Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 163 Let me settle the accounts for you!

Chapter 163 Let me settle the accounts for you!
After getting rid of the Gorefiend and Hans, Ye Yun's trip to England finally came to a complete calm.

Spend the night quietly.

On the morning of the third day, Ye Yun and his family of three got into Wei Ruoyun's car.

Prepare to go to Manchester Airport and fly back home.

On the way, when passing a relatively remote street, Ye Yun suddenly asked Wei Ruoyun to stop.

"You wait for me in the car for a while."

He smiled at Murong Yan and Yaya, and got out of the car.

He walked to the end of the street, then turned the corner into an alley between two buildings.

More than 100 meters away in front of him, a ragged man fell to the ground.

Four tattooed British gangsters were surrounding the man, punching and kicking him.

"Fuck you yellow-skinned pig! If you dare to deceive us, just wait to be beaten to death!"

"That's right! Fuck him hard, don't show mercy! Yellow pig's life is cheap, no one will care if you kill him!"

The four hooligans cursed the man arrogantly and rudely, their words becoming more and more vulgar.

"Don't fight anymore! I beg you don't fight anymore!"

The person who was beaten had no strength to fight back, so he could only hold his head and kept begging for mercy.


Ye Yun stepped forward and looked at the group of people indifferently.

"Huh? Another yellow pig?"

The four British hooligans turned around and stared at Ye Yun fiercely.

And the person who was beaten, a young man in his early 20s, stared blankly at Ye Yun.

After more than a full minute, the man suddenly became agitated, and exclaimed in surprise:
"Ye Yun! You are Ye Yun!"

"Xinwei, it's really you!"

Ye Yun laughed, and there was an unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

The man in front of him is An Xinwei, the nephew of his mother An Fanghua.

An Xinwei, on his mother's side, is also a person who has been treated as a waste since he was a child, and is bullied everywhere.

Probably because of the sympathy for each other, Ye Yun became a good friend when he met him for the first time.

Although the two hadn't met each other a few times since they were young, An Xinwei was the person who treated Ye Yun best every time he followed his mother back to her natal home.

Ye Yun remembered very clearly that before he was ten years old, he followed his mother An Fanghua back to her natal home four times.

Among these four times, An Xinwei was the only one who invited him to eat delicious candy and took him to fish and shrimp in the river.

And take him to dig bird's nests in the trees, and dig holes in the ground to catch cicadas.

It is precisely because of this kind of friendship that he has not met many times but has a deep impression that Ye Yun is able to see An Xinwei's shadow at a glance in the crowd.

It's just that he didn't expect that this person, who was bullied since he was a child, came to the UK.

Moreover, he was bullied like this by others!

An Xinwei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up with difficulty, and wanted to come to Ye Yun.

"Damn it, you dare to get up without my order?!"

A British hooligan about 1.9 meters tall and tall and thick, raised his big foot and was about to kick An Xinwei.

A strange wind blew up, directly blowing that hooligan, boom!He fell to the ground with a bang.

Ye Yun walked up to An Xinwei calmly and asked, "Why did they beat you to death?"

An Xinwei glanced at the hooligan lying on the ground in surprise, and quickly pushed Ye Yun outside:
"Don't worry about this matter! You go first, and I will find you when the matter is resolved!"

Ye Yun knew that An Xinwei didn't want to get himself into trouble, but since he came, how could he leave?
So he smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, just tell me and I'll help you solve it."

Seeing his nonchalant expression, An Xinwei couldn't help being anxious:

"Ye Yun, this is not a joke! These people are hard to deal with, so don't get involved!"

He turned his head to the four hooligans and said loudly: "I have a way to pay back your money, you come with me!"

The hooligan who fell to the ground stood up, with a ferocious smile on his face:

"Yellow pig, you fucking don't try to lie to us!"

"Don't think I can't see it, you are helping this kid get away!"

"Tell me, is he rich? Can you pay back the money you owe us?"

Ye Yun looked at the hooligan calmly: "How much does he owe you?"

The hooligan raised a finger arrogantly: "One million pounds!"

Ye Yun turned his head and glanced at An Xinwei. He was dressed in rags, and he didn't look like someone who owed others 100 million pounds.

You know, with 100 million pounds, it is enough to live a relatively well-off life in the UK.

If An Xinwei could really borrow so much money from others, then he would not be like a beggar at first glance.

The temperament he is showing now is the kind of person who has been living a poor life.

Rather than the kind of temperament shown by people who have experienced from rich to poor.

It's like the same beggars, one was born a beggar, and the other was a rich man before, the difference seems obvious.

The appearance of An Xinwei made Ye Yun feel that he was still living a miserable life like when he was a child.

Therefore, Ye Yun felt in his heart that An Xinwei would not owe others so much money.

Sure enough, An Xinwei became anxious when he heard the 100 million pounds, and quickly shook his head and said:
"Actually, I didn't owe that much. It was only 5000 pounds at the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be 100 million pounds in half a year!"

Ye Yun nodded and said, "So you borrowed a loan shark."

An Xinwei bowed his head and let out a long sigh:
"I can't help it. I can't stay in China. I wanted to learn from others and go abroad to earn US dollars and pounds, and then go back to live a good life."

"Unexpectedly, it's even more difficult to stay abroad. I spent all my money in a few days, so I had to find someone to borrow money."

He raised his head, looked at Ye Yun with some reluctance and said:

"Ye Yun, I heard that you disappeared for four years. I thought you were dead. I didn't expect to see you again, and you seem to be doing well."

"This 100 million pounds is too much, you don't care about me, my life is like this, I can't drag you down, let's go!"

Ye Yun patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I'll help you solve this matter."

The four hooligans seemed to understand their conversation, and they all surrounded them.

The hooligan who took the lead stared at Ye Yun fiercely:

"Looking at you, you seem to have money to pay his debts?"

Ye Yun nodded: "That's right."

"Then take out the money, otherwise, I will take your skin off!"

The hooligan who took the lead had an arrogant smile on his face.

He had just smiled for a second when he felt a sharp pain on the left side of his cheek, an indescribable force that almost smashed his face into pieces.

Then, his huge body flew high, hit the wall next to him heavily, fell to the ground and passed out.

"What the hell, the yellow-skinned pig dares to do something? You want to die!"

The remaining three hooligans pulled out a dagger from their waists at the same time, ready to stab Ye Yun.

Ka Ka Ka!
Three times in a row.

No one saw how Ye Yun made his move.

The three hooligans knelt on the ground at the same time, and their knees directly smashed six holes in the concrete floor.

Ye Yun looked at the three of them indifferently: "My brother owes you 5000 pounds, but you beat him like this, you should pay him at least 1 pounds."

"But my brother doesn't want your money, so I'll beat you up and settle the matter. Do you have any objections?"

Lying down!

Can the account be calculated like this?
The three hooligans looked at each other.

They thought they were cruel and domineering enough, but they didn't expect that this Chinese man who looked like a little sheep was actually more cruel than them.

Not to mention being beaten and maimed by him, but still paying his money back, how can he justify this? !

But, in the face of this cruel man, how could they have the guts to dare to say a word?

"No comment! No comment at all!"

"Excellent reckoning! We're in full agreement!"

The three hooligans endured the severe pain and kept nodding.

Ye Yun nodded: "If you have no objection, just give me the IOU."

He then handed the IOU to An Xinwei: "Tear it up."

Holding the IOU, An Xinwei looked at Ye Yun in disbelief:

"Are you really Ye Yun?"

 Thanks for the empty 100 reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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