Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 170 Let the Murong Patriarch Toast?You have taken the wrong medicine!

Chapter 170 Let the Murong Patriarch Toast?You have taken the wrong medicine!

Chu Wenyan's mother, An Huiyun, is the fifth and youngest sister among her brothers and sisters.

In the third year An Fanghua married Ye Decheng, she married into the Jincheng Chu family, and gave birth to Chu Wenyan in the second year.

The Chu family is in Jincheng, and they mainly deal in electrical appliances. The Huijin home appliance chain under their name already has more than ten branches, with a total asset of more than 3 million yuan.

As the only daughter in the family, Chu Wenyan naturally won the love of her parents.

She has thin skin and tender flesh since she was a child, and after she grows up and pays attention to maintenance, she is even more delicately carved, and she is a beauty at first glance.

Ye Yun has not had much contact with Chu Wenyan since he was a child, and if he thinks about it carefully, there were no more than two times.

But this little girl liked to play with him since she was a child.

As long as you meet him, you will follow behind him in a pitiful manner, and the big cousin is yelling.

I still remember that at that time, she was wearing shofar braids, and only her four front teeth were still there.

After a few years in a blink of an eye, it has become so beautiful and refined, which is unforgettable.

I didn't expect that when she grew up, her personality would still be so straightforward and lively. When she met her, she would call her a big cousin and call her very kindly.

Chu Wenyan then set his eyes on Murong Yan, and opened his small mouth even wider:

"Wow, isn't this the big cousin? It's really beautiful!"

She ran forward with a smile, sat beside Murong Yan, and took her arm affectionately:
"Big cousin, are you a fairy? How can you be so beautiful!"

Yaya poked Chu Wenyan with her small hand: "Ma Ma is not a fairy."

"Oh? Is that a horse?"

Chu Wenyan turned around and asked with a smile.

Yaya smiled and said, "Papa said, Mama is more beautiful than fairies!"

"The mouth can really speak!"

Chu Wenyan scratched Yaya's little nose lovingly, "Honey, I'm your little aunt Chu Wenyan, what's your name?"

Yaya smiled and said, "My name is Murong Yunya, you can call me Yaya."

"Murong Yunya?"

Chu Wenyan thought for a while, then turned around and looked at Murong Yan: "Big Cousin, you are not from Murong's family, are you?"

Murong Yan asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Chu Wenyan smiled and said, "I'm studying at the Foreign Studies University in Jincheng, and I've heard that there are twin sisters in Jincheng, who are the twin sisters of the Murong family."

"You are so beautiful, and the child's surname is Murong, so he must be from the Murong family!"

"Let me guess, you should be Murong Yan!"

Her dark eyes turned and turned, and she stared at Murong Yan with a smile.

Murong Yan nodded and smiled, "Yes, you are very smart."


Chu Wenyan happily raised his little pink fist, "Big cousin is so handsome, indeed only you can match him!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled. This little girl is already in college, and she still talks like a child, saying whatever comes to her mind.

For the next time, Chu Wenyan kept pestering Murong Yan, asking her the secret of skin care.

It seems that this little girl has been conquered by Murong Yan's beauty, and she regards her as an idol, determined to be a perfect and exquisite woman.

Soon, it will be evening.

An Guoliang and Hu Cuilan had no choice but to go because the boss of the An family, An Haojie's father, An Yongqiang, had a treat.

An Guoliang said to Ye Yun: "Xiaoyun, your family should go too. No matter what, they are all relatives. Since you are back, you will meet sooner or later."

Ye Yun thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

If it is in front of his eyes, he will be jealous and afraid to see them.

But now, things have long changed, and they are the ones who should be afraid.

A group of people soon came to the yard of An Yongqiang's house.

There were already several tables of people sitting inside, and when they saw Ye Yun and the others appear, all eyes immediately gathered.

Of course, most of them paid attention to Ye Yun and Murong Yan.

Just because their good looks are too high, and they have a star-like aura, it is difficult not to attract attention.

"Is that Ye Yun? It seems like I haven't seen him for a few years, and he's even more handsome!"

"Look, the woman next to him looks like a fairy, she can't be his girlfriend!"

"Huh? The child in Xiao Chu's hand is so cute! Why does it look a bit like Ye Yun and that woman? It can't be their child!"

Many people who knew Ye Yun showed extremely surprised eyes at this time.

In their impression, Ye Yun was still that weak and bully little coward who was looked down upon everywhere.

How could such a person marry someone more beautiful than flowers as his wife?

Of course, there were also many people who looked calm.

For example, at An Yongqiang's table, they had heard that Ye Yun was back, so they were very calm.

"Second, sit here!"

An Yongqiang raised his hand in greeting.

An Guoliang hurriedly pulled Ye Yun forward: "Xiao Yun, sit down."

An Haojie frowned immediately: "Second Uncle, this is where the An family sits, how can he be an outsider?"

He was slapped by Ye Yun, and he kept it in his heart.

Now with the support of a group of elders, he doesn't have to worry about Ye Yun making a move in public.

So I became more courageous and prepared to vent my anger.

An Guoliang frowned and said, "Haojie, why is Xiaoyun an outsider? Besides, he has a different status now, so he should sit here."

As he spoke, he helped Ye Yun move the stool.

Ye Yun was also polite, and gently helped Murong Yan to sit down first, and then took Yaya from Chu Wenyan's arms.

An Haojie glanced at him unhappily, then turned to ask An Guoliang:

"Second Uncle, tell me what his status is now?"

An Guoliang said: "He is..."

"Alright, alright!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, An Yongqiang waved his hand impatiently, "There are two important people coming soon, why talk about such insignificant things?"

He glanced at the second son An Guoliang, the fourth son An Changsheng's family, and the fifth son An Huiyun and Chu Wenyan, and said with a hint of complacency in his words:

"I call you over today, and I mainly want to tell you two happy events."

"The number one is that Haojie has successfully passed the civil service examination, and he will soon take office in our town government!"

"Hey! Isn't that what being an official is?"

The fourth son, An Changsheng, had an envious expression on his face.

An Yongqiang nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, since he is a newcomer, he has to start as the office director first, and he will be promoted every three years in the future, so he has to take his time!"

An Changsheng said with a smile: "How can this be hard work? To be a director, that is a great thing! Absolutely honor the ancestors!"

He turned around and slapped his son An Xiuqi on the back of the head:
"Little bastard, learn from your elder brother, don't play games and talk about girlfriends all day long, and embarrass labor and management!"

An Xiuqi patted the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile, "How can I be as capable as my elder brother?"

An Yongqiang chuckled, and continued:

"The second thing, it's not a big deal. I bought a BMW for Haojie, and I added a new member to the family. Let's celebrate by the way!"

After hearing this, An Changsheng let out a long sigh: "If you want to say about our three brothers, your family is the most promising. When Haojie is promoted in the future, you must help our family repair chess more!"

An Yongqiang nodded and smiled, "That's for sure!"

While talking, there was a noise at the door.

I saw two middle-aged men with big bellies walking in swaggeringly under the respectful leadership of two young men.

An Yongqiang looked up, and immediately smiled: "Here we come! The big man is here!"

He got up quickly, and stretched out his hand from a long distance: "Secretary Ma, the mayor Lu is here, and the scorpion is shining!"

The two middle-aged men all nodded slightly at him, quite a bit of official authority.

Under everyone's envious eyes, An Yongqiang brought the two of them to the table and said respectfully:

"I would like to introduce you grandly. Today, I have specially invited the future leader of Haojie, the mayor of Xianhe Town, Lu Hongyuan."

"In addition, there is Secretary Ma Xinjing of our Jincheng City! This Secretary Ma is the leader of our entire Yanjiang Development Zone. It is said that he is likely to be promoted to the deputy mayor next year. It is a blessing from our ancestors to invite him here today. !"

When An Changsheng heard that Ma Xinjing had such a great background, he couldn't help being extremely envious.

I secretly sighed in my heart, this is a real brother, why is the gap getting bigger and bigger?

An Yongqiang picked up the wine glass, raised his hand and said, "Come on, everyone, stand up and toast Secretary Ma and Mayor Lu!"

"Xiaoyun, why don't you get up! Don't you know what etiquette is?"

Seeing that Ye Yun and the others didn't move, An Yongqiang couldn't help frowning and scolded angrily.

"Hey, Lao An, what do you care about with a bunch of juniors?"

Ma Xinjing said with a smile.

Although his words were high-sounding, everyone could see that there was a trace of displeasure in his eyes.

Then he looked towards Ye Yun, ready to use his self-intimidation to force Ye Yun and the others to stand up.

However, at the moment when his eyes fell, his body froze suddenly.

It seemed that he had seen something that terrified him.

"Murong... Patriarch Murong!"

He saw that sitting next to Ye Yun, that extremely beautiful girl was the head of the first family in Jincheng, Murong Yan!

Immediately afterwards, his right hand trembled, and the wine glass in his hand fell in response.

"It's really Patriarch Murong!"

He exclaimed, turned around and frowned at An Yongqiang:
"Lao An, Patriarch Murong is here, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You asked her to stand up and toast me, you took the wrong medicine!"

~~ I haven’t saved the manuscript, I’m lying on the bed in the afternoon and I’m hard-coding it, it’s already 1 words, and there’s one more chapter, I’ll be there later, or this little body will collapse~
(End of this chapter)

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