Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 150 Damn you humble nation!

Chapter 150 Damn you humble nation!


The black bear that killed Chu Yufei opened its eyes and mouth wide at the same time, looking dumbfounded.

Everyone saw the puzzled look of "who am I, where am I, and what am I doing" in his eyes.

Not only him, but even Ichiro Watanabe, Ostrich and others all looked confused.

Hei Xiong was standing in the economy class ten meters away from Chu Yufei just now, why did he get behind him in an instant and kill him?
This speed is astonishingly fast!
You know, ostriches are also the kings of special forces, and they can lock any details that happen within 0.3 seconds with just the naked eye.

But just now, they didn't notice the black bear's movement.

He is so fast!
Unbelievably fast!

Let these European and American soldier kings be unable to follow!

Ichiro Watanabe stared at the black bear viciously, and a thick qi enveloped the black bear:

"Baga! Bastard! What the hell are you doing? Do you want to obey my orders?"

The black bear was so frightened by his strong shock that he shook his head quickly:

"Oh no, boss! I just... I just... I don't know why, my body seems to be out of control!"

He was also wronged.

As the King of Special Forces, he once served in the Tusk Special Forces in Congo, South Africa.

Participated in many peacekeeping missions in South Africa and North Africa, and personally experienced countless murders.

But never once, even the most dangerous situation, did not make him feel so shocked.

Because just now, he discovered that he was controlled by a mysterious force.

With this power, he was as fast as lightning, and his shots were like thunder!
Killing is only in an instant!

He asked himself, even if he trained for another 100 years, he would never reach this speed.

"God, I don't know what happened just now!"

Black Bear shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly.

Murong Yan stared at the black bear with beautiful eyes, then suddenly turned her head and asked, "Ye Yun, is that you?"

Ye Yun saw that she had guessed it, so he nodded without thinking:

"Yes. I used a small deception technique to deceive this black special soldier, so he shot and killed Chu Yufei."

There was a hint of shock in Murong Yan's eyes, but her expression was still calm.

At the most critical moment, Chu Yufei wanted to drag their family out to die, so he deserved to die!

Ye Yun turned his face to the side and glanced at Murong Yan, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He kills without much reason.

But in front of Murong Yan, in front of his beloved wife, he needs to convince his wife.

Chu Yufei wanted to harm his family members. His heart was so vicious that he must die!
Ye Yun said that he just used a small obfuscation technique.

Firstly, Murong Yan won't feel that she is too scary.

After all, Black Bear is the King of Special Forces, if he says he can manipulate him to kill people from a distance, I'm afraid he will frighten this girl.

Secondly, Chu Yufei was killed logically.

There is no more perfect reason than this!
Murong Yan also turned her head, put her little hand in Ye Yun's palm, and clasped her fingers tightly.

Staring at him tenderly, there was a sense of dependence and security in his eyes.

Ichiro Watanabe glanced at Ye Yun, and then walked towards this side.

At the same time, special forces kings such as Scorpion, Cobra, and Black Bear also slowly approached Ye Yun.

Ichiro Watanabe narrowed his eyes, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Jincheng's Murong family? Yexi! I've been in Jincheng for five years, and I've heard that the Murong family is the biggest."

"I didn't expect that God gave me such a big gift today!"

Murong Yan put her arms around Yaya, telling her not to look up and just look at the tablet.

Then he turned his head, smiled softly at Ye Yun, and patted the back of his hand with his little hand a few times.

Ye Yun nodded with a smile, and smiled at his beloved, without saying anything.

You don't need a thousand words, just a look, you can understand each other's meaning.

At this moment, with the enemy at hand, there was only one thing Ye Yun had to do.

That is……

kill! !
Ichiro Watanabe walked two meters in front of Ye Yun, took out Liu Zhe's phone and said:

"I want you to call Skynet headquarters right now and beg them to release my leader."

Hei Xiong took the phone, handed it to Ye Yun, and asked Ichiro Watanabe: "Boss, will they agree?"

Ichiro Watanabe grinned and said, "If you don't agree, I'll cut off the man's head, and then...hehehe!"

He stared at Murong Yan with lewd eyes, every inch of muscle on his face showed how hungry he was.

"If they really dare not agree! When the time comes, the news of Murong's man being killed and the woman being raped will appear in the media all over China."

"I see this net of heaven and earth, what face is there to survive in Huaxia!"

"Boss, it really is a perfect idea! Hehehe!"

Hei Xiong and the others also had smug smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, many people in the cabin burst into tears.

On the one hand, they sympathized with Ye Yun and the others, and on the other hand, they were afraid. They were terrified by these ruthless murderers.

Even Jiang Yan looked at Ye Yun and Murong Yan with tears on her face.

There was a trace of apology in her eyes, as if she was saying that she never thought that Chu Yufei would do such a thing.

Under everyone's sympathetic and worried eyes, Ye Yun saw Liu Zhe who was lying on the ground in the distance, and he waved out a cloud of spiritual energy to revive him.

Then he turned his head and smiled coldly:
"Your nation is always so ugly and degrading."

"Always, damn it!"

When the death word fell, he made a move!
While reducing the power and speed by a factor of 100 million, it is still extremely fast!
Everyone only heard the soft sound of a gust of wind.

Then, Ichiro Watanabe retreated quickly, all the way to the door of the warehouse, plop!Kneel on the ground with a sound.

With his head down, he knelt down and died, as if apologizing to everyone.


Seeing this, Hei Xiong and the others all shivered.

They all know how capable Ichiro Watanabe is.

This man is a martial arts master.

If it is divided by the realm of Chinese martial arts, he is a master of the peak of inner strength!
In the past, they were the commando kings who looked down upon each other, were arrogant, and were called killing machines by the world, and they were subdued by him like kindergarten children in front of him.

Unexpectedly, today he was slapped to death by this handsome Chinese man in front of him.

And there is no room for fighting back!
Of course, the most frightening thing is that this Chinese man doesn't seem to have made any effort at all!

"Damn it! He must be a monster!"

The black bear exclaimed, and hastily withdrew its hand to back away.

Another soft sound.

His huge body flew out, and after landing on the ground, he never moved again.

"Damn! He's too fast!"

The ostrich opened the safety of the pistol and roared angrily: "Kill him quickly! Kill him at all costs!"

In an instant, all four guns were aimed at Ye Yun.

However, just before their fingers pulled the trigger, a black shadow flashed past, and the five people stopped moving at the same time.

In the eyes, the expression also lost in an instant.

Ye Yun didn't give them any chance to make a move, so he killed them all.


There was a sound of swallowing saliva in the cabin.

No one could see Ye Yun's movements clearly, but they were still deeply intimidated by him.

They never thought that Watanabe Ichiro and the others, who were so arrogant just now, were killed by Ye Yun so easily.

Jiang Yan looked at Chu Yufei's body, smiled wryly and shook her head:

"If you knew that your classmate was so powerful, you wouldn't provoke him, let alone betray him, would you?"

"Unfortunately, there is no if!"

She thought sadly in her heart.

Ye Yun sat back on the chair calmly, looked at Murong Yan and Yaya gently, "My wife, I surprised you."

Murong Yan shook her head and smiled, "I'm not afraid, as long as I have you, I'm not afraid of anything."

"Ye Yun, you are my hero!"

Yaya raised her head and looked at Ye Yun with a smile:

"Papa, you are my hero too! You are my patron saint!"

The little girl kept her head down just now, and Ye Yun deliberately reduced the noise of the murder, so she was hardly affected at all.

Ye Yun gently held Murong Yan in his arms, stretched out his hand to caress Yaya's little head, and murmured in a low voice:
"Wife, baby, you are also my patron saint."

"The guardian angel of the soul!"

If there is no you, what is the meaning of my disdain for the whole universe?
Without you, my heart will always be cold, like the North Pole at night, I don't know what warmth is.

Only you can let me, the supreme god of killing who was born in the slaughter, gain peace of mind.

There are you.

that's nice!

There was an infinitely warm smile on the corner of Ye Yun's mouth.

 Thank you for the 100 of Qingzhu Laojiu, and thank you for the 100 rewards of Qianlongchuyuan~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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