Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 207 Real Fear, Real Despair!

Chapter 207 Real Fear, Real Despair!
In the morning, the majesty is sweet and the sun is shining.

"Yaya, baby, wake up!"

Ye Yun was sitting by the bed, looking at the little baby on the bed with a smile.

There is a look of doting in his eyes.

At a young age, it is the most pitiful time.

In particular, Yaya is such a cute girl, so cute, even if she is asleep, she is still very likable.

"Yeah~~ No!"

Yaya was sleepy, pouted and said coquettishly.

She stretched out her white and tender little arms and hugged Ye Yun's big hand, "Baba, Yaya hasn't slept enough, Yaya still needs to sleep!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled: "Honey, it's already very late! You have to go to school today, so don't be late!"

Yaya ignored.

Ye Yun smiled helplessly, but there is still a trick to deal with this little lazy cat.

"Baby, Papa brought you a cup of chocolate milk tea from Aunt Zhiqi."

"Do you want to drink?"


In the blink of an eye, the little girl seemed to be a different person, she quickly opened her eyes and sat up.

The little tongue couldn't help licking his lips, like a cute little greedy cat.

Ye Yun picked her up, kissed her tender and chubby cheek, and said with a smile:

"Papa, take the baby to brush your teeth!"

Stimulated by the chocolate milk tea, the little girl's movements were neat and tidy, without sloppiness.

In just 2 minutes, I washed my face and brushed my teeth in one go, put on the delicious children's face cream, and ran out of the bathroom in a hurry.

Ye Yun pointed at the dining table: "Honey, sit down, Papa will make you hot milk tea for breakfast!"

Murong Yan also came downstairs at this time.

Today, she is wearing a purple high-necked light chiffon shirt with a gooseneck on her head. Against the backdrop of purple, she is radiant.

The lower body is a pair of skinny jeans, black high-heeled shoes with thin heels, and the steps are graceful, with a beautiful scene.

Like a fairy in a painting, it comes out in style.

Ye Yun happened to come out with breakfast, and he glanced at her with a smile: "Honey, hurry up and have breakfast."

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed slightly, she nodded with a slight smile, and there was a bit of shame in her eyes.

Although she is already a woman, she is still in her prime, not inferior to the cardamom years.

Last night was beautiful, and I have been reminiscing in my heart, just like old wine, the more it tastes, the stronger it becomes.

Now that I am face to face with my beloved, I can't help but feel like a deer jumping, wanting to taste the crazy refreshment of last night again.

But he was also afraid that he was too greedy and would scare the one he loved.

They are close but don't want to get close too quickly. My daughter's family's thoughts, if you talk about others slowly, you can't control it yourself.

Ye Yun didn't notice her shy look, and brought a glass of milk in front of her.

Two slices of bread, a poached egg, and mung bean soup cooked in the early morning.

It seems simple, but it is a deep love, anyone can see it.

"Ye Yun, you have worked hard."

Murong Yan felt sweet in her heart, she just felt that when she opened her mouth and closed her mouth, there was this romantic sweetness in her mouth and breath.

Ye Yun smiled softly and said: "Honey, you are being polite to me again, the whole family, there is no need to say thank you."

4 years of waiting, 4 years of suffering.

For you, it is four years.

For me, it is an endless torment.

Fortunately, at this moment, I can sit at the same table with you, savor every breakfast, and savor this wonderful world.

Hold the hand of the son, and the same white head as the son, why do you need to say thank you?
Murong Yan smiled slightly, nodded with a smile and hummed.

He raised the spoon and took a mouthful of mung bean soup into his mouth. From his throat to his heart, from his chest to his limbs, he felt indescribably comfortable and comfortable.

"It's delicious!"

She, and Yaya couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Ye Yun smiled slightly, watching them feasting on them with tenderness.

With emotion in my heart, the Promise God Realm is happy and enmity for 4 years.

It is even more fulfilling and fulfilling to be with your family than this moment!
After the meal, Murong Yan said goodbye to Ye Yunya, and went to work with a satchel.

Ye Yun took Yaya to the Red, Green and Blue Kindergarten.

When he came to the parking lot of the kindergarten, Ye Yun opened the car door, came to the co-pilot's seat, hugged Yaya to the ground, and led her into the car.

At this time, it was more than 1000 meters away from the gate of the Kindergarten, on the top of a 20-storey office building.

A middle-aged man in black and sunglasses was holding a gun.

He lay quietly on the roof of the building, dormant like a wild beast before hunting.

When Ye Yun's body was completely exposed to the view, the corner of his mouth slowly raised a dangerous arc.

"I didn't expect that the one who had to deal with 2000 million yuan turned out to be such an ordinary man!"

"This task is too easy!"

While speaking, his index finger was slowly retracting and pulling the trigger.

In an instant, the bullet can be fired, and it is fatal in one blow!
Because of the silencer, the sound of the bullet ejecting from the chamber is very small.


Great momentum!

The bullets fired are impeccable in both speed and accuracy.

He could clearly see that the bullets made beautiful waves in the air.

Precisely, without any deviation, it shot at the back of the man's head.

He could already imagine that the moment the bullet penetrated into the back of his head, his brains were scattered like flowers blooming, how poignant and beautiful it was.


Things didn't go as expected.

He was horrified to see that the bullet was surrounded by a strange purple flame when it was two or three meters away from the man.

In an instant, it turned into nothing.

Like, never existed!


"how so?!"

"Could it be that I'm blind?!"

At this moment, the killer code-named Death let out a heart-piercing exclamation.

He was obviously there, and the bullet that had already been shot, how could it suddenly disappear!

"Damn it, it doesn't matter if you are a human or a ghost, as long as I catch you, you will die!"

Reaper got angry and pulled the trigger again.

This time, it was two shots in a row, with almost no pause in between.

However, what he saw was still the same scene.

Both bullets were burned to ashes.

Not to mention hitting that man, even within two meters of him, he couldn't enter.


"What the hell!"

Reaper's body couldn't help but tremble, and he felt a chill down his spine.

He has performed many missions, including assassination, and breaking out with his companions among thousands of troops.

The most dangerous time was facing a regular infantry company of more than 300 people.

In the hail of bullets, the sky is under heavy fire.

Unarmed, he single-handedly broke through the triple siege and ran ten kilometers to save his life.

I thought that that time was the most terrifying experience in his life.

But now, he knows what real fear is!

true despair!
With three bullets, he couldn't get close. What the hell is he, or some kind of monster? !
"This guy is not human! I'm afraid he has discovered my hiding place and must escape as soon as possible!"

The keenness of a professional killer made him aware of the imminent danger.

Run away!
If the mission fails, life-saving is the first element.

He quickly put away the gun, took it apart and put it in his handbag.

Then, like a madman, he ran downstairs and into the car parked on the side of the road.

It wasn't until the moment the engine roared that he felt at ease.

"It doesn't matter if you fail the mission. In the face of such a monster, saving your life is the top priority!"

He let out a long breath, stepped on the accelerator and moved forward at a fast speed.

At this time, Ye Yun had already sent Yaya into the classroom.

Turning around, there was a cold light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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