Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 220 The Young Master Is Unparalleled!

Chapter 220 The Young Master Is Unparalleled!
Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

Jiangbei Province, Jiangnan Province, one south and one north, the day when the two major forces affiliated to the heaven and earth network, compete with each other has finally arrived.

The location of the competition is set at the base of Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters.

For Wang Gan and the others, this time can be said to be a competition at home, and there is no room for loss.

In fact, this kind of competition is held once a year, and the venue of the competition changes between Jiangbei Province and Jiangnan Province every year.

Since Wang Gan took charge of the Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters, he has competed at his doorstep five times.

Every time, he was either crushed ruthlessly by the opponent, or missed the championship by a hair's breadth.

Although, the purpose of this kind of competition is to learn from each other and improve, mainly as a way for internal communication in Tianluodiwang.

However, the two forces, to put it bluntly, are infinitely close to the regular army.

This kind of competition between the tip of the needle and the wheat awn, everyone wants to win, and they all want to feel proud. Who wants to lose to the other party?

Therefore, this kind of competition is actually the same as the exam in school.

Usually the big guys play and quarrel together, but when it comes to the exam, they all want to compete for the first place and show off in front of each other with a certificate.

However, it is a pity that since Wang Gan took over the Jiangbei provincial headquarters, he has never won.

This made him very depressed.

Originally, he also thought about looking for martial arts wizards to come to the base for special training.

For example, Xiao Xuanzong, who used to be well-known in Jiangbei Province, was invited by him to the base for a one-day trial training.

But what disappointed him was that Xiao Xuanzong was arrogant and arrogant.

And he is too courageous to be able to control people.

Not only failed to manage this group of fighters well, but had fierce friction with them, and almost turned the matter into a super battle.

Fortunately, Wang Gan showed up in time with the army of the sky and the earth, and mediated from them, so that the matter calmed down.

Wang Gan felt that compared with the current Ye Yun, Xiao Xuanzong was blown away no matter in terms of his personal ability or the way he dealt with everyone.

There is no way to compare with Ye Yun!
Fortunately, with his persistent efforts, Ye Yun was finally invited this time as a temporary instructor.

What made him even happier was that since taking Ye Yun's Supreme God Pill, a total of [-] special forces members have been training day and night for [-] days.

No one was injured or died, but instead, his own ability was raised to an incredible level.

After a rough test, Wang Qian found that the comprehensive combat capability of each of them had increased by at least five times.

Five times!

In just sixteen days, this level can be reached.

This can no longer be described as abnormal.

Rather, a pervert among perverts!
So this time, Wang Gan has the chance to win and is confident, so he is bound to be proud at the door of his house.

No, he dressed neatly in the morning, and looked in the mirror before going out until he was satisfied.

Wearing a specially-made military uniform and military cap, he is valiant and heroic, like a general living in the world.

The military jeep driven by Xia Jin greeted him at the door.

Today's Xia Jin is also very carefully dressed, just sitting there, you can see a pair of tall breasts under the military uniform.

and also.

Delicate fair face, high nose bridge, bright red lips.

There is a soldier's heroism in her beautiful eyes, but also a bit of beauty's charm.

The purple house is dismantled with rouge in the sun, and the plain powder is blown away by the wind.

It's so strange that Mulan used to be a girl in her fat and powdery state.

With her appearance, she was just like a Mulan in the world, which is really unique.

"Commander Wang, Commander Li and the others are already here!"

Xia Jin smiled sweetly.

Wang Gan nodded, got into the car and asked, "How long will it take for Ye Yun to come here?"

Xia Jin replied: "I just made a phone call, and I will come when I finish dropping off the children, about half an hour or so."

Wang Gan nodded and smiled: "Okay! Let that old guy see my man from Jiangbei Province today, with his unrivaled demeanor!"

Xia Jin giggled and said, "Commander Li's lineup is not small today, he just said that this year he will beat you to your heart's content!"

"This time, I'm not afraid of him!"

"Tell him to let the horse come over!"

Wang Gan's eyes were full of confidence, "With Ye Yun's help, even if he has three heads and six arms, he has to obediently admit defeat this time!"

Xia Jin laughed twice, she also had the same idea.

The two soon came to the base.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw many people standing on the training ground.

There are a total of 100 people on both sides.

They were divided into two groups and stood facing each other, staring at each other, and the whole training ground was filled with a pre-war atmosphere.

"Commander Wang, you're so late! Could it be that you don't have the motivation to watch the battle when you think you're going to lose?"

Li Tinglong, the commander-in-chief of Jiangnan Province, raised his hand and said with a smile.

He was nearly fifty years old, also dressed in military uniform, with high spirits and an extraordinary bearing.

That spirit looks no worse than that of a young man in his 20s.

Wang Gan stretched out his hand to hold him together, and said with a smile:

"Commander Li, don't be too happy! This time, with the confidence of winning, I vow to convince you once at the door of my house!"

"Hahaha! I heard this sentence the year before last!"

Li Tinglong smiled heartily, his words were full of jokes.

Wang Gan didn't change his face, and smiled calmly: "It's different today, this time, let's wait and see!"

"Hello, Commander Wang!"

Just after he finished speaking, a man walked out from behind Li Tinglong.

He was about 30 years old, with dark skin, a slender and strong figure, and a chilling aura in his eyes, as if he had experienced the baptism of countless wars.

Even in the breath, there is a smell of battle-tested.


Wang Gan nodded and smiled: "Instructor Wu, long time no see, the evil spirit in this body has become a bit stronger!"

The military instructor he was talking about was named Wu Gang, and he was the chief instructor of Jiangnan Province.

This person is a rare martial arts wizard, not only proficient in physical training and Qi training, but also a veritable master of magic arts.

In terms of the realm of the modern Chinese martial arts world, he already has a body of the vajra-level horizontal training, and the cultivation base of a quasi-grandmaster in the half-step transformation realm.

It can be said that he is a master-level expert who combines internal and external martial arts and techniques.

Therefore, not only can he control conventional martial arts masters, but he can also subdue elemental controllers and power awakeners.

For so many years, the Jiangnan Provincial Headquarters has been able to maintain its combat effectiveness at a high level because of instructors like him.

Keep pressing Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters, causing Wang Qian a headache.

Therefore, even though Wang Qian's official title was much higher than his, he still felt a little timid when facing him.

Wu Gang laughed and said:

"Commander Wang, I deserve the award! I am a human being, and I only want to constantly break through myself in all aspects, and the same is true for the soldiers under my opponent!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced behind Wang Gan and asked:

"I heard just now that your Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters also hired a very powerful instructor. I wonder where he is now?"

Wang Gan said with a smile: "He is sending the child to school, and he will come later."

"What? Sending the kids to school?"

Li Tinglong and Wu Gang were surprised at the same time, "Isn't he a professional soldier?"

Wang Gan shook his head: "No, I invited someone from a big family in Jincheng."


Hearing his words, Li Tinglong and Wu Gang were stunned.

Are you kidding me if you're not a professional soldier, but you're here to be an instructor for the special forces team members?
Li Tinglong shook his head and laughed, "No wonder! No wonder!"

"Commander Wang, you really don't take an unusual path. Can the soldiers be convinced by the strength of this person invited from outside?"

"Also, although our network is not a state-organized army, it is almost the same. You let a layman manage it, are you really not afraid of being ridiculous?"

Wang Gan straightened his chest and said:
"Of course I'm not afraid! The one I invited is a real genius!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, it's because of him that I have the confidence to defeat you!"

Li Tinglong glanced at Wu Gang and said:
"Our martial arts instructor is recognized as a master of internal and external martial arts and magic skills, a master of the three kinds of kung fu."

"Is the person you're talking about stronger than him? Otherwise, how can he compare with us?"

Wang Gan said confidently: "Of course! I can assure you that he will surprise you all!"

Li Tinglong and Wu Gang showed questioning smiles at the same time. Li Tinglong put his hands behind his back and said with a smile:

"Oh? Then I would like to see how much the person you praise so much weighs?"

While talking, I saw a figure walking in Shi Shiran from the door.

Today, he is wearing a special instructor's uniform made by Tianluodiwang. He is slender, but every step he takes, he looks like a giant dragon soaring into the clouds, with a majestic appearance.

Although the extremely handsome face was half covered by the brim of the hat, it still amazed countless people.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

"It's Ye Yun, he's here!"

Xia Jin clasped her little hands tightly together and said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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