Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 146 The Boss Said, Or Leave No Trouble!

Chapter 146 The Boss Said, Or Leave No Trouble!

At this moment, Xiao Huang was shopping with Chen Yajing in the department store in Zhonghai.

He was holding more than a dozen shopping bags in both hands, and there was even a big bag hanging around his neck, all of which were shoes, bags, clothes and accessories.

"Oh my god, this Chinese woman is too crazy to shop!"

Xiao Huang has been shopping with Chen Yajing for more than two hours.

Although he was not tired, seeing Chen Yajing getting more and more energetic, even he, the Zijin Dragon Emperor who had lived for billions of years, felt a little shocked.

After hearing Ye Yun's voice transmission, Xiao Huang stopped immediately and said to Chen Yajing:

"Honey, we can't go shopping!"

Chen Yajing turned her head, flicked her sunglasses, and stared at Xiao Huang with those beautiful eyes:

"Why don't you go shopping all of a sudden?"

"Didn't you promise me last night that it's okay to go shopping with me all day?"

Xiao Huang got goosebumps from seeing her eyes, this feeling was unprecedented.

Back when he was naked and faced more than a dozen female dragons at the same time, he didn't have such a feeling.

"God! I suddenly realized that I underestimated Chinese women!"

"They are the number one in the universe when they are coquettish, the number one in the universe when they are cute, and the most beautiful in the universe when they are angry. They are really irresistible! I won't fall here, will I?"

"Impossible! Impossible! I am the ancestor of the dragon, hold on!"

Xiao Huang's heart suddenly skipped a beat, a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

On the surface, he said with a smile: "My boss asked me to do a very important thing!"

Chen Yajing stomped her feet lightly, and said coquettishly:
"What is more important than me? Didn't you say last night that I am the most important thing in the universe?"

Xiao Huang smiled helplessly: "At that time, I was so distracted, I don't even remember what I said."

Suddenly feeling a cold killing intent, he quickly changed the subject and said:

"By the way, I'm going to Luo Xuewei's place now, why don't you go too, it doesn't count as me leaving you alone!"


Chen Yajing and Luo Xuewei have a very good relationship. I heard that she has opened the Luo family in Jiangcheng, so I want to visit it too.

She took out her mobile phone: "Then I will book a ticket now!"

"Need not!"

Xiao Huang shook her head and smiled, and pulled her to a place where no one was around, "Close your eyes, we'll be there soon!"

Before Chen Yajing could react, the two of them turned into a golden light and disappeared.

An air wave exploded.

The black light passed through Bai Zhanyun's body like a sharp sword, and slammed him backwards.

"Ah~ uh!"

Bai Zhanyun had been forced to the gate of the courtyard, his body was already shaking, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Bei stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Bai Zhanyun proudly:
"You are the strongest person in China, right? Unexpectedly, you are still so weak!"

"Originally, I thought that after unifying Jiangbei Province, we would have to wait a little longer to swallow your Huaxia."

"Of course, now, I don't think it's necessary!"

In just half an hour, the two have played more than 18 rounds.

From being evenly matched at the beginning, Lin Bei gained the upper hand later.

Bai Zhanyun, the legend of Chinese martial arts, has already shown signs of decay.

Behind Lin Bei, the eyes of Luo Xuewei, Han Jinlong and others were trembling.

Lin Bei is too strong!
Unbelievably strong!
They never thought that Bai Zhanyun, a majestic innate master with a lifespan of 166 years, would be beaten so helplessly by Lin Bei.

Judging from the situation, within fifty rounds, Bai Zhanyun might be seriously injured.

"Terrible! It's really terrible!"

"If even Senior White can't stand against him, there are not many people in this world who can hold him down!"

Han Jinlong's heart was trembling.

Just standing there, Lin Beiguang made him, the master of transformation, feel the despair of death.

He didn't dare to imagine, if even Bai Zhanyun was killed, what a tragic scene it would be in China, and even the whole world.

Luo Xuewei clasped her hands tightly, and there was already a trace of cold sweat on her palms.

She frowned and said, "Grandpa Bai, come on!"

"Hey, it's useless to refuel! Anyone can see that the old man is no longer the master's opponent!"

Lei Xuhao looked at Luo Xuewei proudly, "Patriarch Luo, those who know the current affairs are heroes, before the master kills the old man, you still have a chance to surrender at his feet!"

Luo Xuewei gave Lei Xuhao a disgusted look, raised her head and said:
"Even if Grandpa Bai loses, we will fight him to the end, not as weak as your knees!"


Lei Xuhao yelled angrily, and then showed a ferocious smile: "You just have to be stubborn! Wait a while, I promise you will cry and beg for mercy on your knees!"

"Hey, don't talk so crazy!"

Suddenly a voice sounded in mid-air, and Xiao Huang appeared in front of everyone with Chen Yajing.

Xiao Huang looked at Lei Xuhao with a smile: "I bet you will be the ones kneeling down and begging for mercy in a minute!"

Lei Xuhao frowned: "Who are you?"

Xiao Huang's appearance was so strange that even Bai Zhanyun and Lin Bei didn't notice it, which made Lei Xuhao instinctively feel a little dangerous.

Xiao Huang tilted his head, grinned, showing his white teeth and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and waved to Lin Bei: "Are you that devil emperor?"

Lin Bei's eyes were cold, and he stared at Xiao Huang with murderous intent:

"I am Lin Bei, the Demon Emperor of the Starry Sky, boy, do you want to stand up for them?"


Xiao Huang nodded and gave a nasty laugh, and suddenly his eyes lit up:
"The Star Devil Emperor?"

"Oh, that's right! I once told a demon general of the Demon Race that I want to roast you, why don't you come to my mouth now!"

"You... what did you say?!"

Lin Bei was shocked. He felt that when this young man with a hippie smile was speaking, an indescribable force enveloped him instantly.

Let him feel boundless fear from the bottom of his heart!
Xiao Huang grinned and said: "Boss said that there will be no future troubles, so eating you is the real way to never leave future troubles!"

He just pouted his lips slightly.

Then, he saw a black light in Lin Bei, which was swallowed by him.

Star Devil Emperor!

Lin Bei!

At this moment, the remaining seven lives were completely absorbed by Xiao Huang, and became a meager spiritual energy in his body.


Seeing this, Luo Xuewei, Han Jinlong, Chen Yajing, Bai Zhanyun, Lei Xuhao and the others all opened their mouths wide and were stunned for a moment.

The omnipotent and seemingly invincible Devil Emperor Lin Bei just now was dealt with by Xiao Huang.

Such an understatement!

So calm and breezy!

This, is this a joke? !

Everyone feels that their brains are not enough.

Bai Zhanyun sat down on the threshold, looking at Xiao Huang in awe:

"The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome! Where did this little baby come from, to be so strong?"

"I, Huaxia, have never heard of such a strong person!"

Han Jinlong was trembling with excitement:

"Invincible! This is truly invincible! The most correct thing I, Han Jinlong, has done in my life is to join Patriarch Luo!"

"Patriarch Luo has such a friend to help, China will be invincible in the future, no! The world is invincible!"



A series of voices sounded.

Lei Xuhao and others, a large group of half-step transformation masters, all knelt on the ground with their legs limp, and their expressions were mournful.

"Senior! Senior, please spare your life! We were all coerced by Lin Bei, so we had no choice but to come here!"

Xiao Huang looked at them contemptuously, and waved his hand to kill them all.

Luo Xuewei raised her hand and said: "Let's save their lives, just abolish their cultivation."

She thought about it, the Luo family had just been established in Jiangcheng, and the way to treat people was to show both kindness and majesty.

Now that Lin Bei has been eliminated and their cultivation has been abolished, this group of small fish and shrimp will not be able to make any waves in the future.

Xiao Huang nodded indifferently: "Okay."

With a wave of his hand, all the cultivation bases of Lei Xuhao and the others were abolished, and he scolded: "Get out."

After Lei Xuhao and the others left, he walked up to Luo Xuewei with a smile: "Miss Luo, I'm shocked!"

Luo Xuewei was overjoyed, she knew that Xiao Huang was very strong, but she never thought that she would be so strong.

She nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Huang Long!"

Xiao Huang chuckled and said, "You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank, please thank my boss!"


Luo Xuewei nodded with a smile, Xiao Huang is so strong, she should respect that man as her elder brother and listen to him.

Then he...

Thinking that the person in her heart is so powerful, she felt an indescribable sweetness in her heart.

When I was a child, I had countless fantasies.

My man will come to see me one day wearing a golden holy armor and stepping on colorful auspicious clouds.

He is arrogant and arrogant, arrogant to the world!


That lucky woman, in the end, wasn't me.

However, I can see your peerless demeanor.

That's enough!

Luo Xuewei raised her eyes and gazed affectionately at that cloud in the sky.

But Bai Zhanyun, Han Jinlong and others couldn't help swallowing when they heard Xiao Huang mention Ye Yun.

The person in front of him is already invincible, so how strong will his boss be?
Is the universe invincible? !

(End of this chapter)

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