Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 149 So Vicious!

Chapter 149 So Vicious!

After Ye Yun and the others boarded the plane, they sat in the first class cabin.

Chu Yufei and Jiang Yan also followed in.

Both of them were wet, obviously they had washed their bodies with water just now.

But because Chu Yufei vomited too much, there was still a faint sour smell from their bodies, which forced the people next to them to turn their heads away in disgust.

The eyes of the two of them looking at Ye Yun were full of fear and apprehension.

Especially Chu Yufei, no longer had the look of contempt and complacency before.

He was frightened by Ye Yun's move just now!

The plane took off quickly, flew over the East China Sea from Jincheng, and came to the sky above the high seas.

Suddenly, a rough voice sounded.

"Sit there and don't move. If anyone dares to stand up, I will blow his head off!!"

A white man, five black men, and a yellow-skinned man stood up at the same time.

They took out a large number of parts from the special suitcase, and quickly assembled four pistols and an AK submachine gun.

"Scorpion, Cobra, you go to control the first class!"

"Ostrich, go check if there is anyone in the warehouse, and everyone else should disperse!"

The yellow-skinned man was called Watanabe Ichiro, with a sullen look on his face, he directed the white ostrich and the black scorpion to their respective positions.

The black scorpion and cobra kicked the door of the first-class cabin, held a pistol and looked at everyone, and the scorpion roared:

"Everyone sits down, whoever dares to touch me will let you die!"

Although they are all foreigners, they speak Mandarin relatively neatly, and they seem to have stayed in China for a long time.

Murong Yan frowned: "A robbery on a plane? Are you so mentally handicapped?"

Ye Yun shook his head slightly and smiled, "It doesn't look like a robbery, just wait and see."

Yaya opened her eyes curiously, looking at Scorpion and the others.

It was the first time for the little girl to fly on a plane, and it was also the first time that she encountered such a thing on a plane.

She wanted to study clearly what happened now.

Ichiro Watanabe walked towards the first class from one end of the economy class, and glanced at everyone coldly:

"I know that among you, there is a network of agents. I want you to stand up now, or I will kill one person every minute!"

The ostrich immediately pulled up a middle-aged man from the seat, and put the gun to his temple.

"Let him go!"

A young man in a white T-shirt stood up and stared at Ichiro Watanabe coldly.

"very good!"

Ichiro Watanabe showed a smug smile, "Call your chief now and ask him to release our leader, otherwise, I will let everyone on this plane be buried with him!"

The man in the white T-shirt was named Liu Zhe, a middle-level agent in the Jiangbei District of Tianluowang, who was mainly responsible for surveillance tasks.

He didn't expect that Watanabe Ichiro and the others would fight the headquarters for their leader.

"Our commander will not agree to your request, and you don't want to harm the person on this plane!"

"Because I have sent out a distress signal just now, and the rescue helicopter will arrive in less than a minute!"

Liu Zhe looked at Ichiro Watanabe contemptuously.

"So you're not going to listen to me?"

Ichiro Watanabe's eyes turned cold, he waved his hand and said, "Black Bear, kill him!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a white light flashed, bringing out a trace of scarlet blood.

A black man appeared ghostly behind Liu Zhe and stabbed him through the heart.

Ichiro Watanabe smiled proudly: "How can a mere Chinese martial artist be the opponent of the King of African Soldiers?"

"What bullshit warriors! Huaxia people are really weak!"

"The signboard of the sick man in East Asia for so many years, I can't take it off! Hehe!"

The black bear licked the blood on the blade with a look of disdain.

Ichiro Watanabe bent down, took out a mobile phone from Liu Zhe, and found the phone number of Jiangbei District Headquarters.

He dialed the phone and said arrogantly:
"I give you five minutes to send my leader to the northern pier of Jincheng. If you don't see his people by then, I will kill two people in half a minute!"

After speaking, he snapped!He hung up the phone with a bang, and scanned everyone with a ferocious look.

Hearing his words, all the passengers in the cabin let out screams of panic.

For a while, there were cries of fear and pleading one after another.

"Quiet me all!"

Ichiro Watanabe roared in a low voice, and an invisible air wave exploded in the cabin, almost shattering the windows.

Everyone, under his roar, shrank together in fright, trembling.

"Terrible! These people are really terrible!"

Someone wept softly.

Driven by this emotion, many people also sobbed in low voices, their voices full of fear of death.

Chu Yufei and Jiang Yan squatted in front of the seat and hugged each other, both of them had expressions of fear in their eyes.

Jiang Yan's eyes were red, and she asked in a low voice, "Yufei, what should we do?"

Chu Yufei said in a trembling voice: "We can only wait now! Just wait for the rescue plane to arrive!"

"It's useless!"

Jiang Yan shook her head, "They are all masters of martial arts. You can see that all the spies in the net are easily killed by them. These people are not easy to deal with! I'm so scared!"

"I'm afraid I won't see my parents! I'm afraid of death! Woooooo..."

The more Jiang Yan spoke, the more excited she became, her body trembling while hiding in Chu Yufei's arms.

Three Huaxia Zhi-10 armed helicopters quickly approached the passenger plane, blocking the left, right and back of the passenger plane.

Watanabe Ichiro glanced out of the window contemptuously, and said with a sneer, "These scraps of metal also want to interrupt my plan?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hands.


Two streams of true energy invisible to the naked eye spewed out from his palm, directly passed through the cabins on both sides, and hit the helicopter.

Then came two loud bangs.

Two Huaxia Zhi-10 helicopters were knocked 300 meters away by true energy, and they were instantly blown into powder.

Ichiro Watanabe was extremely proud. He waved his hand again, and an invisible air wave passed through the tail, blowing the last helicopter into powder.

"Hahaha, the Huaxia Zhi-10 claims to be the most advanced armed helicopter in the world, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable!"

Black Bear clasped his hands on his chest, shook his head and sneered.

Scorpion and the others also looked disdainful.

They are all retired special forces, and they are the kings of special forces!

They come from Europe and Africa and have seen countless battles.

So not to mention martial arts masters like Ichiro Watanabe, even they would not put three helicopters in their eyes.

Ichiro Watanabe looked at his watch and said with a sneer, "The 5-minute deadline is almost up, I'm going to start killing people!"

He pointed to the first-class cabin: "Let's start there!"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the first-class cabin let out an exclamation.

"No! Don't kill us! Please!"

Someone made a desperate plea.

Jiang Yan was so frightened that she almost fainted. She grabbed Chu Yufei's arm so tightly that her nails almost dug into his flesh.

"Yufei, I don't want to die!"

"Yufei, think of a way to save me! I'm your girlfriend, you said you would protect me for the rest of your life!"

Chu Yufei was driven almost mad by her. Facing Ichiro Watanabe and other criminals, what can he do as an ordinary person?

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Ye Yun with a calm face, and an extremely vicious thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Yufei, have you thought of a way? Save me quickly! Save me quickly!"

Jiang Yan noticed that Chu Yufei's expression was strange, and immediately shook him desperately.

"Damn, if you dare to embarrass me, I will let you die!"

Chu Yufei gritted his teeth, stood up, pointed to Ye Yun and said loudly:

"They are members of the Murong family in Jincheng. The Murong family is the largest family in Jincheng. Taking them as hostages is more useful than all of us here!"

When he roared like this, everyone's eyes immediately gathered and fell on Ye Yun and Murong Yanya.

Seeing this, Ye Yun immediately opened his pupils.

A boundless cold air spread outside the cabin, directly freezing all the clouds in a radius of ten miles.


Then, a bloody light emerged.

The black bear pierced Chu Yufei's throat with a knife, killing him to death.

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(End of this chapter)

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