Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 221 Tomahawk VS Xiuchun Knife?

Chapter 221 Tomahawk VS Xiuchun Knife?

"He's so handsome! I'm afraid even the first-line male stars can't match his good looks!"

Li Tinglong glanced at Ye Yun indifferently, then looked away.

However, after staring at Ye Yun carefully, Wu Gang couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Judging from Ye Yun's aura, he has the demeanor of a peerless master.

However, his temperament is too introverted. Compared with Wu Gang, this demeanor can be completely ignored.

You know, Wu Gang is the kind of existence that makes people feel awe at a glance.

It's like a tomahawk.

Ye Yun, on the other hand, has an extraordinary temperament, but looks more like an idol star.

It's like an embroidered spring knife.

Tomahawk vs. Xiuchun knife, in terms of momentum, it is simply not the same.

As a well-known and well-known instructor who had gone through the battlefield, Wu Gang, of course, would not take this layman seriously.

But Xia Jin, as Ye Yun gradually approached, her delicate body trembled a little.

Compared with usual, Ye Yun's military uniform is really attractive today!
This is very tempting for her who joined the army.

If it wasn't for the presence of so many people, she was really afraid that she would lose control and pounce on this extremely handsome man.

"Ye Yun, this is Chief Li, and the military instructor!"

Wang Qian stepped forward and eagerly led Ye Yun to Li Tinglong and the others.

Li Tinglong wanted to extend his hand to say hello, but seeing Ye Yun just nodded slightly, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"This kid has a pretty big spectrum, but I just don't know how much ability he has in him?"

His face sank slightly.

After all, being left out in the cold by members of an ordinary family is still a bit embarrassing.

Wu Gang glanced at Li Tinglong, stepped forward and stretched out his hand and smiled, "Hi, I'm Wu Gang!"

His original intention was to test Ye Yun's strength by shaking hands.

Helpless, Ye Yun just nodded slightly, and didn't look at him again.

This made him a little upset and a little disdainful.

"You are young, you don't have any city mansions, and you don't even care about Chief Li."

"This kind of demeanor is not suitable for great things! Wang Gan treats this kind of person like a distinguished guest, he really missed his mark!"

The corner of Wu Gang's mouth twitched, he withdrew his hand and stopped talking.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Wang Gan quickly changed the subject and said:
"The competition is about to begin, let's all take our seats!"

Afterwards, he, Ye Yunxia Jin, Li Tinglong and Wu Gang walked onto the high platform beside the training field.

Condescending, you can have a panoramic view of the entire training ground.

According to the usual practice, the competition projects this year are still divided into two categories.

First, land warfare.

Similar to a big contest in the army, it includes sprinting, climbing, shooting and other items.

In previous years' competitions, the soldiers of the Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters were mainly behind the Jiangnan Provincial Headquarters in terms of physical fitness.

Technical items, such as shooting, etc., are roughly the same level.

In the land battle, more than half of the items involved physical fitness, so they could not win the soldiers of the Jiangnan Provincial Headquarters no matter what.

Second, air combat.

This project involves the abilities of the fighters.

In the air, they need to use all means to shoot down the opponent's plane, and at the same time protect their own plane from being shot down.

Both events are a competition between the tip of a needle and a wheat awn.

Hand-to-hand combat is almost equivalent to actual combat.

The only difference is that they all control their own proportions, at most hurting people, but not killing people.

With the sound of the starting gun.

Already on the training ground, the fighters from both sides rushed forward like crazy.

At this moment, Lei Meng's veins burst, and he roared like a bell:

"Brothers, this time we will win even if we risk half our lives!"

"We must not live up to the instructor's teachings!"

Ever since he was defeated by Ye Yun with a single finger that day, he has admired Ye Yun from the bottom of his heart, and has regarded Ye Yun as his biggest idol.

Even the one who has been passed down as the "Supreme God of War" by the entire net cannot replace Ye Yun's position in his heart.

On the high platform, military uniforms are hunting.

Ye Yun, Wang Gan, Xia Jin, Li Tinglong and Wu Gang were all paying attention to the situation below.

Hearing Lei Meng's roar, Wu Gang turned his head and said with a smile:

"Instructor Ye, I didn't expect you to have a place in their hearts!"

Ye Yun didn't answer, Xia Jin said first:
"Instructor Wu, you are right!"

"Our Instructor Ye has become an idol in everyone's heart. These soldiers used to be unruly people. In his hands, all of them are submissive. There is no one who is not convinced!"

Wu Gang smiled and said, "Really? According to this, Instructor Ye's ability is really great!"

Xia Jin nodded and said with a smile: "Without diamonds, we don't do porcelain work. Let's wait and see what Instructor Ye is capable of!"

"Hehe, let's wait and see!"

"However, I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Wu Gang put his hands on his chest and smiled confidently.



He frowned, as if he saw something impossible.

Even Li Tinglong on the side exclaimed and almost stood up.

"This so fast?"

They saw that the two teams that were originally evenly matched had just rushed out of less than ten meters.
In just an instant, all the people in the Jiangnan Provincial Headquarters were thrown down by nearly ten meters!
Moreover, the gap continues to widen!
Some of them have already completed the sprint and started to climb!

"It's too fast!"

Li Tinglong and Wu Gang had expressions of disbelief.

They have been on the battlefield for half their lives, and they have never seen anyone who can go that fast.

And, not only fast, but also the soldiers at the Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters are very powerful.

They turned over obstacles of hundreds of meters in one go without stopping at all.

Compared with the past, it's like changing a group of people!
Next, something that surprised them even more happened.

At the Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters, 50 people shot at the same time, and all of them hit the tenth ring, and none of them missed the target!

There are also the following projects, all of which have inhumanely crushed the Jiangnan Provincial Headquarters with an overwhelming advantage.

It can even be said to be devastated!

Wu Gang couldn't help but swallowed.

In the past, his subordinates were best at physical fitness.

But this time, compared with the people from Jiangbei Province, they can be described as weak.

too slow!

Too weak!
A desperate disadvantage!
"My God, how on earth did you do it?"

Wu Gang didn't have the arrogance he had before. Instead, he looked at Wang Qian and Ye Yun with incomparable shock.

Wang Gan smiled: "Thanks to Instructor Ye's teaching!"

Wu Gang asked: "To make such great progress, they must have suffered a lot this year, right?"

Wang Gan shook his head: "It didn't take that long, just over half a month ago, and I suffered a lot."

He glanced at Wu Gang playfully:
"By the way, Instructor Ye has been here for exactly one month."


Hearing his words, Wu Gang was so excited!Stand up suddenly.

That look is as incredible as seeing a dinosaur in front of you:


"He only trained these people for a month?!"

(End of this chapter)

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