Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 162 Want to Compete with Me on Artifacts?Feel sorry!I got the wrong guy!

Chapter 162 Want to Compete with Me on Artifacts?Feel sorry!I got the wrong guy!

"Oh, my God! My God!"

James witnessed with his own eyes that the three top powerhouses in the underground world were wiped out with Ye Yun's fingers. He was so shocked that he almost fainted to the ground.

"They are the top [-] super perverts in the world on the GAT forum!"

"This man! This oriental man actually snapped his fingers and wiped out one! This is definitely a myth!"

"Unbelievable myth!"

James knelt on the ground, put his head in his hands and looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

"I'm going to record his appearance and give it to Chief Charles of the Ministry of Defense!"

"Let them firmly remember that this man must not be messed with!"

He recovered from the shock, and only then did he realize that he should take a photo of Ye Yun's appearance.

However, before he took out his mobile phone, he saw Ye Yun turned into a white light and disappeared!
Ye Yun walked towards the car lightly.

The shot was too quick just now, and I didn't ask Freddy who ordered the three of them.

However, now, he is not interested in getting to the bottom of it.

For him, Freddy and the others are ants, and the people who ordered them are also ants.

Let Xiao Huang go to investigate later, and they can be uprooted.

Now, of course, it is more important to accompany his wife and daughter!


late at night.

Below the abandoned castle.

The blood-red light flashed again, and in the arms of the Gorefiend was a teenage girl with blond hair and nude body.

There were two deep holes in the girl's neck, from which blood gurgled out.

But none of it fell to the ground, but was licked clean by the Gorefiend.

"Oh~ it's delicious! The blood of a virgin is always the most delicious drink!"

The blood demon raised his head and sighed lightly.

Suddenly a dark gray light appeared.

Hans knelt in front of the Gorefiend, his voice trembling: "Master, all the people I sent were killed."


The Gorefiend threw the girl aside, and two bloody red lights flashed from his eyes:
"Hans, you've been getting more and more stupid while I've been asleep!"

"Unexpectedly, even a piece of China's waste can't be solved!"

Hans trembled and knocked his head heavily on the ground:

"Lord! This man is beyond my expectation!"

"I thought that sending the world's top [-] masters, Freddy the Night Slayer, Johnson the Hornman from hell, and Dusaye, the Burmese master of spells, would kill him easily."

"But, I was wrong! Very wrong!"

"I found that the three of them have lost contact, which means that the man named Ye Yun has killed them all!"

The Gorefiend narrowed his eyes slightly: "According to what you said, this Chinese man is still interesting."

"Tell me, where in China is he, I will kill him with my own hands!"

Hans replied: "He's not in China, he's in Manchester. I've already found out that he's in a Chinese manor in the northern suburbs."

"very good!"

The Gorefiend smiled ferociously: "Since he delivered it to the door, I will fulfill him!"

"You take me there!"

With a wave of his hand, a thick blood light rolled up the two of them and disappeared instantly.

Over Wechsler Manor.

Gorefiend and Hans hung in the air, looking down at this beautiful manor.

The Gorefiend stretched out his hand, and a ball of thick blood the size of an egg swirled in his palm.

"This manor is not bad, but it's a pity that there is someone I want to kill in it, and everyone else can be buried with him."

After speaking, the ball of blood fell.

In the blink of an eye, it covered the entire manor, like a huge mask.

call out!
Suddenly, the mask disappears.

A white figure appeared in front of the Gorefiend and the others.

"Ye Yun!"

"He is Ye Yun!"

Hans exclaimed.

Ye Yun smiled coldly: "I just wanted to send someone to find you, but you came here by yourself."

The Gorefiend's eyes trembled: "Are you that Chinese man?"

There was a hint of shock in his tone.

The bloody light just now gathered one percent of his magic power, and he never expected it to be so easily resolved by Ye Yun.

You must know that as a blood demon, even one percent of his magic power, once released, is as powerful as a human missile.

Such a powerful force was so easily dispelled, how could he not be surprised!

Ye Yun smiled calmly: "Yes, you are the instigators of the three killers, right?"

To be able to find himself so quickly, he was obviously forced to move out by himself.

Moreover, Ye Yun could tell that the person standing in front of him was an old vampire who had lived for thousands of years.

Such a person is generally unlikely to be a young man.

The Gorefiend narrowed his eyes, his scarlet pupils were full of murderous intent:
"That's right! They can't kill you, so I'll do it myself!"

"You, a humble Chinese mortal, should feel honored to be able to dispatch the demon of my blood clan in person!"

Seeing his confident and extremely arrogant appearance, Ye Yun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly:
"I'm afraid you will be disappointed! Anyone who dares to attack me will end up dead."

"Ye Yun, don't be arrogant! My Lord is your incalculable existence!"

Hans glared at Ye Yun angrily.

This person, let him lose face in front of the master again and again, how can he not hate him?

The Gorefiend sneered: "It's useless to say more, now, I will give you death!"

A bloody light exploded in his palm, turned into a blood cone, and shot towards Ye Yun at an unimaginable speed.

With a light flick of Ye Yun's finger, the blood cone was shattered.


The blood demon was shocked: "This is one-tenth of my magic power! Damn it, are you the land fairy that the Chinese call it?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "Why don't you try your best?"

"Damn it! How dare you underestimate me!"

The blood demon was furious: "I am the demon of the 8000-year-old blood family. If you dare to insult me, you have to die!"

A ray of blood rose to the sky.

In the hands of the Gorefiend, there was a blood sword more than three feet long.

The blood on the sword rolled, filled with extremely powerful magic power.

"Demon Blood Blade! This is a divine weapon!"

"Great Lord, you have such a powerful artifact!"

Hans showed an extremely terrified expression.

The Devil's Blood Blade is a legendary treasure in the blood clan. It is said that only blood clan masters over ten thousand years old can manipulate it for their own use.

Unexpectedly, this artifact was in the hands of the Gorefiend, and he was completely in control of it!

"You are dead! This time you will feel the taste of endless despair!"

"The power of the Demon Blood Blade is unstoppable, even if you are a god in the Huaxia Martial Dao world, you can't hold back its sword light!"

Hans exclaimed triumphantly.

"Go to hell!"

The Gorefiend didn't say much, and directly slashed down with his sword.


In an instant, the space in front of him was split open.

An extremely sharp blood-red sword light broke through the void and went straight to Ye Yun's chest.

Then, they saw the most unbelievable scene.

Ye Yun stretched out his hand lightly, and unexpectedly held Jian Guang in his palm.

Then I saw the sword light disappear without even hurting a single hair of his body.

"how can that be!"

Gorefiend and Hans were stunned at the same time.

The Devil's Blood Blade is a genuine blood clan artifact, a sword light can split a large island.

Unexpectedly, the man didn't even hurt a single finger.

This is definitely a big joke!
Ye Yun's eyes were full of disdain: "You lowly and stupid creatures are really only worthy of making me happy!"

In his hand, suddenly there was a dagger rolling with blood-red light.

When this dagger appeared, the space with a radius of [-] meters was filled with thick blood.

The indescribable magical power is more terrifying than the mountains and tsunamis!
"This is... Could this be... the supreme artifact of our blood race, Dracula's soldier?!"

Gorefiend and Hans were really confused.

Dracula's Soldier is the most powerful artifact of the blood clan. According to legend, it was forged by Dracula, the ancestor of the blood clan, with ten thousand years of magic power. The magic power is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Although they have never seen Dracula's soldiers.

However, the amazingly powerful magic power contained in it is enough to explain its identity!
Neither of them expected that such a dagger with the highest blood clan would be in the hands of this Chinese man!
"How do you have this artifact? Who are you?!"

At this moment, no matter how stupid a person is, he also knows that Ye Yun's identity is definitely not as simple as a Chinese warrior.

Ye Yun sneered and said, "This dagger was given to me by your ancestor Dracula in order to ask me to be his master."

"As for who I am, let's guess slowly after you die."

"Ah~ no! Please, don't kill us!"

Feeling the soaring demonic aura of Dracula's soldiers, both Gorefiend and Hans knelt down in fright.

They firmly believe that what this man said is true.

If this is the case, then at this moment, they are just ants in the other party's eyes!

Except begging for mercy.

There is no other way!


Ye Yun smiled coldly, and a blood-red light flashed, cutting the Blood Demon, Hans, and the Demon Blood Blade into powder.

~ So many words, enough meaning!

(End of this chapter)

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