Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 154: Grandmaster makes a move, who dares to fight!

Chapter 154: Grandmaster makes a move, who dares to fight!
Necklace turned!

"This...what's the matter?"

Xu Yuanqi was stunned.

This is the diamond necklace he specially ordered from Tiffany. It's a genuine treasure. Why did it melt like ice?
Wei Ruoyun and the others looked at Ye Yun in shock.

From the side, this man who is perfect to the extreme, does he have any special abilities?
They could see that the necklace turned into water was obviously related to Ye Yun.

However, this is a diamond necklace, a crystal composed of carbon atoms, high strength, and high temperature resistance.

How could it easily turn into water?
Wei Ruoyun and the others felt that the meal tonight was really not simple.

Feng Changlong gave Ye Yun a meaningful look, folded his hands on his chest, and lay reclined on the chair.

He laughed and said: "It turns out that this little brother is also a martial artist, and it looks like he should be a master!"

The strong man behind him narrowed his eyes: "Boss Feng, this person is not simple. The ability to turn diamonds into water is definitely something that can only be achieved with a cultivation level above the peak of internal strength."

"Peak of inner strength?"

Feng Changlong shook his head and smiled: "I don't know much about the realm of people in your martial arts, Ding Jingang, just tell me, is he stronger or weaker than you?"

The Ding Jingang he was talking about was originally named Ding Wanshan.

He has been with him for more than ten years and is his most trusted and relied on thug and bodyguard.

Ding Wanshan smiled proudly: "When everyone sees me, Ding Wanshan, the first reaction is that I am physically strong, and I must have practiced excellent foreign skills."

"But I, Ding Wanshan, have been able to walk the rivers and lakes and remain invincible for many years. It is not because of my horizontal kung fu. It is because of my master-level cultivation."

"According to the words of the Huaxia Martial Arts World, I am not only a King Kong practiced horizontally, but also a genuine Transformation Master!"


As soon as he said this, the male students sitting beside him exclaimed at the same time.

"Hand-practicing Vajra and Transformation Realm Grandmaster, this is a peerless master who cultivates both internally and externally!"

"It would take at least ten years for ordinary people to train their bodies to the point of iron and steel. If they want to reach the level of horizontal training King Kong, in addition to invincible talent, it will take three to fifty years."

"I didn't expect that he is not only a vajra master, but also a master of transformation. This is definitely a rare genius in the world of martial arts!"

"No! Wizards of wizards!"

These three boys don't practice martial arts themselves, but Chinese martial arts are very popular abroad, and they have learned a lot from their classmates and friends.

At this time, when they heard that Ding Wanshan was actually a master who cultivated both internally and externally, several people couldn't help but shiver.

Feng Changlong nodded triumphantly: "So, you are better?"

Ding Wanshan smiled proudly: "The master is like a dragon! And I am the dragon behind the armor!"

"I, Ding Wanshan, make a move, who dares to fight against me!"

He pointed at the table: "Get up!"

Immediately, the water stains formed by the diamonds slowly floated up.

In the air above the table, hundreds of tiny drops of water formed.


Then, a blue light flashed all over Ding Wanshan's body, and a burst of true energy covered all the drops of water.

I saw the water droplets quickly gather together, and under the squeeze of true energy, they turned into a three-foot-long green sword.

There was a sound of the sword falling.

The sword is full of air.

An invisible air wave, hoo!With a bang, it spread out on the table, and the cup shattered instantly.


Wei Ruoyun and the others shrank in fright, and looked at the green sword in horror.

This sword light is a splash of air waves, which can shatter things, if it is cut on a person...

They didn't dare to think about it anymore, their eyes were full of infinite fear when they looked at Qingjian.

Ding Wanshan smiled triumphantly: "Boss Feng, try holding it with your hands."

When Feng Changlong held the hilt of the sword, a surge of true energy shot out like a hurricane.

"Such a strong spirit, not bad! As expected of Ding Jingang, I finally saw how powerful you are today!"

Feng Changlong nodded with satisfaction.

"Ding Jingang, my villa in Rafford Town will belong to you from now on!"

Ding Wanshan immediately beamed with joy: "Thank you, Boss Feng!"

Holding the sword in his right hand, Feng Changlong glanced at Ye Yun and Murong Yan with a threatening look in his eyes:
"Brother, brother and sister, I, Feng Changlong, was born in this city since I was a child. After working hard for so many years, I also have several properties under my name."

"When you entered the door, I knew that you came from China. Today, as I sit here, I would like to ask you to stay in Manchester for a few more days. I don't know what do you think?"

Xu Yuanqi glanced at Feng Changlong, and then he wanted to understand Feng Changlong's intentions.

It turned out that he had taken a fancy to Murong Yan a long time ago, and now he has started to force her to stay.

As for his goal of keeping Murong Yan behind, needless to say, he can think of it.

That is, he wanted to use her beauty to help him achieve some ulterior motives.

Before getting in touch with Feng Changlong, Xu Yuanqi had also inquired that this person helped some dignitaries in the upper class of the British society, even members of the royal family with titles, do pimping business.

It is said that some of these dignitaries are particularly fond of oriental women, and the more beautiful the oriental women are, the more perverted their tricks are.

Therefore, he secretly concluded that Feng Changlong took a fancy to Murong Yan this time, and he was afraid that he would use her in exchange for great benefits.

Thinking of these, Xu Yuanqi couldn't bear it.

After all, Murong Yan was the person he had been pursuing all along, how could he watch her go into the mouth of a tiger?
So he looked straight at Feng Changlong and said, "Boss Feng, they're just here for a trip, you don't need to keep them."

Feng Changlong slapped Xu Yuanqi's face with a backhand, and angrily said:
"Shut up! Your father asked me to invest, and if you say one more word, I will throw you out!"

Ding Wanshan sneered, and put a hand on Xu Yuanqi's shoulder.

Xu Yuanqi only felt a burst of heat in his chest, and he shrank there in fright.

Feng Changlong's gaze became very ferocious, like a devil, and said coldly:

"I can guess that you are rich and powerful in China, but here, I am God!"

"If you obey me, then I can guarantee that you will be rich and prosperous. Even if you get a green card from the UK, you will have no problem settling here permanently!"

"However, if you don't want to agree to my invitation and want to sing against me, I'm afraid I will be very unhappy!"

Ye Yun stared at Feng Changlong coldly: "After probing for so long, have you finally revealed your real purpose?"

"Haha, that's right!"

Feng Changlong laughed arrogantly: "I, Feng, do everything with one hand. I only want to hit a hit, and I never fight unprepared battles!"

"Since Ding Jingang has tested your depth, why should I beat around the bush with you?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: "You sure have some brains, but do you really think that you are 100% sure to keep us?"

Feng Changlong stood up, pointed at Ye Yun with his sword and said fiercely:
"I don't do anything I'm not 100% sure of!"

"Today, you have to stay if you stay, or if you don' have to stay!"


The sword in his hand shot out a burst of true energy, splitting the table in half.

Wei Ruoyun and Xu Yuanqi all screamed and ran away in fright.

Ye Yun hugged Yaya, Murong Yan sat beside her, and the three of them looked at Feng Changlong calmly.

"Scared stupid?"

Seeing that the three of them were not moving, Feng Changlong laughed triumphantly.


When the table cracked, a drop of splashed water was caught by Ye Yun.

Then he flicked his finger lightly, and the water dripped!It flew out with a sound, hit the blade of Feng Changlong's green sword, and immediately split into two drops.

The first drop hit Feng Changlong's forehead.

The second drop hit Ding Wanshan's chest.

"Huh? Why is your forehead chilly?"

Feng Changlong touched his forehead in surprise, feeling a little water-stained.

"Boss Feng, I have something to tell you!"

Suddenly Ding Wanshan grabbed Feng Changlong and pulled him out the door.

When the two walked out, Feng Changlong asked in surprise, "Ding Jingang, what are you doing?"

Ding Wanshan said in horror: "Boss Feng, this man cannot be offended!"

"That drop of water just now directly... directly crippled my cultivation!"

"What did you say?!"

Feng Changlong's head felt like a thunderbolt.

He knew that Ding Wanshan never told lies, if that was the case, wouldn't it mean that that little boy was stronger than Ding Wanshan?

"It turns out that he is hiding something deep!"

Feng Changlong's body trembled. After so many years of fighting, he has never missed a hand.

He never thought that he would fall down in front of a boy who seemed to be easy to handle!
As a human being, he knows that there is only one thing he should do now...


"Let's get out of here quickly!"

He hastened to order.

"it is good!"

Ding Wanshan's voice was trembling, he quickly got into the car, and drove Feng Changlong away quickly.

On the way, Feng Changlong suddenly covered his forehead: "Oh, I have a headache!"

Ding Wanshan covered his chest and said in pain, "Me too, my chest hurts so much!"

Then came two pops.

Where they were hit by the water droplets, they exploded instantly.

In an instant, the smell of blood lingered in the car, and the two of them were bloody and bloody, unrecognizable!

 Wow~ there are so many words!

(End of this chapter)

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