Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 205 Not only handsome, but also very talented!Please subscribe, too few subscriptions~

Chapter 205 Not only handsome, but also very talented!Please subscribe, too few subscriptions~

Ye Zhiqi was shocked.

Isn't Ye Yun a formidable bartender? How could he, like Qu Wushuang, see that the three of them didn't die from alcohol poisoning?

She suddenly remembered that a guest in the bar had mentioned that the man of Jincheng Murong Patriarch Murong Yan's name was Ye Yun.

He is not only handsome, but also very capable.

Together with his wife, they have done several sensational things in Jincheng.

Originally, she and Ye Yun only met for the first time, and did not study his background in depth.

Now that I think about it carefully, isn't the person standing in front of me the man of the largest family in Jincheng, the head of the family?

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqi's heart trembled.

There is excitement, but also a trace of loss.

She is slightly inferior to Murong Yan in appearance, and her family background is not as good as Murong Yan's.

Not as good as Murong Yan, who had a heart-wrenching and unswerving love with Ye Yun.

Now even if there are thousands of thoughts, how can I tell them?
I'm afraid, just thinking about it secretly, I feel heartbroken, it's too extravagant!
Taking a deep breath, trying to calm down all the thoughts, Ye Zhiqi looked at Ye Yun:

"Then do you know how they died?"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled lightly: "They are not dead at all."

When he threw out these short words, it immediately caused a sensation in the audience.

First of all, the two doctors rushed forward and looked at him excitedly:
"Are you kidding? We have confirmed many times that they have indeed lost their vital signs!"

"Could it be that you also want to bring them back to life like Master Qu?"

Before Ye Yun could answer, Qiao Jun turned around and stared at him angrily:
"Zhiqi, you can't listen to his nonsense!"

"He's just a bartender and doesn't understand anything! Talking nonsense here is just disturbing the audiovisual!"

"Right now, there are still two people waiting for Master Qu to be rescued. Whether or not this crisis can be resolved depends on what you do!"

"You must not be disturbed by this little boy and make a wrong choice!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

Seeing that demeanor, she wished to agree to Qu Wushuang's request for Ye Zhiqi.

Qu Wushuang put his hands behind his back, raised his chin very high, and looked extremely proud:
"Little friend, you said that they are not dead, but do you have conclusive evidence?"

"Could it be that you thought it was easy for me, Qu Wushuang, to save someone just now?"

"Or you can try it and see if you can bring them back to life!"

Everyone present, except Ye Zhiqi, all looked at Ye Yun with burning eyes.

Several employees in the bar had seen Ye Yun's skill in bartending.

But they secretly believed that right now, the doctors, the police, and Master Qu all believed that these three were dead.

Moreover, Qu Wushuang rescued one of them with his shocking mysterious medical skills, which is very convincing.

However, now, this handsome man actually said that these three people were not dead at all.

This not only overturned all the previous judgments of the doctors and the police, but also blatantly refuted Master Qu.

This is tantamount to a blatant provocation, Master Qu's status in the hearts of Qingyang people!

"It's too much!"

Qiao Jun's face was full of anger, "My friend, Master Qu is saving people now, not when you are talking nonsense, please go away!"

"Don't delay Zhiqi's self-proving of innocence!"

Ye Zhiqi bit her cherry lips tightly, and glared at Qiao Jun with her bright eyes:

"The one who should go away is you, Qiao Jun! I believe what he said, don't talk nonsense here!"

She turned her head and said softly, "Ye Yun, can you save the other two?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "If they are not dead, we cannot talk about resuscitating them. However, it is not difficult to wake them up."

As soon as he said this, the audience once again burst into exclamation.

Everyone was eagerly waiting to see how this crazy man would "wake up" the dead.

At this time, Qu Wushuang couldn't help but change his expression after hearing Ye Zhiqi call out Ye Yun's name.

He suddenly thought that the man of Jincheng Murong's Patriarch was Ye Yun.

The person who made a big fuss at Xiao Xuanzong's dinner was this man named Ye Yun.

And recently, the man widely rumored in the martial arts world to sneak attack Li Jiutian to death was also Ye Yun!

If the man in front of him is the man of Patriarch Murong, then he, Qu Wushuang, might be...

It kicked on the titanium alloy plate!

Ye Yun ignored everyone's shocked or questioning gazes, walked to the side of the two corpses calmly, and looked up at Ye Zhiqi:
"come here."

Ye Zhiqi hummed, and immediately stepped forward.

Ye Yun then pointed to the tops of their heads and said, "You can wake them up by patting each of their heads."


Ye Yun's words once again caused the audience to be speechless for a while.

A death that even a doctor has diagnosed can be revived with a tap on the top of the head?
Qu Wushuang, on the other hand, was startled when he heard the words, swallowed a mouthful of saliva suddenly, and began to move back.


Ye Zhiqi firmly believed in Ye Yun, raised her jade hand, and patted the tops of the heads of the two of them.

A magical scene appears!

The two of them opened their eyes one after another, sat up quickly, and looked at the surrounding crowd blankly.

"It's really saved! It's amazing! It's really amazing!"

Everyone looked at Ye Yun with enthusiasm and admiration.

Qu Wushuang said just now that to save these two people, not only would one have to risk violating God's will, but there were also such harsh conditions.

However, this handsome man can find a way to save people just by pointing his fingers, and he looks even more powerful than Master Qu.

How can you not let people worship you?
Ye Zhiqi had a look of shock and joy on her face. If she hadn't considered all aspects, she really wanted to hold Ye Yun in her arms and ruthlessly ravage her.

This man is not only handsome, but also really talented!

Putting away the deer-like thoughts, she asked in surprise:

"Ye Yun, why did they live when I took a picture?"

Under everyone's curious eyes, Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:
"Because they were used a kind of exercise to seal the acupuncture points of their whole body, creating the illusion of death."

"This kind of exercise is called Qigong, or fake death exercise."

As soon as he said this, the audience boiled again.

"God! So there really is such a technique, I thought it was only found in TV dramas!"

"Seeing it with my own eyes today, I really learned a lot!"

Ye Zhiqi asked: "Then if I pat the top of their heads, is that the way to dissolve this exercise?"

Ye Yun nodded: "The one you took just now was Baihui acupoint."

"Baihui point is the meeting point of all the meridians, which run through the whole body. The head is the meeting place of all yang and the ancestor of all the meridians. Therefore, Baihui point is the place where the qi of the meridians converge."

"Of course you can wake up their bodies once you shoot it."

Ye Zhiqi covered her mouth and laughed straight: "So that's how it is!"

She then showed a puzzled look:
"Then who the hell is using this technique to deal with them? What is he doing this for?"

Ye Yun glanced at Qiao Jun indifferently: "You have to ask him about this."

"You... what do you mean?"

Qiao Jun swept away the previous arrogance, his face was full of horror.

Ye Zhiqi turned around, and Liu Mei frowned: "Qiao Jun, why did you do this?"

Qiao Jun trembled and shouted, "I didn't! I didn't do it! I can swear to God!"


As soon as he raised his right hand, a dark piece fell from the inner lining of his clothes.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be a magnet.

And the copper coin that fell on Qiao Jun just now also fell from his hand to the ground, gurgling!rolled onto the magnets and stuck together.


Qiao Jun was dumbfounded for a moment.

Soon, he came back to his senses, Pata!He knelt heavily on the ground and begged:

"Zhiqi, I'm sorry I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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