Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 223 Is My Wife You Can Scold?

Chapter 223 Is My Wife You Can Scold?
This middle-aged beautiful woman is the wife of the second child, Tong Yunhai, Wang Zhongling.

Seeing that Su Qinghua and Tong Xinyi were silent, she raised her chin and said with complacency in her eyes:

"Our Tong family is not a first-class family in Zijiang, but it can barely be regarded as a famous family."

"So far, the industries under the family name, including hotels, catering, tourism, trade, finance, etc., are more than a dozen industries, all of which are popular in China today. Such a large stall always needs people to manage it."

"There is a saying in the ancients that a country cannot be without a king for a day. Similarly, our Tong family cannot be without a helmsman for a day."

"My eldest brother is in the hospital and is dying. If we don't control the general direction of the Tong family, if the family is targeted by outsiders, wouldn't everyone have to drink the northwest wind?"

When she spoke, she was in high spirits, with a somewhat domineering demeanor.

It's as if she is the most powerful person in charge of the entire Tong family.

"Second sister-in-law is very reasonable! Our third child also thinks the same way!"

Xu Wenyuan, the wife of the third child, Tong Honglin, immediately agreed.

Su Qinghua originally wanted to calm things down and maintain the stability of the whole family before Tong Ruichang woke up.

However, seeing them being so aggressive, she couldn't help being angry at this moment:

"Ruichang is still being rescued in the hospital. You are all his brothers. If you say something like this, can you have a conscience?"

"You keep saying that it's for the good of the Tong family! But, you don't even care about your own brother. Whenever you see something happen to him, you come here and don't even go to the hospital!"

"Are you worthy of your conscience and the brotherhood you have had for so many years?"

With red eyes, Tong Xinyi also got up and said:

"My mother is right! You don't care about your family, what qualifications do you have to rob the Tong family's property?!"

"My father is in the hospital now, so it's fine if you don't go to see him, but instead keep us trapped at home, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Tong Yunhai slapped the table angrily, stood up and scolded:

"Xinyi, who are you talking to? Huh?"

"Do you still have elders in your eyes? Is there a distinction between elders and younger? Do you say that elders speak like that?"

Tong Xinyi was startled by his hideous look.

Su Qinghua quickly pulled her behind him, fearing that Tong Yunhai and the others would get angry, and it would be a big loss if they took action.

Tong Yunhai couldn't help but sneered when he saw the frightened look of their mother and daughter.

The total property of the Tong family is more than 500 billion, and no one will let go of this great opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

In the past, Tong Ruichang was in charge of the Tong family. As the boss, he did many things by himself and did not give the two brothers a chance to intervene.

This kind of sulking has long been held in their hearts.

Now that Tong Ruichang suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized, they saw an opportunity to take over the Tong family.

As for Su Qinghua and Tong Xinyi's mother and daughter?
A pair of weak women, who would take them seriously?

Seeing the frightened expressions on the faces of Su Qinghua's mother and daughter, Tong Honglin got up and laughed:
"Sister-in-law, we and eldest brother are all brothers after all, so we won't harm him or you. I can guarantee this with my personality!"

"Right now, elder brother is in a critical condition. Even if he is rescued, he may have to rest for a long time. But, he can wait, but the Tong family can't wait!"

"In today's society, if you don't develop, you have to wait to be swallowed up. So no matter what, the new head of the Tong family should settle down as soon as possible!"

He glanced at Tong Yunhai and said loudly:

"I think the second brother is the most suitable candidate for the position of Patriarch!"

"Now I have a share transfer statement here. As long as you sign it on behalf of the eldest brother, it will take effect immediately. I hope my sister-in-law will not embarrass us!"

After speaking, he threw a document on the table in front of Su Qinghua.


Su Qinghua bit his lips tightly, his eyes filled with anger:

"If you want me to sign, there is no door! I will never agree to you!"

"Hehe, then you are going to die! It will be more worry-free if you die!"

Wang Zhongling folded his hands on his chest and sneered, with a sarcastic look on his face.

"With such a vicious heart, aren't you afraid of thunder?"

Suddenly a crisp voice came from outside the door.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan had already brought Yaya to the door.

Seeing them bullying Su Qinghua like this, Murong Yan immediately became angry.

Wang Zhongling and the others turned around and saw that Ye Yun was extremely handsome, and Murong Yan was also extremely beautiful, they couldn't help frowning, with a look of jealousy and hatred on their faces.

"Yo, so it's Jincheng's Patriarch Murong? What's the matter, are you here to support my aunt?"

Since Ye Yun and the others came to Zijiang last time, the members of the Tong family have heard about them more or less.

Therefore, their identities can be seen at a glance.

After Ye Yun and the others entered the door, Wang Zhongling raised his head even higher. Judging by his demeanor, he had to compare Murong Yan.

Murong Yan walked to Su Qinghua's side, looked at Wang Zhongling coldly and said:

"My little uncle is still being rescued in the hospital. As members of the Tong family, instead of visiting the hospital, you are here to force my little aunt to transfer property. You are really unworthy of being human!"

"I bother!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Zhongling spat angrily, pointed at Murong Yan, and cursed like a shrew:
"Damn girl, what are you, is it your turn to speak here?"

"Is it worth it for you, an outsider, to take care of our Tong family's affairs?!"

"Don't think that you are the head of the big family of Jincheng, just come here to show off your power, let me tell you..."

As soon as she was halfway through the scolding, she felt a burning pain on the left side of her cheek.

It was Ye Yun who slapped her across the face.

This slap directly stunned Wang Zhongling.

Including Tong Yunhai and others, they were also instantly confused.

"You... you dare to hit me?!"

Wang Zhongling was the first to come back to his senses, and looked at Ye Yun in surprise and anger.

Ye Yun stepped forward, grabbed her by the collar, and said coldly:
"You can scold my wife too?"

"I... I'll scold her, what can you do?"

Another slap directly hit Wang Zhongling until the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

"Are you still scolding?"

Ye Yun's voice was cold.


As soon as Wang Zhongling opened his mouth, he faltered.

She didn't expect that this extremely handsome man would strike so ruthlessly.

For the sake of my wife, I really have to do it!
It was her son, Tong Qijun, who jumped out, rolled up his sleeves, pointed at Ye Yun and cursed:

"How dare you beat my mother, I will destroy you!"

He picked up a stool from the side and threw it at the back of Ye Yun's head.


I saw a black shadow flashing past.

Ye Yun split open the stool with one hand, and slapped Tong Qijun hard on the face.

He was sent flying more than ten meters away, fell to the ground and passed out like a dead dog.


Seeing this, Tong Yunhai, who was about to get up to help his son, trembled and sat down heavily on the ground.

Even the three members of Tong Mingxin's family were too frightened to move, sitting there with trembling legs.

Ye Yun's attack just now was really fast and ruthless, and it hit their hearts directly, making them shudder from the bottom of their hearts.


Ye Yun glanced at them coldly, seeing that no one dared to move anymore, he walked up to Murong Yan, smiled at her gently and said:

"Honey, just say what you want, if anyone dares to mess around, I'll throw him out!"

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(End of this chapter)

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