Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 147 Just Be Your Master Chef!

Chapter 147 Just Be Your Master Chef!
Under Ye Yun's secret operation.

The situation in Jiangcheng, including Beihuai City and Qianyang City in the north of Jiangbei Province, also quickly stabilized.

Luo Xuewei was appointed as the head of the Luo family, and she was in charge of the two big families of Han and Li in Jiangcheng, becoming the fourth giant family in Jiangbei Province.

Proud of the heroes.

In addition to the Murong family, the other two big families, the Jin family in Sucheng and the Shui family in Linyun, were all shocked by the appearance of the Luo family.

But they did not respond, but quickly downplayed the matter.

Jin Shengyuan and Shui Jianyu took their children and continued to live a life of recklessness.

They have already set the Murong family and the Luo family as their targets, and vowed to, like these two families, set off a huge wave in Jiangbei Province in the near future.

Time flies by in this undercurrent.

In a blink of an eye, it's the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

Because it is a statutory holiday, about 85% of the entire Murong family's properties are closed.

Murong Yan also gained valuable rest time.



Murong Yan and Yaya, beauties of one size and one size, both slept in on the first day of the long vacation.

The two of them were sitting on the bed stretching at the same time, they were in a cute state!

"Wife, baby, you are all awake!"

Ye Yun wore an apron, ran upstairs with a smile, and stood at the door looking at his two most beloved people.

Yaya twitched her little nose, opened her eyes wide and said:
"It smells like oil! Papa, what are you doing?"

Ye Yun smiled and said: "I fried two poached eggs for you, and I'll heat you two cups of milk later, as well as a bag of toast and two bowls of porridge."

"Wow, so much!"

Yaya couldn't help licking her lips, looking like a little greedy cat.

Murong Yan was wearing a pink nightgown, with slightly messy hair draped over her shoulders, coupled with her exquisite face, she looked quite lazy.

There is a saying.

In a moment, the sun shines on the rouge cheeks, and a red sorrel is about to melt.

It's so beautiful it's unbelievably beautiful.

She stared at Ye Yun affectionately and said: "Ye Yun, it's a holiday now, you don't have to work so hard!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all!"

"You know what is the most fulfilling thing for me?"

Murong Yan thought for a while: "Cooking?"

Ye Yun shook his head slightly: "You guessed half right."

"For me, the happiest and most fulfilling thing is to see the happy and satisfied expressions on your faces when you eat the food I cook."

Murong Yan smiled and said: "Ye Yun, I found that although you are a martial artist, you have the heart to be a chef!"

She rolled her dark eyes, and said with a playful smile: "Why don't you start your career as a cook and become a master chef in the future!"

"God of Cooking? Forget it!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled lightly.

The oldest chef god in China is Yi Yin.

After being recruited by Shang Tang, he learned the principle of governing a country from cooking, that is, governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and passed it on to Shang Tang.

After Zhushangtang unified the world, he started his career as a cook and became a real chef.

Later, he entered the Wuji God Realm and became the chef of a family in the Southern God Realm.

Ye Yun once ate his dishes when he was in Nanshenjing, and found that although the taste of his dishes was good, they always felt that they lacked a little taste.

Later, he suddenly realized that there was a lack of human touch in Yi Yin's dishes.

The reason is that after Yi Yin became a chef, he lost the enthusiasm he had at the beginning when cooking.

The dishes produced in this way are of course relatively dull and cannot move people's hearts.

After Yi Yin learned of her shortcomings, she devoted herself to reforming and finally made a delicacy that shocked the whole Nanshen Realm.

So according to this calculation, Ye Yun can be regarded as the mentor of God of Cooking.

Even if he is not the Supreme God of Killing, asking him to be the God of Cooking would still lower his status!
Murong Yan didn't know about Ye Yun's experience, and thought that it was impossible for Ye Yun to achieve the God of Cooking, so she comforted her with a smile:
"Well, you can't be a real chef, it's enough for you to be me and Yaya's chef!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Okay! I'll just be your chef!"

One breakfast was spent in the laughter of a family of three.

After the meal, Murong Yan and Yaya were lying on the table, big eyes to small eyes, Murong Yan asked:

"Yaya, where do you want to go for the holiday? Park? Playground? Suburbs?"

Yaya thought for a while and said, "The teacher said, after the holiday, let us tell our classmates where we have been, so I want to travel."

"Travel? Yes!"

Murong Yan nodded immediately, "Then baby, where do you want to travel?"

Yaya thought about it again, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the news broadcast on TV, so she pointed at the screen:

"Just look at that clock!"

Murong Yan turned her head and said with a smile, "You want to go to England to see Big Ben?"


Ya Ya nodded.

"it is good!"

Murong Yan immediately nodded and agreed, "Ma Ma will take you to see Big Ben, and when you go to school, tell your classmates well!"

"Yeah! Love shit is numb!"

Yaya hugged Murong Yan's face and kissed her hard.

Murong Yan then came to the door of the kitchen, and looked at the busy figure inside with tender eyes: "Ye Yun, let's go to England for a trip!"


Ye Yun smiled and nodded, "We'll set off after I clean up these things!"

To travel is to leave as soon as you say!

The family of three arrived at Jincheng International Airport soon.

Today's Ye Yun is wearing a black suit, his hair is combed glossy, and he is wearing a pair of sunglasses. He has a fair face, exquisite facial features, and a perfect figure.

As for Murong Yan, wearing a gray chiffon shirt on her upper body, tight leather pants on her lower body, and a pair of [-]cm high heels, she exuded a queen-like aura from top to bottom.

As for Yaya, she was wearing a pink princess dress, her hair was coiled up by Murong Yan, and she was wearing a laurel wreath. No matter from which angle you looked at it, she looked like a cute little princess.

Both mother and daughter also wear glasses.

Murong Yan wears sunglasses, while Yaya wears pink rimless glasses.

Such a family of three appeared in the crowd, and the aura was so powerful that it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, where does this family of three come from? This beauty is so high!"

"The man is really handsome! Look at that tall nose bridge, with the knife-like lines, it can't be some big star going to the airport for a catwalk, right?"

"No! Our first-tier male stars in China are not so handsome! And the woman next to him is much more beautiful than the first-tier female stars in China!"

"Such a beautiful woman, could it be the daughter of our Jincheng Murong family?"

"Yes! It must be her! I've always heard that Murong's family has twin sisters, but I didn't expect them to be so beautiful! And her husband is so handsome!"

"I'll go! With such a high appearance and such a strong aura, God is too partial to them!"


Where there is envy, there is jealousy.

Amidst all the discussions, Ye Yun and Murong Yan walked into the airport hall calmly with Yaya.

"Hey, isn't this the young master of the Ye family?"

Suddenly, a man's voice came from behind Ye Yun.

Turning around, I saw a young man in his 20s hugging a beautiful woman of about the same age, looking at Ye Yun with a smile.

"It really is you, just now I heard outsiders talking about you, I thought it was some big star coming to the catwalk!"

(End of this chapter)

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