Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 202 Since I'm Yaya's Friend, Let's Help To The End!

Chapter 202 Since I'm Yaya's Friend, Let's Help To The End!


Because she was too emotional, she shook her little hand and dropped her phone to the ground.

However, her attention is now on the handsome figure at the door.

"Ye Yun?"

Ye Zhiqi got up and stared at the back of the figure in front of her.

Ye Yun turned around and said calmly, "Yes."

"Why are you in my house?"

Ye Zhiqi's red lips parted slightly, with a surprised expression.

Soon, a trace of shyness appeared in her expression, as if thinking of something just now.

Ye Yun's expression was very calm:

"You were drunk just now, and someone wanted to do something wrong to you. I happened to see something nearby, so I drove them away and sent you home."

Ye Zhiqi's pretty face flushed slightly, and now she recalled little by little what she did and said when she was half-drunk and half-awake just now.

How can she not be ashamed?

But thinking of the gesture he had put on just now, the man in front of him was still indifferent, even with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

The turmoil she had just ignited was instantly extinguished.

I feel like I've lost something, empty.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhiqi bent over to pick up the phone, and said with a smile:
"Thank you! If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do tonight."

"You're welcome."

Ye Yun said lightly.

Last time at Ye Zhiqi's bar, Yaya liked the chocolate milk tea she made herself very much, and she was full of praise.

Ye Yun's heroic rescue tonight was purely for Yaya's face.

After all, to Yaya, Ye Zhiqi could be considered her friend.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun couldn't help but smile knowingly.

The little girl likes to make friends so much, she is a little different from him and Murong Yan's temper.

I don't know, what kind of person will this girl become when she grows up?

In Ye Yun's heart, there was a glimmer of hope.

There is also a trace of reluctance.

Just like what Murong Yan said last time, as parents, we hope that our children will grow up quickly, but we don't want them to really grow up too fast.

Because, when they grow up, they will fly to their own sky, farther and farther away from their parents.

Who can afford it?

Putting his mind away, Ye Yun turned around and prepared to go out.

"and many more!"

Ye Zhiqi hurriedly followed, with a hint of worry in her eyes, she looked at Ye Yun:

"Can you please go to the bar with me?"

Ye Yun asked: "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Zhiqi nodded, her voice trembling slightly:
"There was a big accident in the bar just now. After drinking at my place, several people showed symptoms of coma."

"The staff in the bar called just now, saying that 120 has arrived there, but I'm afraid the result is not optimistic, so let me rush there as soon as possible!"

Swallowing her saliva lightly, she said:
"Ye Yun, you are so good at bartending, you must be very proficient in wine, I would like you to accompany me to have a look, okay?"

Ye Yun thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

Helping people to the end, as long as they are good to Yaya, he doesn't mind extending a helping hand.

Ye Zhiqi exhaled like blue, staring at him deeply: "Thank you!"

Ye Yun ignored her affectionate eyes and said calmly, "Let's go."

Ye Zhiqi sighed softly, nodded, and followed.

The two then went downstairs, and Ye Yun got into a Volkswagen Beetle that Ye Zhiqi kept at home, and took her to the TNT bar.

To the parking lot of the TNT bar.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a large group of people around the entrance of the bar.

At the same time, there was a slightly anxious and noisy voice from the crowd.

"Dead! Drinking dead! It's terrible!"

"It's so pitiful, the three living people just disappeared, and it was too late to send them to the hospital, alas!"

Many people uttered horrified and distressed voices, which clearly reached the ears of Ye Yun and Ye Zhiqi.

Ye Zhiqi's delicate body trembled slightly when she heard this, but soon, she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Smiling at Ye Yun, he walked forward.

"The boss is here!"

When a bar employee saw Ye Zhiqi, he hurriedly yelled.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were on Ye Zhiqi.

Ye Zhiqi worked hard to control her emotions and steps, and walked into the crowd with a calm expression.

I saw three young men lying on the ground, and beside them, squatted two doctors and several nurses.

Seeing Ye Zhiqi come forward, the two doctors stood up and said:
"You are the owner of this bar, right?"

Ye Zhiqi nodded: "Yes."

The doctor said: "These three people have all lost their vital signs, what do you want to do now?"

Ye Zhiqi's expression tightened slightly: "Is there really no way to save it?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "They are all severely alcoholic. They have lost their pulse and heartbeat for a long time, and they are completely hopeless."

"How could this be?"

Ye Zhiqi frowned, and the worry on her expression became a little more.

Three lives!
A bar is not enough to pay!

What's even more frightening is that if there is indeed a problem with the alcohol, then she will not only have to bear civil liability for compensation.

You might even go to jail!
But what she didn't understand was that she personally ordered all the wine in the bar, and each bottle was strictly screened.

How can severe alcoholism occur?

"Zhiqi! Don't be nervous, let's settle things slowly!"

Just when Ye Zhiqi lost her mind, a warm voice sounded.

A young man stepped out from the crowd. He was rather handsome, wearing a suit and a TNT badge on his chest.

It says, Deputy General Manager, Qiao Jun.

Qiao Jun walked to Ye Zhiqi's side, and tried to put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but Ye Zhiqi dodged it.

Qiao Jun looked as usual, and said with a gentle expression:

"It happened so suddenly that no one was mentally prepared."

"But it's already like this now, let's calm down and think about how to deal with it!"

A group of staff at the bar, seeing Qiao Jun comforting Ye Zhiqi like this, couldn't help talking in a low voice:
"Mr. Qiao is really kind to our boss. When encountering such a thing, most people would avoid it. Instead of avoiding it, he took the initiative to find a way with the boss."

"Yes! No matter how powerful the boss is, she is still a woman. If something like this happens, there must always be a man by your side, right?"

Qiao Jun couldn't help smiling when he heard the employees' discussion.

There was a hint of embarrassment in Ye Zhiqi's expression.

This Qiao Jun was the son of an old comrade-in-arms of his father.

Hearing that she opened a bar in this city, I thought about asking her to take care of it and find him a good job.

Ye Zhiqi's father was a man of great loyalty and affection, so he agreed immediately.

Besides, Qiao Jun has a college degree, and his character is not bad. Ye Zhiqi didn't object too much, so she asked him to take the position of deputy general manager in the bar.

This position sounds very prestigious, but in fact it is just managing miscellaneous things.

Ye Zhiqi personally intervened when it came to important interests of the bar.

For example, finances, as well as purchasing, especially the ordering of drinks, Ye Zhiqi took care of it herself and never let others intervene.

Therefore, during the more than a month since Qiao Jun came to the bar, his performance was quite satisfactory, so he stayed naturally.


Because his father and his father are old comrades in arms, and Qiao Jun is also a good character, the staff in the bar thought that there was some ambiguous relationship between the two.

As the owner of the bar, Ye Zhiqi naturally wouldn't get involved in gossip about the employees.

She has always believed in going her own way, no matter what others say.

She will be satisfied if she can run the bar well, keep her father in good health and enjoy his old age in peace.

She then asked Qiao Jun, "Did you call the police?"

Qiao Jun nodded: "Report, the police will be here soon."

Ye Zhiqi nodded slightly: "Okay, let's wait until the police arrive!"

(End of this chapter)

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