Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 152 The Flower of Aurora!Truly the perfect necklace for my wife!

Chapter 152 The Flower of Aurora!Truly the perfect necklace for my wife!
Five p.m.

A black Land Rover Range Rover off-road vehicle came in front of Ye Yun and the others, and a tall, stylishly dressed young girl got out of the vehicle.

Seeing Murong Yan, the girl immediately ran forward and embraced her passionately:

"Oh my god, Yanyan, you are so beautiful now!"

"I saw you in the car just now, and I almost couldn't believe it was you!"

Murong Yan patted the girl on the back lightly:
"Ruoyun, you've become very beautiful too! I haven't seen you for a few years, I really miss me!"

Then she turned around and smiled at Ye Yun: "She is my high school classmate, Wei Ruoyun, she is still at the same table as me."

Ye Yun smiled and nodded: "Hello! My name is Ye Yun!"

It seemed that Wei Ruoyun and Murong Yan had a good relationship at that time, so Ye Yun took the initiative to introduce himself.

Wei Ruoyun looked at Ye Yun in surprise, his eyes were like a little girl's, and he sighed:

"Yan Yan, your husband is really handsome! According to my aesthetic standards, he is even more handsome than Tom Cruise!"

Murong Yan smiled happily and said, "You are the only one with sweet lips!"

Wei Ruoyun then came to Yaya and looked at her with joy:
"This is the legendary little fairy Yaya, she is so cute!"

"Tsk tsk, what a powerful gene! Such a cute baby, when he grows up, he will be just like you, Yan Yan, who will overwhelm the country and the city!"

Yaya raised her tender little hand and smiled without timidity at all: "Hello, Auntie!"

"Hello, baby!"

Wei Ruoyun picked up Yaya and kissed her chubby and cute face.

Then he brought Ye Yun and Murong Yan into the car.

Along the way, the two have been chatting about life in high school.

Murong Yan also transformed from the head of Jincheng Murong, the aloof queen president, into a lively and lovely little girl.

Ye Yun quietly looked at his beloved from the side.

Four years ago, she was so youthful and lively.

In four years, because of her departure, life has polished her into a strong woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

Originally, at this flowery age, she could always be like Wei Ruoyun.

Enjoy the beauty that life has to offer.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

For the rest of my life, let me support you and take good care of you!
Two and a half hours later, the car came to Manchester.

Wei Ruoyun drove the car directly to the largest Chinese restaurant in Chinatown in the center of Manchester.

She smiled and said, "Yanyan, before I come, I will inform a few alumni in the UK that I will come here to greet you."

"In front is the largest Chinese restaurant in the city, Tang Ren Qing Yuan. The dishes inside are very authentic. Let me take you there, shall we?"

Murong Yan nodded: "Okay, thank you Ruoyun."

Wei Ruoyun shook his head and smiled, "Why are you being polite to me? I'm so happy that you can come here!"

In between words, the car has already entered the parking lot of Tang Renqingyuan.

Under the leadership of Wei Ruoyun, Ye Yun and the others walked into the most luxurious private room of this hotel.

There were two women and three men sitting inside, all alumni of Murong Yan High School.

However, Murong Yan was not very familiar with them, and they all greeted each other politely under Wei Ruoyun's introduction.

After all the people were seated, a young man in a black suit with shiny hair came in suddenly from the door.

His chin was always slightly raised, and his eyes were full of arrogance, except when he looked at Murong Yan, there was a strange brilliance.

"Xu Yuanqi!"

When they saw the man, Wei Ruoyun and other alumni all exclaimed.

Murong Yan gave him a cold look, her brows were slightly frowned, and there was a trace of disgust in her eyes.

This Xu Yuanqi was once one of her suitors.

This person was extremely snobbish and tacky. At that time, in order to chase her, he hired a Rolls-Royce motorcade to block the school gate, making the whole school students in a dilemma.

Therefore, she felt extremely disgusted with this person from the bottom of her heart.

Unexpectedly, today they would meet at Tang Ren Qing Yuan.

Xu Yuanqi glanced greedily at Murong Yan, then sat opposite her, glanced at everyone and said with a smile:
"What a coincidence today, I didn't expect to meet a group of old schoolmates when I came to Manchester for the first time to talk about things!"

Wei Ruoyun rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Since you are talking about business, then go back!"

"By the way, I see that you are showing off in the alumni circle that your Huaheng Iron and Steel Group in Birmingham is about to go public again, so you prince, you better not stay with us commoners!"

In order to pursue Murong Yan, Xu Yuanqi often recruited Wei Ruoyun to be his lobbyist. Naturally, Wei Ruoyun refused to let Murong Yan be with such a person.

Therefore, every time Xu Yuanqi approached her, it made her feel even more disgusted.

Xu Yuanqi looked at Wei Ruoyun contemptuously and said, "Of course I'm not here for you!"

He looked at Murong Yan with tender eyes: "I'm here only for Yan Yan."

He reached out and took out a beautiful jewelry box from his pocket, put it on the table and said:

"Yanyan, after I saw you, I called my staff to deliver a custom-made diamond necklace from Tiffany within 5 minutes."

"I want to give it to you as a gift when we meet again!"

After speaking, he opened the box.

In an instant, the private room shone with incomparably bright diamond light, and an incomparably exquisite and luxurious diamond necklace appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow! This one won't be Tiffany's most expensive necklace, Dream Goddess! This is a necklace worth 5 million pounds!"

Seeing such a luxurious necklace, a girl present couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming.

Xu Yuanqi smiled triumphantly: "You have a good eye, it is indeed a dream goddess!"

"But it is a unique dream goddess, because I had someone engrave Yanyan's name inside!"

Wei Ruoyun frowned and said, "Xu Yuanqi, are you going too far? Yanyan's husband is still here, is it appropriate for you to give this thing?"

Xu Yuanqi glanced at Ye Yun contemptuously, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth:

"I know! I didn't come here to snatch his wife, I just wanted to give Yanyan a meeting gift, as a reminiscence of our wonderful high school life!"

He then turned his head and looked greedily at Murong Yan: "Yanyan, is it okay to send gifts between old classmates?"

Murong Yan frowned in disgust: "Xu Yuanqi, you are getting more and more vulgar! Take this thing away, I don't need it!"

Xu Yuanqi shook his head and smiled, "Yanyan, I know I'm vulgar, but a beauty like you really needs some good jewelry."

"As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle. It's a pity that you don't have anything on such a beautiful neck!"

"This Dream Goddess Necklace is made just for you. It doesn't matter if you hate me or don't want to see me, but this necklace is indeed your perfect foil, and only it can match you!"

"You are really ignorant. You can really match my wife's necklace. You haven't been born yet."

Ye Yun was so annoyed by Xu Yuanqi's vulgar expression that he laughed instead.

"But I can take it out first and show you."

As he spoke, he took out a string of purple necklaces from his pocket as if by magic.

On the necklace, each diamond has an extremely complex pattern, like a flower in bud.

Xu Yuanqi took a careful look and said with a disdainful smile:
"I thought it was something good. Except for the complicated carving process, this necklace is nothing special."

Ye Yun ignored him, but looked at Murong Yan gently:
"Honey, this necklace is called Aurora Flower, and it will take a long time to mature. Originally, I wanted to treasure it and choose a special day for you to wear it."

"Now, let you try it first."

"The necklace...mature?"

"Is this necklace still alive?"

Ye Yun's words aroused the surprise of everyone present.

Next, they saw a scene they will never forget in this life.

The moment Ye Yun gently put the necklace on Murong Yan's gooseneck and buttoned it up.

The brilliance is magnificent and the fragrance is striking.

The original purple necklace actually shone with countless kinds of fantastic brilliance.

Just like the aurora in the North Pole, it is dreamlike and colorful.

At the same time, all the dark clouds over Manchester faded away, and the entire sky was enveloped in brilliant and magnificent light.

Everyone looked up, only feeling the vast sky, like...


Xu Yuanqi opened his eyes wide in surprise, swallowed hard, and couldn't help saying:
"This... how can it be so beautiful?!"

 Thanks for the autumn wind blowing through Lonely Youth City 588 reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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