have almost forgotten about this person."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

After Lin Bei listened, he went from sneering to laughing wildly.

"You really don't want to blush when you speak big words! The Demon Emperor Cangang is the supreme existence in the demon world. He is the belief of all the demons and the symbol of our demons for generations to come!"

"He is a truly invincible existence! I don't know how many gods have been killed by him, and even those old monsters lurking in the realm of the infinite gods are not his opponents!"

"You, a person from Earth who came out of nowhere, dare to say that you have dealt with the old man? And you said that you killed him? You have no shame, it's ridiculous!"

When he spoke, a huge demonic energy gathered in his body, and the entire valley was filled with black smoke.

The air cools down extremely quickly.

An extremely powerful pressure rapidly expanded in the valley, almost shattering all the surrounding mountains.

Han Taixuan and Li Haolun were tightly pressed to the ground, only feeling the pressure on their backs suddenly increase, almost crushing their internal organs.

"I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore. I'm going to take this monster away today, so don't you try to stop it!"

With a roar, Lin Bei stretched out his right hand suddenly.


The space was torn open by him, revealing a huge black gap.


Xiaotian quickly stood in front of Ye Yun and roared at Lin Bei.


Lin Bei withdrew his hand and sneered, "Don't tell me you want to do something to me?"

Xiaotian took two steps forward, staring at Lin Bei.

It made a mistake before, and now it wants to act for Ye Yun, teach this arrogant Starry Sky Demon Emperor a lesson, and restore its image in Ye Yun's heart.

Ye Yun saw Xiaotian's intentions, so he nodded slightly and said, "Go ahead."

Xiaotian was approved, and happily stuck out his tongue and licked his paw.

At the same time, huge power was released within its body.

It knew that it was Ye Yun who had untied it.

Lin Bei looked at Xiaotian with greed again: "Since you want to come up to die, I will help you!"

He had detected Xiaotian's power from the very beginning, and concluded that it was just an innate spirit beast of about ten thousand years old, and was as weak as an ant in front of him.

Now Xiaotian took the initiative to fight against him, this is simply fat meat delivered to his door!
Xiaotian whimpered, straightened his upper body, and slapped a paw at Lin Bei.

I saw that it originally only had two palm-sized bodies, huh!With a bang, it became as big as a hill.

Huge claws, like a boulder, pressed down towards Lin Bei.


Seeing this, Lin Bei took a sharp breath of cold air.

If you say, standing in front of him a second ago was an ant.

Now, this ant has turned into a prehistoric beast.

Moreover, it is still that kind of beast with unfathomable cultivation!

"Damn! How could this be?"

Lin Bei was almost out of breath by Xiaotian's majestic momentum.

He tried his best to get out of the way.

But Xiaotian is faster!

A loud bang.

Xiaotian's slap directly slapped Lin Bei to death!

"Slap him to death? This is too cruel!"

Han Taixuan and Li Haolun's pupils constricted sharply, they were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat, and felt their scalps tingling for a while.

While the two were terrified, they also felt very grateful.

It turns out that this cute little spirit beast is not as easy to bully as it looks on the surface.

It shot just now, it is like a god and demon!

No!It can even kill the devil emperor, it is an invincible existence!
Fortunately, I didn't shoot it!

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness!

The two of them rejoiced in their hearts. At this moment, when they looked at Ye Yun's eyes, they were beyond shocked.

Even his dog is so cruel, so how terrifying is this man?
The two of them couldn't imagine it!
"Let's go."

Ye Yun ignored Han Taixuan and the others, and turned the piece of innate spirit wood into ashes with a wave of his hand.

Xiaotian became the chubby look again, obediently lying at Ye Yun's feet, and disappeared with him.


Han Taixuan and Li Haolun were speechless again.

A piece of innate spiritual wood is invaluable in the world of martial arts.

It is said that the spiritual power contained in it does not know how many realms it can help people improve.

But now, Ye Yun actually destroyed it, and he didn't feel distressed at all.

What kind of perverted cultivation is it to ignore the spiritual power in this piece of spiritual wood?
With deep shock, the two barely got up from the ground, and then helped each other to leave.

At the same time, on a hilltop in the northwest corner one mile away from the valley, several black shadows were also preparing to leave.

One of them let out a long sigh and said with a trace of horror:

"I thought that the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind would be able to snatch the monster beast and spirit wood from the hands of the Li and Han families. I didn't expect such a perverted person to appear out of thin air!"

"Fortunately, I didn't make a move at the time, otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know how I died!"

(End of this chapter)

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