Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 151 Miracles!

Chapter 151 Miracles!

Just when the three members of Ye Yun's family were warm and affectionate, and everyone was moved by their affection, two discordant voices suddenly sounded.

In the cockpit, gunshots came!


From the direction of the cockpit, a beautiful flight attendant rushed out.

Her face was full of horror, her eyes were bloodshot with fright.

A yellow-skinned man rushed out right behind her, shouting in a Japanese accent:

"Baga, if you kill my boss, you will all be buried in hell with you!"

He raised his gun and was about to shoot at the crowd.

However, Ye Yun rushed in front of him at an unbelievable speed and killed him with a single slap.

He then went into the cockpit.

"It turned out that Ichiro Watanabe had saved a hand and arranged for someone to hijack the captain and co-pilot here. If the mission fails, they will die together."

Ye Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the cabin.

The entire plane trembled violently, and the plane was out of control because of the unmanned pilot.

Seen from the outside, it was rushing diagonally downward at extreme speed.


"Ye Yun!"

The fuselage vibrated violently, turning over and over, Murong Yan and Yaya were shaken almost to leave their seats.

Ye Yun quickly rushed towards the first class cabin, he didn't want his wife and Yaya to be injured.

At the same time, there was chaos in the cabin.

Luggage and passengers collided violently, and an unknown number of people wailed and cried in pain.

"Director, it's bad! Flight G320 is abnormal, and I have lost contact with the cab!"

A middle-aged bald man rushed out immediately after hearing the words: "Hurry up and call up the picture of the plane!"

When he saw the plane falling rapidly on the screen, the director broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly took out the phone and said:
"Mr. Liu, it's bad! Flight G320 is in danger!"

Russia dispatched the Kuzne aircraft carrier, took two frigates, and 10 Su-32SN fighter jets to sea at the same time.

South Korea also dispatched two destroyer fleets and 8 rescue boats at the same time.

The United States sent the USS Washington aircraft carrier formation. There are 5 Black Hawk helicopters and 11 F-22 Raptor fighter jets on the aircraft carrier.

All the heavy weapons of the great powers were used, all the surveillance radars were turned on, and the most accurate positioning of the aircraft was carried out.

"We must do our best to save everyone on the plane!"

This is what they are fighting for.

Then, fighter jets and helicopters took off at the same time, soaring like eagles over the South Pacific.

At this time, people's panic in the plane has reached its peak.

Ye Yun held Murong Yan and Yaya in his arms, not hurting them at all.

Yaya pressed her little head tightly to Ye Yun's chest, opened her eyes and asked nervously: "Papa, will we die if the plane falls?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said with a smile, "Honey, we auspicious people have their own auras, so we won't die."


Yaya nodded, and then asked in surprise: "Papa, what does this sentence mean?"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "It means that we will all be safe."

As soon as he finished speaking, the plane stopped suddenly, and then the whole fuselage flew upwards slowly.

There was an exclamation immediately in the cabin:

"It's our air force! They're here to save us!"

What the Russian, American, and South Korean air forces outside saw was that the plane that was falling rapidly was suddenly surrounded by a huge white light.

Then, the white clouds in the sky crashed!It rushed down from the ground and turned into a huge white cloud dragon, wrapping the plane tightly.

The giant dragon lingered, looking down on the sky.

The huge fuselage, under its body, is like a docile sheep, slowly soaring into the air with it.

"This... my God, what kind of myth is this?"

"God, what's going on?! Did I see a miracle?!"

The captain of the Russian aircraft carrier Kuzne held his head and exclaimed.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! This is definitely not reality! This is a movie!"

The commander-in-chief of the South Korean command shook his head, eyes full of disbelief.

"I buy it!"

The admiral commander of the Washington aircraft carrier formation trembled in shock.

5 seconds later.

At the same time, it was decided to block this scene and absolutely prevent this unbelievable scene from spreading among the people.

Then, under the protection of Yunlong, the plane successfully landed at the airport of an island country in the South Pacific.

Ye Yun and the others then transferred to the UK.


London, England.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan Yaya took a taxi to the banks of the Thames.

Along the way, Yaya was very curious about everything around her.

Especially when she found that the vehicles here were all driving on the left road, which made her immediately have doubts:

"Papa, why is our car on the right side, but they are on the left side?"

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"They drive on the left because 600 years ago, the British Navy ordered all ships to follow the direction of the flow of the Thames in order to reduce ship accidents."

"Boats entering the Thames should give way to ships going out in the direction of the sun's motion."

"Therefore, ships out of the Thames can only travel eastward, and people look at the earth in the direction of up north, down south, left west, right east, so they formed the habit of traveling on the left side."

Yaya listened carefully, nodded and smiled and said, "It turned out to be Jiang Zi. Papa, you know a lot!"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "Papa can't wait to tell you the history of the universe for more than 100 billion years, but..."

He hugged Yaya and looked at her dotingly:
"Papa hopes that you have a happy childhood! This knowledge will be taught to you slowly in the future."

Yaya hugged Ye Yun's neck and laughed, "Papa is so nice!"

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun with a smile: "Ye Yun, I really want to hear all the history of the universe, why don't you tell me now!"

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows: "Yes! Then you agree to propose to me now!"

Murong Yan raised her small powder fist: "Okay, you dare to threaten me! Be careful, I will beat you to the ground!"

After finishing speaking, the little fist hit Ye Yun's chest "heavy".

"Oh, serious injury! Heroine, spare my life!"

Ye Yun clutched his chest, pretending to be in great pain.

"Hehe, am I amazing?"

Murong Yan lifted her chin triumphantly.

"Awesome! Awesome! You are number one in the universe! In front of you, I dare to be number two!"

Ye Yun made a look of worship.


Murong Yan smugly covered her mouth and laughed.

While talking, the three of them had come to the bottom of Big Ben, and Yaya looked up with great interest.

Murong Yan said: "Ye Yun, I have a female high school classmate who lives in England. I made an appointment with her just now. After we finish shopping here, she will pick us up and go to Manchester. Is that okay?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Of course!"

 Thank you for wanton listening, 588 rewards as you like~~~ I will work hard...

(End of this chapter)

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