Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 225 Trust Ye Yun, That's Right!

Chapter 225 Trust Ye Yun, That's Right!

Xu Wenyuan glanced at Tong Honglin and his son Tong Xinming, and said with a smile, "What do you mean?"

Tong Honglin coughed and said, "Let's do it this way!"

The corner of Tong Yunhai's mouth twitched, and he circled around a lot. Isn't he obediently handing over the Tong family's property now?

If he had done this earlier, why would he make his wife and son suffer that crime?
However, thinking of getting the Tong family's property, he didn't care about that little thing anymore.

So he smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, it's not that we insist on embezzling our family's property, but that we also have to take risks for this kind of thing."

"As the saying goes, the body and the skin are the parents. If you really want to cut open the stomach and cut half the liver for the elder brother, thinking about this kind of thing makes people feel creepy."

"Not to mention, if there is a little risk in the operation, you will have to suffer endless suffering in the days to come!"

"So, it's just a fair and just deal, right?"

Su Qinghua sneered, nodded and said:
"Yes, this is indeed a fair and just deal!"

As Tong Ruichang's direct brother, at this time, he can still use the four words of fairness and justice to evaluate this matter.

What a conscience was eaten by a dog!

All this is just to find a high-sounding reason for himself to encroach on the Tong family's property.

In fact, it is very self-deceiving!

But, for Tong Ruichang, she could only endure all the anger and injustice, and agreed.

After all, the more people you match, the greater the chance of success.

Murong Yan stepped forward and held Su Qinghua's hand:
"Auntie, have you really made up your mind?"


Su Qinghua nodded without hesitation.

Murong Yan also nodded: "Okay! I support you!"

She thought about it, even if Su Qinghua and the others were penniless, with the ability of the Murong family, it would not be a problem for them to have enough food and drink for the rest of their lives.

Xu Wenyuan cast a look at Tong Honglin, and saw Tong Honglin take out another document from his bag, and handed it to Su Qinghua:
"This is the equity transfer statement just now. As long as you sign it, we will match it immediately."


Su Qinghua frowned: "If you don't do anything, you want money first?"

Xu Wenyuan nodded and said:

"I've said that I will cooperate with you! Speaking of which, you want to ask us for help, why don't you show some sincerity first?"

Murong Yan said seriously: "You guys are going too far! If you don't do anything, why should my aunt sign it?"

"If the pairing is unsuccessful, or if you don't cooperate with the operation, wouldn't it be for nothing?"

After hearing this, Xu Wenyuan sneered, put her hands on her chest and said:
"Well, we've reached this point, it's up to you whether you agree or not!"

She glanced at Tong Xinyi and said mockingly:
"By the way, the favorite is the eldest brother's direct blood relative, so you can let her pair up alone, what if it happens!"

"It's hopeless!"

Murong Yan frowned coldly.

It was the first time she had seen that human nature could be so indifferent and shameless.

People die for money, that's right!
But, those are their brothers and relatives!
Facing Xu Wenyuan and Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin's shameless faces, Murong Yan trembled with anger.

"Mama, we're getting fat!"

Yaya took Ye Yun's hand and walked over bouncing.

The little girl saw that Murong Yan's face was flushed and her brows were tightly furrowed, she seemed to be angry, and asked in surprise:

"Ma Ma, who made you angry?"

Murong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, touched Yaya's little head, and said with a smile:
"Baby, Mama is not angry."

Even if there are thousands of thoughts in my heart, I can't show my face to the child.

Ye Yun was in the corridor just now, and he could hear clearly what they were arguing about.

Seeing that Murong Yan was furious because of Xu Wenyuan and others, he handed over the mineral water distressedly:
"Honey, drink some water to moisten your throat. No matter how much you talk to this kind of person, it's not worth it."

"it is good."

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun tenderly.

It's still my man's caring, one word, one look, makes me sweet and warm.

Xu Wenyuan raised her head, glanced at Ye Yun, looked at Murong Yan and asked:
"Do you agree to this matter?"

"If it doesn't work, let's go! Don't waste time here!"

She thought, Su Qinghua was easy to deal with, but Murong Yan was different.

Despite her young age, she has a very tough personality. If she doesn't nod her head in agreement, even Su Qinghua won't agree.

There is a saying that to capture the thief first capture the king, and let Murong Yan nod first, then this matter will be much easier to handle.

Therefore, she spoke to Murong Yan directly, trying to push her further.

Ye Yun could also hear the threat in her tone, so he couldn't help but sneer:
"If you want to get out, get out, who do you think you can threaten?"

"Ye Yun!"

Murong Yan grabbed Ye Yun's arm nervously.

If they were really driven away and only Tong Xinyi was left, what if the pairing fails?
The more people there are, the more hope there is!

Ye Yun held her little hand and smiled softly:

"Wife, as long as you want to save someone, I will definitely help you."

"You mean..."

When he said this, Murong Yan's eyes lit up.


Ye Yun used that green bottle to save his father and Aunt Xiulan one after another.

Since he said he could save his little uncle, why bother begging for help?

Ye Yun nodded, and met Murong Yan's eyes, keeping everything in mind.

Getting along day and night, we are fascinated by it.

They don't need too many words to understand each other.

This is love, but also love!
Murong Yan's heart jumped like a deer when she saw his affectionate eyes, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

Feeling a little dry mouth, I couldn't help sticking out my tongue and licking my lips.

Fearing that her gaffe would be seen by everyone, she hastily coughed lightly, turned around and said to Su Qinghua:
"Auntie, Ye Yun can save my uncle, let him go!"

Su Qinghua, Tong Xinyi, and Tong Yunhai all showed surprise when they heard this.

Even Professor Ryan and Sun Wenhang, who were discussing the details of the operation, looked at Ye Yun in surprise.

Even Huaxia's authoritative liver cancer experts and the dean of the hospital couldn't handle the matter, but a random person can handle it?
Sun Wenhang stepped forward, looked at Murong Yan seriously and said:

"Miss, this matter is not a joke, you must not mess around just because of a moment of anger!"

He was on the sidelines, watching all the disputes between Su Qinghua and Tong Yunhai.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Murong Yan was angry with Tong Yunhai and the others, and that's why she said those words.

"No! I didn't talk nonsense, my husband can indeed save him!"

Murong Yan said firmly.

Su Qinghua and Tong Xinyi were slightly moved when they saw how determined she was.

Su Qinghua held her hand tightly and asked, "Ye Yun, can you really do it?"

Murong Yan nodded: "Auntie, my father was so poisoned back then, he was cured by Ye Yun."

"I believe that he will be able to cure little uncle!"

Su Qinghua and Tong Xinyi, mother and daughter, nodded at the same time. They believed that Murong Yan was not talking nonsense.

That being the case, then choose to trust Ye Yun.

Sun Wenhang looked at Su Qinghua very seriously:
"Ms. Su, do you really decide to let him treat you? According to the current law, the hospital will not be responsible for any accidents caused by your family members carrying out medical measures without authorization."

"Please understand this!"

Su Qinghua glanced at Ye Yun, took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I understand, let him go!"

Professor Ryan, after asking Sun Wenhang what happened, couldn't help shaking his head:

"This is simply unreasonable!"

"Why are you Chinese people so unreliable in doing things!"

He was already a little angry, and ran all the way from the United States.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he would act as a spectator!
Moreover, it seemed that the man who was going to save someone was not a practitioner of the medical industry at all.

As for Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sneering when they heard that Ye Yun was going to make a move.

They even speculated that Murong Yan might have taken a fancy to the Tong family's property, so she encouraged her husband to make a move.

Regardless of whether Tong Ruichang can be saved in the end, he has sold a favor from their family.

Just in the eyes of everyone questioning, laughing, or expecting.

Ye Yun walked into the ICU intensive care unit calmly.


squeak!With a bang, the door opened.

Tong Ruichang walked out with a blushing face.

(End of this chapter)

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