Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 224 Insufficient people, snakes swallow elephants!

Chapter 224 Insufficient people, snakes swallow elephants!


With Ye Yun in charge, Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin's family all sat there gasping for air.

This man is truly terrifying.

Don't look at him smiling at his wife, with a gentle and considerate look.

But, to others, it is like a monster!

He shot as soon as he said he would, without hesitation for a second.

Moreover, regardless of men and women, anyone who offends him will directly attack without giving any chance to resist!
He is just a wolf in human skin!
Murong Yan saw that they were too scared by Ye Yun to make a sound, and most of the anger in her heart disappeared. She turned around and put her arms around Su Qinghua and said:
"Auntie, let's go to the hospital now."

"it is good."

Su Qinghua laughed through tears.

Fortunately, Ye Yun and Yan Yan arrived in time, otherwise, even if my husband passed away, they may not be able to see each other for the last time.

It's all these wolf-hearted people who are blinded by money and power.

They are really disgusting.

It's disgusting!

She glanced at Tong Yunhai and the others angrily, and then, led by Murong Yan, walked out the door with Tong Xinyi.

When she was about to leave, Murong Yan turned her head and glanced at Tong Yunhai and the others:

"My little uncle is also your brother. If you have any humanity, go and see him!"

Tong Yunhai and the others all lowered their heads, looking reluctant.

In addition, taking advantage of Tong Ruichang's serious illness in the hospital, they came here to force his wife and daughter to transfer the family property, and they felt very ashamed.

No face to see him.

Seeing that they were not moving, Ye Yun couldn't help frowning slightly, and said coldly:

"Didn't you hear what my wife said?"


A simple sentence made Tong Yunhai and the others tremble again.

A few people got up quickly, and said obediently:
"Let's go! Go now!"

Afterwards, Wang Zhongling stayed and took care of Tong Qijun.

The others followed Ye Yun and the others to the No.1 People's Hospital in Zijiang City.

When he arrived at the hospital, Tong Ruichang was still in the ICU.

Murong Yan and Tong Xinyi were waiting outside the operating room with Su Qinghua.

"Papa, I'm thirsty."

Before Yaya got up in the morning to drink water, the little girl kept licking her lips with her tongue.

Ye Yun felt distressed when he saw it, so he led her out to buy mineral water.

A few minutes later, the operating room lights went out.

A middle-aged doctor came out of it, took off his mask as soon as he went out, and sighed heavily.

Murong Yan, Su Qinghua, Tong Xinyi and the others hurried forward.

Su Qinghua asked eagerly: "Dean Sun, how is my husband?"

The Dean Sun she was talking about was Sun Wenhang, the dean of Zijiang No. 1 People's Hospital.

This person is a top internal medicine expert in China, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, he is extremely authoritative.

Sun Wenhang shook his head and sighed again: "I'm sorry, Ms. Su, we have tried our best!"

"Patriarch Tong's disease was discovered too late, causing the cancer cells to spread in a large area, and there is no way to treat it anymore!"


After hearing this, Su Qinghua's head buzzed!With a bang, as if struck by lightning, he almost lost his footing.

"Didn't you say that the world's top experts have been invited from the United States?"

"Could it be that even they can't cure my husband's illness?"

Sun Wenhang said apologetically:

"I'm really sorry! We had already contacted the professors from the American Academy of Medicine and waited for them to come over."

"However, your husband's condition has suddenly worsened. We can't wait any longer, so we can only operate first."

"Besides, the American experts haven't arrived yet, I'm afraid it's... oh!"

Seeing Su Qinghua's pained appearance, Murong Yan was heartbroken and said anxiously:

"Dean Sun, as long as the person is still there, there is a glimmer of hope. Please contact the American experts as soon as possible to see how long it will take for them to arrive!"

"Dean Sun, Professor Ryan and the others are here!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a nurse ran over quickly.

I see.

A gray-haired American old man walked over quickly with two young assistants.

Sun Wenhang's eyes lit up, and he hurried forward to hold Ryan's hand respectfully:
"Professor, I finally waited for you!"

Ryan greeted politely and asked:
"Where is the patient now?"

Sun Wenhang replied:
"In the ICU, we just operated on him, but the result was far from ideal!"

Ryan nodded and said:
"Before I came, I studied his pathology in detail."

"According to my plan, he needs a liver transplant. As long as he can find a matching liver among his direct and collateral blood relatives, there is a 40% certainty that he will survive."

When Su Qinghua heard it, he was overjoyed:

"Then please, make the pairing as soon as possible!"

Seeing this, Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin froze.

Apart from Tong Xinyi, Tong Ruichang's immediate and collateral blood relatives include their two brothers and two sons.

If their livers were successfully paired with Tong Ruichang, wouldn't they have to cut half of the livers for him?
Thinking of this, the two brothers, as well as Tong Mingxin, couldn't help but look at each other, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.

In the hearts of the three, Tong Ruichang is indeed their relative.

However, it was far from reaching the point where they cut off his liver to save him.

They were jealous of Tong Ruichang's status in the Tong family.

Moreover, he is very dissatisfied with him for managing the entire family by himself for so many years.

Although Tong Ruichang has been very kind to the two of them for so many years, the family business does not bother them, and he also pays them dividends every year.

However, people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants.

Tong Ruichang's kindness not only failed to make the two families feel grateful, but made them even more greedy.

Moreover, he also felt that Tong Ruichang was constantly giving them alms, deliberately suppressing their two brothers, and showing off his power over them.

Especially under the instigation of the two wives Wang Zhongling and Xu Wenyuan, Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin were extremely dissatisfied with Tong Ruichang.

The two brothers have long planned to find an opportunity to seize the family property.

After all, they were all born from the same mother's womb, so why do you, Tong Ruichang, cover up the sky with one hand?
Seeing that robbing the family property is not going to work now, and they have to cut their livers to save people, this is simply an international joke!

Murong Yan turned her head and saw that Tong Yunhai and the others were about to leave, she couldn't help frowning:
"Are you ready to go?"

Tong Yunhai and the others were taken aback for a moment, then stopped.

Xu Wenyuan frowned and looked at Murong Yan and said:

"The body is ours, and the legs are also ours. We don't want to take care of this. Can't we walk?"

"Could it be that your Murong family has become so domineering that they don't give you personal freedom anymore?"

After hearing this, Murong Yan frowned even deeper.

Indeed, such a thing cannot be forced.

It is obviously not enough to rely on the pressure of public opinion alone.

If the other party does not cooperate, there is simply no way.

Seeing that they didn't want to help, Su Qinghua hurried forward to hold Xu Wenyuan's hand:
"Wenyuan, I beg you to be sisters-in-law, go and try pairing!"

"As long as you can save Ruichang, I can promise you anything!"

She thought, if there is one more person to match, there will be more hope.

As long as he can save his husband, no conditions are a problem.

The corner of Xu Wenyuan's mouth curled up, and she smiled triumphantly:

"Are you willing to promise anything now?"

She looked at Su Qinghua with a playful look:
"If I say, if someone from our two families can save eldest brother, you will agree to our request, will you?"


Su Qinghua nodded without thinking, "As long as it can save Ruichang, I can do anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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