Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 153 Don't tell your shit in front of my wife!

Chapter 153 Don't tell your shit in front of my wife!

He quickly put away his Tiffany necklace.

This is really no comparison, no harm!
No matter how beautiful Tiffany is, it is something in the world.

But the necklace that Ye Yun took out has exceeded the limit of human imagination.

It was a living diamond necklace!
In this world, life is the most beautiful.

Is there anything more beautiful than life?

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Ye Yun took off the necklace, put it in his pocket, and looked at Murong Yan with infinite tenderness:
"Honey, I'll put it on for you when it's mature, okay?"

Murong Yan nodded and smiled, with an intoxicating expression: "Okay! If I can wear it once, I'm already very satisfied!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled: "No, it will always be yours from now on, you can wear it if you want!"

This Arctic flower is a true cosmic artifact, it blooms once every 1 years, and it blooms again exactly ten years later.

After it blooms, it will truly merge with its owner and exert its power according to the owner's will.

Now, it is too early for Murong Yan to wear it.

Because just now, when the buttons were put together, a huge tsunami occurred simultaneously in China's East China Sea, South China Sea, North Sea, and East Indian Ocean.

This is the power of the flower of the Arctic.

If it is worn for a long time, Murong Yan's breath may make all the oceans of the entire earth boil.

And only when the flower of the Arctic blooms, it is the most beautiful time.

At that time, thousands of flowers bloomed on the necklace, colorful.

The shining aurora has hundreds of millions of colors, making people dizzying and beautiful.

Ye Yun felt that only then could it be fully worthy of Murong Yan!
Seeing Ye Yun's affectionate behavior towards Murong Yan.

Those intoxicating words and loving eyes moved Wei Ruoyun and other girls present.

"This man is so handsome and treats Yanyan so well, Yanyan is so lucky!"

"If one day, a man treats me like this, I will marry him regardless of everything, and grow old with him forever!"

Carry the hand of the son and grow old together with the son.

Get one person, decide for life, no regrets!

A few girls thought about it.

"Ahem, that, I have to leave beforehand, Yanyan goodbye!"

Even Xu Yuanqi was moved by Ye Yun's affectionate eyes. He finally understood that he would never be able to match this man.

Compared with him, what he did just now was ridiculously childish.

Therefore, I have no intention of staying any longer.

"Yuan Qi, so you are here? I said where did you go, I can't find you!"

Just when Xu Yuanqi got up, a rough voice came from the door.

I saw a middle-aged man about 1.6 meters tall, with a big shaved head, a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, and a black Tang suit, walking in with a muscular man.

Seeing the man, Xu Yuanqi immediately smiled: "Boss Feng, why did you come here yourself?"

The person who came was Feng Changlong, a well-known black boss in Manchester's Chinatown.

Feng Changlong smiled and said: "You disappeared suddenly before the matter was finished. Of course I want to find you!"

He glanced at Ye Yun and the others sitting there, and his eyes stayed on the girls for a second longer.

Especially when he saw Murong Yan, there was more surprise in his eyes.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are here to find a beautiful woman!"

Feng Changlong's eyesight was extraordinary, and he immediately saw Xu Yuanqi's intentions.

Xu Yuanqi smiled and said, "Where? I just saw a group of old schoolmates gathering here, so I came to join in the fun."

Feng Changlong glanced at the Tiffany necklace in Xu Yuanqi's hand, and said with a smile:
"Since it's a class reunion, let me join in the fun!"

He glanced at the crowd swaggeringly: "Tonight's dinner is my treat, so you can do whatever you want!"

After speaking, he sat down on his own.

The strong man has been standing closely behind him, very respectful.

Seeing this, Xu Yuanqi had no choice but to sit down.

He came to Feng Changlong today to raise funds for his Huaheng Iron and Steel Group to go public again.

Although Feng Changlong is just a local Chinese in Manchester, his energy is not small.

Just say that the industry under his own name, involving entertainment clubs, casinos and hotels, has as much as 10 billion pounds.

Not to mention the huge network he has accumulated in Manchester over the years.

Xu Yuanqi's father, Xu Tianren, also learned about Feng Changlong through the British Chinese circle.

He was specially sent here to negotiate with Feng Changlong to help Huaheng Group go public in the form of a shareholding.

According to Xu Tianren's estimation, if Feng Changlong agrees, at least he can help Huaheng Group obtain tens of billions of pounds of funds.

Therefore, Xu Yuanqi naturally didn't dare to sing against Feng Changlong casually, so he could only sit down.

Wei Ruoyun wanted to chase Feng Changlong away, but saw Feng Changlong raised his head and clasped his fist at everyone:

"Your Majesty Feng Changlong, I am very glad to meet you today. Since we are all compatriots, we will take care of each other more in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, not only Wei Ruoyun, but also several alumni beside him gasped at the same time.

"It turns out that he is the boss of the Chinese in Manchester, nicknamed 'Feng Yishou', Boss Feng!"

"No wonder, even Xu Yuanqi is so afraid of him! Unexpectedly, he is that Feng Yishou!"

Everyone looked at Feng Changlong with fear and awe.

Feng Changlong, his behavior is not as amiable as he appears on the surface.

He has a nickname called Feng Yishou, which means that he can cover the sky with one hand in the entire Chinese circle in Manchester.

Most of the difficult things encountered by many Chinese students and immigrants in this city were solved by him.

The second is that this person is ruthless and never leaves room for things.

It is said that no less than a hundred people disappeared because of offending him.

The relevant departments in China and the United Kingdom spent a lot of money, but no one found any clues about those people.

How can such a person not be frightening?
Feng Changlong seemed very satisfied with the awe-inspiring expressions of the crowd, and couldn't help showing a hint of color.

But when he saw Ye Yun's calm face, he couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

"Yuan Qi, who is this necklace going to give to, let me tell you."

Feng Changlong looked at Xu Yuanqi with a hint of playfulness.

Xu Yuanqi glanced at Murong Yan, coughed and said, "It's for her."

Feng Changlong took out the necklace box, snap!Pressed down on the table with a loud sound, and pushed it in front of Murong Yan:
"Miss, I think you should be a person with a certain family background based on your appearance."

"Although this thing is worthless to you, it is also my little brother's wish, so please accept it!"

His words were considered polite, but his demeanor and demeanor were faintly menacing.

Xu Yuanqi was overjoyed when he saw this, Feng Changlong did this not only to build up his prestige, but also to help him save face.

Of course, more importantly, Feng Changlong's actions told himself that he already agreed with the Xu family's cooperation in his heart.

You must know that a person like Feng Changlong will not easily express his thoughts. Only through his actions can he know what he is thinking.

However, what made him feel a little uneasy was that Feng Changlong might have other plans for giving him gifts.

You know, Feng Changlong's three industries are all related to beauties.

If a beautiful woman like Murong Yan was sitting there, if he didn't have any plans in his heart, he definitely wouldn't just sit here.

Murong Yan frowned slightly: "Thank you, I don't need it!"

Feng Changlong's eyes turned cold: "There is no reason to take back the gift given out!"

Ye Yun stared coldly at Feng Changlong: "Don't talk about your shit in front of my wife."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Tiffany necklace instantly turned into water.

(End of this chapter)

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