Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 204 There are only 2 choices!

Chapter 204 There are only two choices!

Ye Zhiqi is a native of Qingyang City, so naturally she has heard of Qu Wushuang to some extent.

However, she knew that there was no free lunch in this world, and Qu Wushuang didn't have any friendship with her, so she definitely had no reason to help her casually.

This is the true meaning of life that she has realized through years of hard work.

So he asked: "Master Qu, if you help me, what do you need from me?"


After hearing this, Qu Wushuang raised his head and laughed, "You little girl, you are really smart! No wonder you can hold up this bar by yourself, it really is not easy!"

He raised his index finger: "I only want you to do one thing!"

Ye Zhiqi asked, "What's the matter?"

Qu Wushuang smiled and said, "If I can help you successfully resolve this crisis, you can go to the cemetery in the southwest and sweep the floor for 49 days."

Ye Zhiqi frowned: "Why do you want me to go?"

Qu Wushuang said with a smile: "I like to look at fate when I do things. I just happened to meet you today, so I think I have to take care of it."

"However, there is no such thing as free food in this world. I have helped you, and you have to help me accumulate merit and good fortune. You all know that I, Qu Wushuang, became famous all over the world with my mysterious medical skills."

"But if you want to have an extraordinary ability to understand the mystery, you must accumulate virtue and do good deeds! You sweep the cemetery for me, which is to help me accumulate merit, which will help me practice the technique of understanding the mystery."

After his words fell, everyone present could not help but give a thumbs up.

"Look, as expected of No. 1 mysterious doctor, this way of acting is really a master's demeanor."

"Others have to collect money in return for their help, but he is the only one who is doing it to accumulate merit. What a bodhisattva!"

Qu Wushuang raised his position in everyone's hearts again with just a few words.

Ye Zhiqi nodded and said, "I see, this matter is not difficult."

"Then, what should I do to prove my innocence?"

Qu Wushuang put his hands behind his back and squinted at her:
"You were born in June, which is the midsummer season. And your name, Tiange, Dige, and personality all belong to fire, so you are a person with a fire destiny."

"And the bar you run is water in essence. In the five elements of the universe, water and fire are naturally incompatible, so you can work for others, but if you want to run a bar by yourself, it is really a big taboo."

"Today, although these three people didn't drink your wine to death, they are also related to you!"

Ye Zhiqi's body trembled slightly when she heard this.

She did not expect that Qu Wushuang could see her background so clearly.

Even the people present were startled, and secretly praised Qu Wushuang as the No. 1 mysterious doctor.

As soon as he opened his mouth, this metaphysical attainment was admirable.

Ye Zhiqi asked: "Then what is the solution to solve this problem?"

Qu Wushuang said with an inscrutable look:

"The so-called untie the bell requires the person who tied it. There are only two ways to resolve this catastrophe."

"One, you sell the bar before midnight tonight."

"Secondly, transfer the bar to another person who has a fiery nature, earthly character, and personality. You will work together to overcome the crisis with two fires."

Ye Zhiqi frowned after hearing this.

Now it's less than 10 minutes before Zi time passes.

It is impossible to sell the bar in such a short period of time!

Then there is only the second way, which is to find a person and transfer the property rights to that person, which can be done quickly.


This bar is her hope, and Qu Wushuang's words have not really convinced her.

Seeing a trace of hesitation in her eyes, Qu Wushuang laughed and said:

"Little girl, don't you believe me?"

Pointing to one of them, he said, "Since I encountered this matter today, I can't let it go."

"However, with my energy, I can only save one person, and I risked violating God's will. For the next two, you can figure it out yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he stomped his feet abruptly, clasped his hands together and pointed at one of them:

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"


After the words fell, a light yellow light exploded in that person's chest.

Then, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up suddenly.

"I'll go, it's really saved! Master Qu is really amazing!"

"A miracle! A miracle!"

Qu Wushuang casually pointed and saved one person.

Seeing this scene, everyone present felt their knees weaken, and they had the urge to kneel down for him.

Ye Zhiqi's eyes trembled, and she asked:

"Can you tell me first, whose name I can transfer the bar to?"

Qu Wushuang took a breath, and once again restored the image of a master outside the world, he said:

"You can't ask me this, you have to ask the world, and the world will tell you who is the right choice."

After speaking, he took out a round copper coin from his pocket and put it in Ye Zhiqi's hand:

"Hold it, throw it into the sky, and soon you'll know the answer."

Ye Zhiqi held the copper coin suspiciously, flung her jade arm, and threw the copper coin high.

Soon, the copper coin fell, making a crisp sound in the air.

Everyone was waiting eagerly, not knowing who it would fall on.

Many people are already a little excited.

If they can be hit by a copper coin, not only can they get the right to manage the TNT bar, but they can also get along with a beautiful woman like Ye Zhiqi day and night.

There is nothing better in the world!

"It's about to fall!"

The copper coins fell quickly, and someone began to shout excitedly.

Afterwards, everyone saw a scene of astonishment.

I saw that the copper coin drew an arc at a distance of more than three meters from the ground, and fell rapidly towards a person.

In the end, it fell on this person.

And this person is Qiao Jun!

There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

A group of employees in the TNT bar, regardless of gender, covered their mouths with expressions of extreme shock.

"This is God's will! It's really God's will!"

"The copper coin actually fell on Mr. Qiao. This is God telling us that Mr. Qiao is the boss's true son!"

Several young female employees were almost moved to tears.

There is no more romantic fate than this in the world!

With a shocked expression on Qiao Jun's face, he smiled at Ye Zhiqi and said, "Look, Zhiqi, this is such a coincidence!"

Ye Zhiqi was biting her lips tightly, her eyes trembling.

She didn't like Qiao Jun, not at all!

But now, everything is telling her that only by being with Qiao Jun can she keep the bar and resolve this crisis.


What's the difference between being with someone you don't love and going to jail?
Even if you have thousands of golden mountains, you are nothing but an empty skin, living in panic!

Thinking of this, her expression gradually calmed down, she raised her head, looked directly at Qu Wushuang and said:

"Sorry, I don't need your help!"

"You, have you thought it through?"

Qu Wushuang's face was full of surprise.

Ye Zhiqi nodded firmly: "Yes! If I can't prove my innocence, I'd rather go to jail!"

Qiao Jun on the side couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words.

He gritted his teeth and gave Ye Yun a meaningful look.

Ye Zhiqi completely ignored their expressions, turned her head, and looked at Ye Yun with a smile:
"By the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "I want to tell you that they did not drink to death."

(End of this chapter)

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