Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 208 When you die, I will let you go!

Chapter 208 When you die, I will let you go!

On the expressway outside Jincheng, the cars are speeding like wind.

Death's heart trembled, and his hands trembled.

The scene just now hadn't calmed him down, it lingered like a nightmare.

"Damn it, isn't it just an ordinary person?"

"You know it's such a monster, let alone 2000 million, even [-] million!"

As a world-renowned killer, he was ranked among the top ten killers in the world by the GAT forum, with a great reputation.

Moreover, he is a local killer in China, and most of the tasks are completed in China.

Today's task was received by him in the chat group of a domestic assassin organization.

This chat group is very hidden.

All the killers, as well as the mission issuers, are disguised as game players.

Enter a specific game, a specific chat room, and then post a reward and choose your favorite killer to complete the task.

His employer, during a private chat, told him that he was dealing with an ordinary man.

Moreover, he told him where the ambush was easy to carry out, and lowered the price to 2000 million.

At that time, he didn't think much about it. After all, the average employer knew the target's identity very well and would not hide it.

He thought he had received a risk-free and very easy job, earning 2000 million for a while.

Who would have thought that he would encounter a monster unexpectedly!

A monster that couldn't even get close after firing three shots!

This kind of target has never been seen before in his more than ten years of killer career.

He dared to bet that even the top three killers in the world would not be able to deal with this person.

Now, asking me to kill him for a mere 2000 million is simply a big joke!

"Damn it, this is the first time I have encountered such a cheating employer!"

"I want to ask, who is this target?"

As the saying goes, the ruler is shorter and the inch is longer.

He is different from Nie Fan, the God of Sang, he is good at ambushes and breakthroughs, but not good at investigation.

Therefore, the true identity of the target can only be finally confirmed by the employer.

He opened an online game called Royal Pesticide, entered the designated chat group, and found the cheating employer:
"Can you tell me what the target is called and what background does it have? With only one photo, I am currently unable to determine his location."

Soon, the other party replied, with a questioning tone:

"Didn't I tell you that he would send his children to kindergarten every day? You wait there and just shoot!"

The god of death smiled coldly: "He didn't go today, I want to go to his house to ambush."

After a few seconds, the other party replied: "His name is Ye Yun, he is the man of Jincheng Murong Patriarch, and he is also a martial arts master."

"However, no matter how powerful he is, he will not be the opponent of the bullet!"

"I hope you can complete the task today!"

"Do not let me down!"

Ye Yun?

Ye Yun!

The god of death recollected the name twice, and suddenly opened his eyes, with an expression of incomparable horror.

"You fucking idiot, you're going to kill me!"

Reaper scolded directly.

Although recently, due to the intervention of a mysterious force in the GAT forum, the information about Ye Yun has become more and more vague.

Moreover, since the observer made the remarks about Ye Yun that time, he has not been able to produce more substantive evidence.

It proved that Ye Yun is indeed an extremely terrifying existence, and it is related to that terrifying oriental dragon.

But, in any case, there is no such thing as a storm.

The god of death still remembered Ye Yun's name firmly in his heart.

Out of the caution of a professional killer, he had already secretly told himself that he could not touch the task related to this man.

No amount of commission will do!

But who the hell would have thought that a cowardly employer would deliberately conceal his identity and issue tasks at a low price.

And this task was chosen by himself.


"Damn it, you want to die, don't implicate me!"

"The deposit is non-refundable! Just treat it as my mental damage fee!"

The god of death replied angrily, and then exited the chat room.

Today, he would rather damage his reputation than touch this man Ye Yun again.

It turned out that what he had been feeling all along was right.

This man really cannot be offended!

"Leave Huaxia during this time, go to Italy for a month, beach beauty champagne, relax."

Death secretly smiled bitterly.

As a world-renowned killer, he would be made nervous like a student before the college entrance examination by a man.

"Tell me, who asked you to kill me?"

Just when Reaper relaxed a little, a faint voice from the back seat almost made his scalp explode.

In the rearview mirror, a fair and handsome face was staring at him with a cold smile.


Reaper couldn't help but gasped.

"It's over!"

These two words first appeared in his mind.

"I... I... don't know!"

He stammered back, his tongue almost tied, "I just communicate with my employer online, other... I don't know anything about it."

Ye Yun sneered and said, "I'll give you a minute to find out his identity."

After finishing speaking, he lay down leisurely on the back seat.

Reaper's whole body turned cold, his pores dilated.

He felt that his body was covered by an invisible pressure, like a huge mountain, which almost suffocated him.

He opened the game again and entered the chat group. He clicked on the other party's screen name, and all the insults appeared in the window.

It's nothing more than scolding him as a killer for not keeping promises, being incompetent, stealing people's money, and so on.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he sent a sentence to the other party:
"Give me the account number, and I will return the money to you. Don't say anything about this time, or I will trouble you."

Refund the money while intimidating and acting like you genuinely want to make peace.

The purpose of doing this is to convince the other party that he just wants to refund the money and has no other purpose.

Sure enough, the other party quickly returned an account number and the name of the payee.

"Zhang Yong?"

Ye Yun looked at the bank where the account was opened and the name of the payee, and his eyes turned cold.

Even if Xiao Huang couldn't get away temporarily, this information alone was enough to find that person!
The Grim Reaper's eyes trembled, and he asked Ye Yun with fear:
"Can... let me go? Those who don't know are innocent. If I knew it was you, I would definitely not take action!"

This man can't be pierced by three shots, and can appear here silently.

This ability made him completely desperate.

Now, besides begging for mercy, is there any other way?

Of course, based on his understanding of Ye Yun, it may be futile to say so.

But the more one is about to die, the stronger one's desire to survive is, so if you say a few more words of begging for mercy, what if a miracle happens?

"When you die, I will let you go!"

What was waiting was Ye Yun's bland, slightly joking words.

But, for the god of death, just like his name, it makes people despair and fear.

"No! Please!"


The fuel tank exploded, and a roar rose into the sky.

At high speed, there is only a mass of speeding flames left.

Within seconds, the fireball exploded and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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