Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 135 Just hook your fingers [13, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 135 Just hook your fingers [13, please recommend and reward]

Ye Yun took Xiaotian to the corridor of Chunjiang Huayue KTV, and found something abnormal in the private room where Luo Xuewei and the others were staying.

The originally lively atmosphere with several girls together seems to have become a little colder.

He quickly walked in and saw He Jingyao, Liu Yina and Dong Manli surrounding Luo Xuewei.

And Yaya lay on Luo Xuewei's body, her small body trembling non-stop.

In addition, there are two people who look like doctors who are dispensing potions.

"Yaya, what's wrong?" Ye Yun asked with concern.

Yaya jumped from Luo Xuewei's body to the ground, and threw herself into Ye Yun's arms, her eyes were a little red:
"Papa, Aunt Xuewei is sick!"

"Really?" Ye Yun frowned, stepped forward and glanced at Luo Xuewei.

I saw Yi Ren's pretty face was pale, and her black hair was stained with frost.

The vermilion lips parted slightly, the rosiness gradually faded, becoming paler and paler.

Between the white teeth and silver teeth, strands of white mist slowly floated out, carrying a bit of chill.

Ye Yun frowned, and said gently to Yaya: "Baby, don't cry, your Aunt Xuewei will be fine."

"Really?" Yaya raised her head, looking at Ye Yun with big watery eyes.

"Papa promises." Ye Yun smiled lightly, his expression full of confidence.

"Okay, if Papa says it's okay, then it's okay!"

The little girl was infected by Ye Yun's self-confidence, and burst into laughter instantly.

When the two doctors heard what Ye Yun said, they couldn't help but looked at him in surprise.

The person on the left asked: "Sir, are you a doctor? You can tell at a glance that she will be fine?"

Ye Yun said lightly: "I'm not a doctor, but her problem is not something you can solve, so you go."

"What did you say?" the two doctors exclaimed.

"We are the department directors of Jiangcheng No.1 People's Hospital. We received a call from Boss He and came here for emergency treatment. Why do you let us go? Can you afford it if something happens?"

He Jingyao glanced at Ye Yun, then turned to the two doctors and said:
"Let's go! My dad is there, I will explain to him!"

Ever since she saw the scene where Ye Yun defeated Qi Canghai, He Jingyao had been deeply impressed by Ye Yun in her heart.

This extremely handsome man, his every move, every word and deed, can make people sincerely believe.

The two doctors had no choice but to sigh and leave with the first aid kit.

He Jingyao said: "Ye Yun, since you said Xuewei will be fine, then you must have a way to save her, right?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly: "Yes."

He Jingyao said happily: "Then you should do it quickly! Xuewei is so cold that she is almost speechless."

Ye Yun shook his head: "Now is not the time."

He stepped forward, looked at Luo Xuewei calmly and asked, "Can you still hold on?"


Luo Xuewei's long eyelashes were already covered in frost, she was as beautiful as an ice sculpture, with an indescribable beauty.

"Don't worry... I can... persevere!"

She tried her best to squeeze out a smile, and that smile, like the bright winter sun, was about to melt all the ice and snow.

"Papa, why are you waiting?" Yaya asked curiously.

Ye Yun said with a smile: "Honey, you'll find out after a while."

As soon as the voice fell, a figure flashed in at the door.

A hunched body, an old woman who looked seven or eighty years old walked in.

Don't look at her gray hair, she looks old, but her steps are light and strong, and she came to Luo Xuewei's side within two steps.

She took a careful look at Luo Xuewei, revealing a sly smile.

He Jingyao felt that the old woman was very strange, so she asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The old woman did not answer, but asked instead: "This girl is seriously ill, do you want to cure it?"

He Jingyao nodded: "Of course!"

The old woman had a gentle smile on her face: "Then you all go out, and I can make her stand in front of you in five minutes at most."

He Jingyao asked suspiciously, "Really?"

The old woman nodded again and again with a benevolent look: "Of course! Grandma will still lie to you!"

She pulled He Jingyao and Liu Yina up: "Get out, get out! Grandma, I will definitely cure her!"

He Jingyao looked at Ye Yun suspiciously: "Can I really go out?"

Ye Yun smiled and nodded: "Yes, take Yaya out too."

Hearing what Ye Yun said, He Jingyao and the others had no choice but to follow suit.

Seeing only Ye Yun standing there, the kindness in the old woman's eyes was swept away, and a sharp chill flashed instead:

"Young man, why don't you go?"

Ye Yun said lightly: "I want to see how you will harm her, of course I can't leave."

"You!" The old woman's eyes were cold, and her tone was a little threatening: "Have you seen her symptoms?"

Ye Yun sneered: "Otherwise what do you think?"

"Then I can't keep you!" The old woman suddenly opened her eyes wide, full of killing intent.

She raised her hands, and suddenly two white rays of light shone in her palms, and the air in the private room dropped by more than ten degrees.

"Get down!"

Ye Yun didn't make any movements at all, only gave a cold drink.

The old woman froze immediately, slap!He fell to the ground with a loud bang.

It was as if the body was being held down by a hill, unable to move at all.

"!" The old woman raised her head in horror, "Could it be that your strength is a master at the peak of internal energy?"

Ye Yun didn't answer, but asked instead: "Why did you give her the Ice Silk Silkworm Gu?"

From the very first glance, he could tell that Luo Xuewei had been bewitched.

This kind of Gu worm is called Ice Silk Silkworm.

Once it enters the human body, tens of thousands of ice silk nets will form, covering the eight meridians of the human body, making people extremely cold.

The old woman's eyes trembled: "You can also see this?"

Ye Yun's eyes were cold: "You just need to answer my questions, my patience is limited."

The old woman was frightened by his eyes, her heart trembled wildly, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said:
"I want to use her body to cultivate a top-quality golden silkworm!"

"This girl's body is the only body of the Nine Yins I have ever seen, and it is a match made in heaven with the ice silk silkworm!"

"That's why I secretly implanted the silkworm into her body, followed her all the way, and came in to take the silkworm when she had an attack."

"The abacus is good." Ye Yun sneered, walked directly towards Luo Xuewei, and stretched out his right hand towards her.

"You... what are you going to do? Save her?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the old woman's eyes.

"Do you think you can save her because of your advanced cultivation? Let me tell you, although you can tell that she has been poisoned by the ice silk silkworm's Gu."

"But my ice silk silkworm is the king among silkworms. Once it enters the human body, it cannot be taken out. Unless you kill that person, or come to beg me!"

"If you want to do it yourself now, instead of saving her, you will harm her!"

Ye Yun looked at the old woman Le playfully: "Really?"

"If you don't believe me, try it! Do you think you can kill the zombie silkworm by injecting true energy into her body? You are so naive!"

"As long as you dare to do it, I guarantee you will regret it, hahaha!"

The old woman laughed wildly, with a very disdainful laugh.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled: "Who said I want to kill the silkworm?"

The old woman's pupils shrank: "Then you are?"

Next, she saw a scene that shocked her immensely.

Ye Yun turned his right hand over and hooked his fingers lightly, and Luo Xuewei's body emitted countless snow-white icy air.

The icy air quickly gathered together, turning into a pure white ice silkworm the size of a thumb.

"Ah! This, how is this possible!"

The old woman was so frightened that she wanted to tear her eyes apart.

Once the ice silk silkworm enters the human body, it cannot be taken out after forming an ice net!
Unless, unless in that way!

But this man hooked his fingers, and the silkworm obediently ran out.

Is this an international joke? !

However, something that shocked the old woman even more has not happened yet.

The ice-silk silkworm unexpectedly flew towards her quickly, and then got into her body.

Chi Chi!

The sound of freezing sounded.

The old woman's whole body was instantly white.

 Thank you for the 297 rewards that are so cool and sad~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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