Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 171 I give you 3 minutes to do 3 things well!

Chapter 171 I give you 3 minutes to do three things well!
This Lu Zhiqiang is also from Xianhe Town, and he and Chu Wenyan were classmates in high school.

From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, both of them attended the same class.

At that time, Lu Zhiqiang, who had a good family background, was deeply loved by his female classmates because of his tough appearance and masculine demeanor.

Only Chu Wenyan looked down upon him.

This actually aroused Lu Zhiqiang's competitive spirit, and made a private bet with the people in the dormitory that he would definitely catch up with Chu Wenyan.

Unexpectedly, in the past three years, he still failed to deal with Chu Wenyan.

Even, Chu Wenyan became more and more distant from him.

The two were still friends in the first year of high school, but in the third year of high school, they didn't even talk when they met.

The main reason is that Chu Wenyan didn't want to talk to him, because he kept telling others that he must chase him, making her feel like his prey.

At that youthful and ignorant age, girls need love and fantasy, and even more respect!
But Lu Zhiqiang didn't give Chu Wenyan enough respect, so her impression in her heart plummeted.

Chu Wenyan is a girl with extremely high talent and intelligence. Later, she was admitted to Jincheng University of Foreign Studies with a super high score. She thought she could draw a clear line with Lu Zhiqiang from now on.

Unexpectedly, during the summer vacation after the end of the third year of high school, Lu Zhiqiang ran to her house and said in front of the Chu family that he would look like a man in at most two years, and he would chase after Chu Wen no matter what. cigarette.

In order to show his determination, he also tattooed the word "cigarette" on his arm, which aroused Chu Wenyan's disgust even more.

After this incident, for a full year, he did not appear again.

Chu Wenyan thought it was just his impulsiveness when he was young and ignorant, but unexpectedly, he came today!
Moreover, it is obviously coming for me!

Even An Huiyun's eyes trembled. This Lu Zhiqiang acted a little domineering, which made her a little worried that her daughter would be hurt by him.

Lu Zhiqiang glanced lightly at everyone on the table, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised:
"Qianyan, do you remember the oath I made to you more than a year ago?"

"Today, I am here to fulfill my original vow!"

Chu Wen Yanliu frowned: "Lu Zhiqiang, don't go crazy, okay? Here are all my elders, what are you doing?"

Ignoring her somewhat angry expression, Lu Zhiqiang puffed out his chest and said:
"At the beginning, I was at the gate of Chu's house, and I said that in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, I must make a good appearance in two years, and I will come to you again!"

"Now, I have done it! I have become a member of the Falcon Special Forces Team in Jiangbei Province! Soon, I will have the opportunity to join Tianluodiwang and become a senior special soldier!"

"Not only that, I also participated in the International Special Forces Contest and won the third place. And at the beginning of this year, I participated in peacekeeping missions in South Africa and North Africa, and personally killed two terrorist leaders!"

"During this period, I ignored all the pain and scars, and only told myself one sentence in my heart, that is to live well and come back to see you!"

"Now, I'm right in front of you! I want you to promise me, ask smoke, stay with me!"


He suddenly opened his chest, revealing shocking scars:
"These scars don't represent pain, but my thoughts about you!"

"Wen Yan, there will never be another person in this world who will miss you like me!"

"Please, give me this chance!"

When Lu Zhiqiang finished speaking, the whole yard erupted.

Many people looked at him in awe.

"He said just now that he is a member of the Falcon Special Forces? My dear, that is our Jiangbei Province, the leading Special Forces team! The big bank robbery in the urban area last year was not handled by the Falcon Special Forces?"

"It is said that a special soldier threw a dart from a distance of more than 1500 meters and pierced the throat of the robber leader, scaring the others to their knees and begging for mercy."

"Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a member of the Falcon Special Forces! This is a real king of special forces, a man with real skills!"

While everyone was discussing in low voices, Lu Zhiqiang raised his head high.

His expression was full of unyielding arrogance.

Chu Wenyan saw that Lu Zhiqiang had suffered so much and done so many sensational things, and there was a hint of admiration in his expression.

But that's all!

She sighed softly and said, "Lu Zhiqiang, I admire you and thank you for what you have done for the country and our people."

"However, admiration is one thing, feelings are another. You have been chasing me for so many years, don't you know that I don't like you at all?"

"The best love is respect. If you never know how to respect me, you shouldn't come to me!"

Lu Zhiqiang shook his head and said, "I don't understand what you mean by respect! All I know is that I like you and I want to be with you!"

He stepped on the ground, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and the concrete floor cracked.

His feet sank deeply into the ground.

"Today I hold the determination not to hit the south wall and not turn back! If you don't agree, I won't leave!"

He looked at Chu Wenyan firmly, and at the same time took out a jewelry box from his arms.

"This is the diamond ring I gave you, please promise me!"


Seeing him stepping on the ground, everyone present gasped.

Some people have already started to leave the field quietly. They thought that the Falcon Special Forces people are not easy to mess with, and it is better to avoid them as soon as possible.

An Yongqiang, An Changsheng, Ma Xinjing, and Lu Hongyuan all bowed their heads, not daring to look directly at Lu Zhiqiang's menacing gaze.

An Haojie and An Xiuqi also looked down at the phone, their necks were sore and they didn't dare to look up.

An Haojie was very inferior because Ye Yun became a member of Murong's family.

Now there is another special forces king, which makes him, the little town office director, even more ashamed to look up.

Both An Huiyun and Chu Wenyan had expressions of shock on their faces.

Both of them knew that the current Lu Zhiqiang was different from the past, and his aura was too strong!
Too strong!

They are just ordinary women, how dare they face such a monster-like commando king!

An Xinwei looked around the crowd, and saw that except Ye Yun's family of three who were calm, everyone else looked terrified.

He knew that Ye Yun and the others disdain to be as knowledgeable as people like Lu Zhiqiang, so he got up and said:

"Lu Zhiqiang, my cousin will not be with you, you go back!"

"Shut up! Do you have a share here?"

Lu Zhiqiang glared at An Xinwei.


An Xinwei was out of breath, "This is where we settled down, you told me to shut up, did you make a mistake?"

He stepped forward, put his right hand on Lu Zhiqiang's shoulder, and persuaded him:

"Brother, let's go, no matter how much you persist in this kind of thing, there will be no result! Don't do it to the extreme!"

Since he had just obtained his cultivation base, he was not proficient in fighting skills.

And just now, he had no intention of fighting with Lu Zhiqiang.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his right arm. Lu Zhiqiang took advantage of his defenselessness and twisted his right arm and dislocated it.

Then, I only felt a lightness in my body.

His body was lifted by Lu Zhiqiang, and he was thrown back hard.

It hit Ye Yun's wine table and immediately turned the table over.

The cups and cups all over the table flew up, startling everyone.

"Oh my God, this kid is too ruthless! Look at this posture, if Wenyan doesn't agree today, none of our An family will live in peace!"

An Yongqiang looked terrified on their faces.

This Lu Zhiqiang, the King of Special Forces, is now impulsive for love. No one in the whole yard can subdue him. What else can Chu Wenyan do other than submit?
At least, you have to agree on the surface, just put on a show, right?

Just when everyone was terrified, Ye Yun spoke.

He frowned and looked at Lu Zhiqiang coldly:
"I'll give you 3 minutes to do three things well."

"First of all, you interrupted my family's meal, I want you to bow and apologize ten times."

"Second, apologize to Xinwei and Wenyan."

"Third, sweep the ground here and get out!"

After he finished speaking, the audience gasped.

An Yongqiang and the others looked at him like monsters.

Although the Murong family is powerful, they are the special forces king of the special forces. What if they make him anxious and they dispatch special forces to deal with the Murong family?
Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials, let alone such a terrifying existence as the Falcon Special Forces!

Now in front of so many people, asking Lu Zhiqiang to do this kind of thing is not forcing him to rebel and seek death purely?

Lu Zhiqiang sneered: "You have a big tone! I think you have thin skin and tender flesh, and you can't stand a beating. I will give you a chance to apologize, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, he knelt heavily on the ground.

A pair of knees directly smashed two circular holes in the concrete floor!

~ I am getting fat!Good morning everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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