Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 169 I don't understand things about young people!

Chapter 169 I don't understand things about young people!

"It's really looking for a fight!"

An Xinwei looked at An Haojie and the others with disdain.

Turning his head, he smiled at Ye Yun and said, "Let's go!"

Soon they came to a room behind the yard, An Haojie's parents, An Guoliang and Hu Cuilan were all at home.

Seeing Ye Yun and An Xinwei appearing in front of them at the same time, the old couple were shocked.

"Xinwei, why did you come back suddenly?"

"Little Yun! You're here too?!"

An Xinwei smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, Ye Yun brought me back."

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "Hello, Second Uncle, Hello, Second Aunt."


The old couple responded at the same time, and An Guoliang pulled Ye Yun excitedly: "Come in and sit down!"

Hu Cuilan glanced at Yaya in Ye Yun's arms in surprise, and then at Murong Yan, her eyes full of shock.

"Xiaoyun, this isn't your wife and daughter, is it?"

Ye Yun smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Murong Yan smiled obediently: "Hi, Second Aunt."

Looking at An Guoliang again: "Hello, Second Uncle."

Yaya followed suit and said, "Hello, Grandpa Second Uncle, Hello Grandma Second Uncle!"

"Hi baby!"

The old couple were delighted by Yaya's sweet voice.

Hu Cuilan quickly ran to the back room: "Baby, wait! It's the first time you come to my house, and my second uncle will give you red envelopes!"

After a while, she took out a big red envelope and stuffed it into Yaya's hand.

Murong Yan asked Yaya to keep it. According to Jincheng's custom, the first time you bring a child to a relative's house, the other party wants to give a red envelope.

After several people sat down, An Guoliang carefully looked at Ye Yun:
"Xiaoyun, I heard that you haven't been in Jincheng for the past few years. Where have you been? Your second aunt and I have missed you more and more recently!"

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "I went to a far away place, and I just came back recently."

"It's good to come back!"

Seeing that Ye Yun didn't make it clear, An Guoliang didn't ask any more questions.

Then he shook his head and let out a long sigh: "Xiao Yun, your second aunt and I have reflected on it recently. We were indeed the ones who let you down before!"

"Now that you are back, Second Uncle and Second Aunt want to apologize to you face to face. Back then, I treated you mother and child too badly!"

Ye Yun waved his hand calmly: "Forget it, I know that you didn't do it sincerely."

"However, I really want to know why you didn't like me and my mother so much back then?"

This question has lingered in Ye Yun's heart since he was a child.

An Guoliang looked guilty: "It's not because you think your Ye family is poor. Back then, your mother was the most beautiful woman in our entire Xianhe Town. Your grandparents always wanted her to find a good family, but she insisted on With your dad."

"I remember when your mother and your father got married, the dowry was not confiscated, which made your grandparents, uncles and uncles very unhappy."

"You also know that this married daughter, the water that was poured out, at that time, an excellent woman like your mother didn't have a gift money of tens of thousands, so marrying her would be a waste of money!"

"It turns out that our Ye family is down and out!"

There was a disdainful smile in Ye Yun's eyes.

Mother is indeed a very good woman.

Although born in the countryside, she is well-educated, gentle and dignified, and has extraordinary beauty, which is no less than those ladies of the great family.

But even in modern society, she still has to be bound by tradition and secularism, and she cannot choose who to be with according to her own wishes.

Otherwise, like later, she will not be welcomed by her natal family.

Putting his thoughts away, Ye Yun continued to ask: "Then, Grandpa and the others, do you want my mother to be with someone surnamed Chen?"

"Surnamed Chen?"

An Guoliang and Hu Cuilan looked at each other, shook their heads at the same time and said, "I haven't heard of this person!"


Even though Ye Yun is the supreme god of killing, he was shocked when he heard the words.

An Guoliang said: "At that time, your grandfather just wanted your mother to marry the Yang family in Jincheng. You also know that the Yang family is in Jincheng. Although it can't be compared with the Murong family, it still has a certain weight and can be regarded as a famous family."

"At that time, they offered a bride price of 50 yuan, as well as a villa and luxury car, which were all rejected by your mother. Because of this, she often quarreled with your grandparents."

"Yang family?"

Ye Yun secretly remembered this family, and then asked: "Then what happened later?"

An Guoliang said: "That's all, your mother rejected the Yang family, so she is with your father."

Seeing his expression, Ye Yun didn't hide anything.

In other words, there are only so many clues about the mother and the Ye family.

He then sent a voice transmission to the Zijin Dragon Emperor, asking him to investigate from the Yang family first.

An Guoliang then set his eyes on Murong Yan and asked Ye Yun:
"By the way, this child is so beautiful, he should be the daughter of a big family, right?"

An Xinwei said first: "Dad, Mom, sister-in-law's status is amazing! She is the eldest daughter of our Murong family in Jincheng, Murong Yan!"


An Guoliang and Hu Cuilan trembled when they heard the words, almost fell off their chairs.

"Xiaoyun, you, you actually married the daughter of the Murong family?"

An Guoliang stuttered with excitement.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "Not yet, I just proposed to her."

Hu Cuilan asked in surprise, "Who is that child?"

"Me and her." Ye Yun said with a smile.

An Guoliang and Hu Cuilan immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sir and child propose again?
Are today's young people so avant-garde?

An Guoliang shook his head and smiled, "You young people, we older generations don't understand."

"However, this child is pleasing to the eye, just like your mother. She doesn't mind your background and wealth. She is really a good child."

Ye Yun nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Although Murong Yan and her mother have different backgrounds, their pursuit of love is exactly the same.

Such two women became my close relatives at the same time, could it be the fate that people often say?

Murong Yan was a little shy by An Guoliang and his wife, and leaned towards Ye Yun like a little daughter-in-law.

An Guoliang and Hu Cuilan smiled at the same time, they could tell that the young couple had a very good relationship.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, Uncle calls you to have dinner tonight!"

Suddenly, a clear and sweet girl's voice came from outside the door.

I saw a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old walking in. When she looked up, a sense of radiant youth rushed over her face.

Although, her appearance is slightly inferior to Murong Yan's.

But it also has quite a flavor, definitely a rare beauty in the world.

I see.

The raised eyebrows are light and sweeping like distant mountains, the phoenix eyebrows are bright and the eyes are looking forward to wandering, all of them are soul-stirring.

The nose is exquisite and greasy, the skin is as white as snow, and the red lips are a little bit more like a little red plum in the snow, arrogant and coquettish.

She was like a beauty embryo!
She was wearing a white chiffon shirt on her upper body, and the waist design made her small waist look full.

Below is a pair of close-fitting jeans and a pair of straight long legs, as if drawn out with a comic pen.

On the feet, wearing a pair of small white shoes, the steps are brisk.

Just like her ponytail, full of youthful breath.

The girl walked into the door and was taken aback when she saw Ye Yun, her mouth opened wide:
"Big cousin, it's really you!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "It's me."

This girl is the daughter of his fifth aunt, Chu Wenyan.

~ Three bursts, there will be more at night
(End of this chapter)

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