Chapter 203

She then asked the staff to bring over the drinks for the three of them, handed them to Ye Yun and said:

"Please help me to see if there is anything wrong with these wines?"

Ye Yun took the wine, glanced at it lightly, and said, "No problem."

Qiao Jun frowned and looked at Ye Yun. He had noticed this handsome man when he got out of Ye Zhiqi's car just now.

He could also see that Ye Zhiqi's expression showed a trace of admiration for him.

It made him feel a little hostile.

Qiao Jun frowned and asked, "Zhiqi, who is he?"

Ye Zhiqi smiled slightly, and looked at Ye Yun softly: "He is a friend of mine."

Qiao Jun was puzzled: "Then you gave him the wine, do you want to?"

Ye Zhiqi said: "He is very proficient in bartending, so I want him to see if there is anything wrong with these drinks... Wait!"

There was a strange brilliance in her eyes, and she looked straight at Ye Yun:

"You just said that these wines are all right?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

Ye Zhiqi covered her mouth in surprise, she believed what Ye Yun said was true.

Moreover, she has been in the industry for so many years, and she also has a lot of insights on drinks.

When she took the wine bottle just now, she took a special sniff and found that the wine smelled pure and nothing unusual.

If it was high-concentration fake alcohol, or if it was mixed with industrial methanol, she would definitely be able to smell it.

Comparing the two in this way, she can conclude that there is nothing wrong with the wine.

With deep doubts, she turned around and asked Qiao Jun:
"Are you sure that these three people died because they drank wine from the bottle?"

"Of course!"

Qiao Jun showed a determined look, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Zhao. She was the one who took the wine from the bar and gave it to the guests."

Xiao Zhao is a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, with a trace of greenness on her face, she stepped forward and affirmed Qiao Jun's statement.

Ye Zhiqi was very familiar with this girl and knew that she was not lying.

"In that case, how could such a thing happen?"

Ye Zhiqi shook her head and sighed repeatedly.

What happened today is really unbelievable. She has been in this industry for so many years, and she has never heard of it.

"The police are here!"

At this moment, someone shouted loudly.

Four uniformed policemen came to Ye Zhiqi, and one of them asked:
"Someone called the police just now, saying that someone here died because of drinking, who is the boss?"

Ye Zhiqi said, "I am!"

The other three police officers carefully inspected the bodies of the three deceased, and after confirming a few words with the doctor on the side, they stepped forward and said:

"The person did die. The doctor confirmed that it was alcohol poisoning, and he lost his vital signs long ago."

The first policeman nodded and said to Ye Zhiqi:

"Please come with us and cooperate with the investigation!"

"During this period, we need to temporarily close your bar until the case is determined before we can continue to operate."

Ye Zhiqi's face changed when she heard the words. If she was taken away by the police, the matter would be much worse.

Although both she and Ye Yun concluded that there is no problem with alcohol.

However, the results of the doctor's examination are direct evidence for the police.

The doctor said that they all died of alcohol poisoning, and she was directly responsible for the death.

If no favorable evidence can be found to prove that the deaths of the three people had nothing to do with drinking, I am afraid that she will bear the corresponding criminal responsibility.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqi's eyes turned red.

She has worked and suffered for so many years, and she has never cried.

But at this moment, she felt helpless and hopeless.

Just because.

The pub is all she wants now, and she really can't imagine the consequences if she can't stay in business.

At this moment, Ye Yun's eyes fell on the bodies of the three deceased, and after staring carefully for a few seconds, he looked away.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, walked to Ye Zhiqi's side, and said lightly:

"It's not that serious."


Ye Zhiqi's beautiful eyes were wide open, she didn't understand what Ye Yun meant.

Just as Ye Yun wanted to continue, Qiao Jun stood in front of him and said to Ye Zhiqi:
"Zhiqi, don't worry, I believe this matter has nothing to do with you!"

"Now you can safely cooperate with the police investigation, believe me, you will be fine!"

The previous policeman nodded: "In that case, come with us first!"

"and many more!"

Just as the other three policemen approached Ye Zhiqi, a voice rang out from the crowd.

I saw an old man wearing a black Taoist uniform, with a long gray beard, and with his hands behind his back, came out slowly.

He didn't squint, and his aura was steady.

Every time he took a step, the Taoist clothes on his body swayed slightly, showing a bit of an unborn master's demeanor.

The old man glanced at the two doctors contemptuously, and said lightly:
"You doctors are really hard-educated, don't know how to adapt, rely on instruments for everything, it's really harmful!"

When the two doctors were scolded by him, they couldn't hold back immediately, and asked:
"Our inspection results are fair and objective, why do you open your mouth to curse people?"

The old man proudly raised his head and said with disdain:
"It's too light to scold you! Three lives are being judged by you in such a hasty way!"

"You guys, this is killing people at all!"

The two doctors were at a loss: "Who did we kill? Please speak clearly!"

"Also, who are you, talking nonsense here?!"

The old man chuckled, with his hands behind his back, his head held high, his beard swaying in the wind:

"My lord, Doctor of Medicine, Qu Wushuang!"


"Master Qu...Master Qu!"

"God! He is really a medical saint!"

After Qu Wushuang announced his name, everyone present was shocked.

"Master Qu, we are the No. 1 mysterious doctor in Jiangbei Province! I have heard of his name a long time ago, and I thought he had escaped from the world of mortals and become an immortal. Unexpectedly, I saw him here!"

"It is said that the master of this song is profound and amazing in medicine, and can often use methods that no one can think of, life and death! It's like Hua Tuo is alive!"

"No! Hua Tuo only relies on medical skills, and Master Qu has perfectly combined metaphysics and medical skills! No one in China has ever surpassed him in the attainments of metaphysics!"


Those who have heard of Qu Wushuang's name are all looking at him with fiery eyes at this moment.

In particular, Qu Wushuang's ancestral home was from Qingyang City. Later, he traveled to China and left behind many legends. He is a living god in the hearts of countless Qingyang City people.

At this time, the two scolded doctors also fell silent.

Qu Wushuang's prestige in the hearts of the people of Qingyang is too strong, how dare they defend him in public?
Qu Wushuang stepped forward, glanced at Ye Zhiqi indifferently, and waved his hand to tell the police to go away first.

Then he said: "The deaths of these three people have nothing to do with her. Don't wrong the good people."

The first policeman said:

"Mr. Qu, our police pay attention to evidence in handling cases, and now the doctor has confirmed that they died of alcohol poisoning..."

Qu Wushuang interrupted: "As I said just now, they are not alcoholic. I will prove it to you!"

He turned his head and asked Ye Zhiqi:
"Little girl, do you want me to save you?"

(End of this chapter)

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