Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 136 I don't like people threatening me! [23, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 136 I don't like people threatening me! [23, please recommend and reward]

"Ah! You! You... unexpectedly..."

The old woman's body was enveloped by the extremely cold breath, and it became more and more difficult to speak.

She never imagined that this man not only easily took the ice silk silkworm out of Luo Xuewei's body, but also made the silkworm bite back at her.

Now, as a gu person, I was backlashed by the gu!
There is nothing more absurd in the world than this!

"Damn boy! You damn... ah!"

The old woman's face was instantly covered with a thick layer of frost.

What frightened her was that the current cold air of Bingsi Silkworm was more than twice as severe as before!
Even a fool can think of it, it's the credit of this extremely handsome man in front of him.

But how did he do it?
"Is he from the main altar?"

The old woman was full of doubts.

She immediately shook her head secretly: "Impossible! If there is such a young talent in the general altar, how could I not know about it!"

"Who is he?"

The old woman was almost speechless and could only look at Ye Yun with doubtful eyes.

At the same time, she tried her best to move her hands behind her waist, below her waist.

I want to use that humiliating method to take out the zombie silkworm.

But, helplessly, her body was soon completely frozen, leaving only the strength to breathe.

Ye Yun didn't even look at her, and smiled contemptuously:
"You don't need to waste your time, you will never take out this ice silkworm."

Luo Xuewei got up from the sofa, looked at Ye Yun shyly, and said with a smile: "Ye Yun, thank you!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly: "You are welcome, my daughter regards you as a good friend, so I will naturally do my best to save you."

Luo Xuewei's eyes dimmed, and she didn't know where she got the courage to ask suddenly:
"Is it just because I'm Yaya's friend?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

He then asked: "By the way, this old woman, if I'm not mistaken, should be from southern Xinjiang. Why did you get involved with her?"

Luo Xuewei glanced at the old woman with some resentment, and said:
"I met her begging at the airport, so I went up to give her some money and things. Unexpectedly, at that moment, she took the opportunity to lay a voodoo in my body."

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "Not everyone in this world needs the kindness of others."

Luo Xuewei's eyes flickered, as if she saw a different kind of temperament in this man, she was slightly moved and said:
"Yes, but I won't change myself because of her."

Ye Yun nodded: "Well, so I can rest assured that Yaya will be your friend."

Luo Xuewei bit her cherry lips lightly, her eyes dimmed again.

For some reason, when I hear the word "friend", I always have a bitter taste in my heart.

"Aunt Xuewei, hello!"

Yaya and He Jingyao walked in.

Yaya happily came to Luo Xuewei, walked around her twice, and said:

"Aunt Xuewei, squat down."

Luo Xuewei squatted down, Yaya walked around her twice, and then said with a long breath:

"Aunt Xuewei, you are fine, I am relieved!"

Luo Xuewei hugged Yaya and said emotionally:

"Yaya, I didn't expect you to care so much about Aunt Xuewei! I'm so touched!"

Yaya nodded, her big eyes narrowed slightly:

"Yeah, I also want to say, Papa is really annoying! Not even a single hair of yours was hurt!"

Luo Xuewei gently pinched Yaya's little nose: "Okay, so you still want to praise your papa!"

Yaya raised her chin slightly and said proudly:

"Aunt Xuewei needs to care about it, and Papa needs to praise it! It's said on TV that if you grab it with both hands, you need to be firm with both hands!"

"Is this sentence still understandable?"

"Baby, you are so talented! Hahaha!"

Luo Xuewei and He Jingyao were directly amused by her.

When the old woman saw everyone happy, her heart was already burning with anger. She suppressed the pain and begged:

"Young man... please... let me go!"

"I'm from Southern Xinjiang... from the Flower Poison Sect... There are many... from us."

"You let me go...or you will...get into trouble...your upper body!"

Ye Yun glanced at her indifferently: "I don't like others threatening me."

He turned around and glanced at Yaya, his eyes were full of gentleness:

"Honey, you stay here with Aunt Xuewei and the others, and Papa will pick you up later."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the private room with the old woman in his arms, and at the same time set up a huge formation outside the entire Chunjiang Huayue KTV.

As long as there is any trouble, he can detect it immediately and eliminate the danger.

In the corridor, he disappeared as a ray of light, and when he reappeared, he was already on the roof of another tall building.

He said lightly: "Take me to your lair."

The old woman looked at him in horror: "What... are you going to do?"

Ye Yun smiled slightly: "You hurt my daughter's friend and made her worry, I will definitely not let you go! Since your people want revenge, I will kill them all!"


The old woman suddenly sneered twice, "We have... there is a Grandmaster of Transformation Realm sitting in the go purely to court death!"

With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, the ice on the old woman's body was instantly reduced by half. Ye Yun frowned and said:
"I don't like to listen to people's nonsense, and I don't like to listen to your intermittent nonsense!"

"Now, you take me there!"

An invisible pressure enveloped the entire roof, as if it could crush the entire building.

The old woman was so frightened that her body trembled: "I will take you there, but you will let me go!"

Ye Yun sneered: "Do you still have room to bargain with me?"

After he finished speaking, the icy silkworm hidden in the old woman's body released more powerful icy air again, but this icy air did not freeze her body.

It was like a pair of ice knives, cutting her internal organs, making her miserable.

"I'll take you! I'll take you! Please don't do this!"

The old woman screamed.

Ye Yun immediately dispelled half of the icy energy in her body, and then carried her to the headquarters of Jiangcheng Flower Poison Sect.

Soon, the two came to a courtyard in the southwestern suburb of Jiangcheng.

The yard sits on a hill surrounded by woods and looks rather remote.


The old woman pointed to the yard in front of her.

She sneered and said, "Young man, don't pretend to be great! Not only do we have a transformation master here, but there is also a huge Heavenly Fiend Poison Formation outside."

"Even a Transformation Realm Grandmaster can't break it easily. I guess you are just a cultivation base of the peak of internal strength. Although you are a genius, if you want to break this formation, you are just looking for death!"

Seeing that Ye Yun didn't speak, she continued:

"I think you're young and talented, so I'm telling you this. How about you let me go now and leave, and we'll never mess with each other again?"

Ye Yun gave her a cold look, then waved his hand.

Outside the courtyard, a huge formation really appeared.

The inside of the formation is full of green smoke, which looks extremely poisonous.

"Are you really going to force your way in?!" the old woman exclaimed in surprise.

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: "Why do you have to break through this kind of broken formation?"

With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind blew up, directly blowing away the poisonous barrier formation of Tiansha without a trace.

"This... disappears with a wave of your hand?!"

The old woman was stunned.

In her impression, this formation is ranked among the top three formations in the Flower Poison Sect!

Even if a Transformation Realm Grandmaster wanted to forcibly break through, he might be doomed if he was not careful.

But now, this handsome man broke through such a large formation with a wave of his hand.

Are you joking?
"So you are an unfathomable master! I really underestimate you!"

"Please forgive me, I promise I will never come to Middle-earth again!"

The old woman was almost frightened.

Ye Yun's eyes were cold: "You have said enough."

After finishing speaking, he threw it away and threw the old woman into the Arctic Ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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