Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 226 This little girl, why is she messing around?

Chapter 226 This little girl, why is she messing around?
"Uh! this a hallucination?"

"God! He really came back to life!"


The moment Tong Ruichang walked out, the audience was shocked.

Tong Yunhai, Tong Honglin, and Xu Wenyuan all trembled violently and gasped for air.

Sun Wenhang's legs went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

And Professor Ryan and the three of them also stared wide-eyed, as if seeing the ninth wonder of the world come.

One minute ago, Sun Wenhang was almost sentenced to death. Even Professor Ryan, who said that there was only a 1% chance of being saved, stood intact in front of everyone.

This is really incredible!
"Ruichang, is that really you?"

"Dad, are you really well?"

Su Qinghua and Tong Xinyi only felt as if they were in a dream.

They ran forward and hugged Tong Ruichang, feeling the warmth of the other person's body, and finally confirmed that he was indeed a real living person!

Tong Ruichang turned around, eyes filled with infinite awe, and looked at Ye Yun:

"Ye Yun, you really have the skills of a god!"

"My Tong Ruichang's life was saved by you. If there is any order in the future, my Tong family will die!"

It stands to reason that he is Murong Yan's elder and also Ye Yun's elder.

However, at this time, he actually used the word command, which shows how high Ye Yun's position in his heart is!

Of course, only those who have experienced the scene just now know that no matter how much Tong Ruichang worships and respects Ye Yun, it is reasonable.

After all, being able to live and die with one hand, flesh and bones, is no longer a means that ordinary people have.

That is the existence of a fairy!
Ye Yun smiled faintly: "You are welcome, my wife wants to save you, no matter what, I will not let you die."

"Yes yes yes! Yanyan is really lucky to have found a good husband!"

Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua nodded and smiled at the same time.

Before, Su Qinghua had prejudice against Ye Yun.

However, Ye Yun repeatedly subverted her impression, and finally made her understand that Ye Yun is Yan Yan's true son.

It is her, the person who is always trustworthy and reliable!
As for Tong Xinyi, she looked at Murong Yan with admiration, and at Ye Yun with admiration.

This man, no matter on the outside or inside, has infinite lethality to any girl.

There is always a charm about him that makes you unable to ignore him.


In his heart, there is only Murong Yan.

Tong Ruichang then stared coldly at Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin:

"You two bastards, do you think I will die, so you force your sister-in-law and niece like this?"

"Are you still human?!"

Before the operation, he knew that Tong Yunhai and the others had forced Su Qinghua to transfer the shares, and he was already suffocating.

What kind of family relationship, brothers, in the face of interests, have been left behind by them.

Such a person is not worthy of being a human being!

"From now on, I'm going to get rid of all your shares in the Tong family, exchange them for cash and get you out of here!"

"From now on, you and the Tong family will have nothing to do with each other!"

Tong Ruichang was originally a kind person.

But this time, I was really irritated.

Seeing this, Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin were so frightened that they almost collapsed to the ground.

If their shares are removed, with that little cash, for them who are extravagant, it will be wiped out in a few years.

"Brother, I beg you, don't drive us away!"

"We were confused for a moment and did such a bastard thing, please forgive us!"

The two begged at the same time, almost kneeling on the ground.


Tong Ruichang became angry, with a bit of majesty as a patriarch.

Seeing this, Tong Yunhai and the others all shut their mouths and walked away in despair.

Tong Ruichang then smiled at Ye Yun: "I made you laugh."

Since ancient times, family ugliness cannot be publicized.

Today, his two brothers staged a real forced palace drama in front of Ye Yun and the others, which made him, the head of the Tong family, feel very embarrassed.

Murong Yan smiled and said, "Little uncle, don't say that, we are all family."

"What a good boy."

Tong Ruichang couldn't help but smile in relief when he saw how broad-minded she was.

"Little uncle, how are you?"

A crisp and sweet voice came over with a hint of charm.

Murong Ranran, wearing a tight black leather jacket, stepped on high heels, da da da!walked over.

only see her.

Slender shoulders and slender waist, enlarged breasts and round buttocks, with exquisite bumps and lotus skin.

On her flamboyant face, she wore a pair of round sunglasses, which set off her bright red mouth and high nose bridge particularly conspicuously.

Murong Yan asked her in surprise: "Of course, it's cloudy today, why are you wearing sunglasses?"

Ran Ran took off her sunglasses, twitched her little nose, and said with some embarrassment:

"Didn't you accidentally cry when you thought that my uncle was sick?"

"I was afraid that my eyes would turn red and I would be laughed at by you, so I wore sunglasses."

Su Qinghua stepped forward and hugged Ranran happily: "What a good boy, my aunt and uncle didn't love you for nothing."

Ran Ran raised her head and asked, "By the way, why did little uncle suddenly recover?"

Murong Yan smiled and said, "It was Ye Yun who saved him."

However, she immediately thought that Ye Yun also saved his father back then.

So he glanced at Ye Yun coquettishly:
"It's all my brother-in-law's fault. If I didn't save my uncle sooner, my eyes would turn red from crying!"


Ye Yun was speechless, this little girl, why is she messing around?

Seeing Ranran's expression, Su Qinghua coughed and said:
"Okay, let's go home first, and go back and talk if we have something to say."

As soon as the group walked out of the hospital lobby, they saw Wang Zhongling coming with a large group of people in a menacing manner.

Walking beside her was an old man in his fifties, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a majestic aura and a bit of official authority.

This person is Wang Zhongling's father, the District Chief Wang Zhongjian.

Seeing Tong Ruichang, Wang Zhongjian angrily stepped forward and scolded:

"Ruichang, look at the good deeds your people have done!"

He pointed at Wang Zhongling and said angrily:
"Is my daughter married to your Tong's family just to be bullied casually?"

"Today she was beaten like this, and my grandson was also beaten, you have to give me an explanation for this matter!"

Wang Zhongling stepped forward and stared at Ye Yun viciously:

"Dad, the person who hit me was this little boy!"

"Damn things!"

Wang Zhongjian looked at Ye Yun and immediately cursed.

When he saw the enemy who beat his daughter, his eyes wished to eat Ye Yun alive.

"Come on, tie up this bastard! Break his hands and feet!"

Without saying a word, he waved his hand to let a group of thugs rush up.

Seeing this, Tong Ruichang was about to burst into tears, and hissed loudly:

"Who dares you!"

On weekdays, he was very polite to the father-in-law of his second brother's family.

He also looked at his own brother's face, and treated him with courtesy every time he saw him.

But now, Wang Zhongjian doesn't distinguish between indiscriminate, and beats people when he comes up, especially Ye Yun, his savior.

This is absolutely intolerable to him!

Seeing Tong Ruichang coming forward, Wang Zhongjian couldn't help but sneer:
"Ruichang, what do you mean? Do you want to stand up for this kid?"

On weekdays, when Tong Ruichang saw him, was he not polite?
He didn't believe that Tong Ruichang would dare to fight against his elder for the sake of an outsider.

In particular, as the chief executive of the district, his subordinates still manage part of the property of the Tong family.

Although these industries only accounted for a small part of the entire Tong family, it would at least make Tong Ruichang uncomfortable for a long time if they wanted to make a serious move.

Right now, he has already taught his son-in-law Tong Yunhai a lesson in order to snatch the family property.

If he is asked to save the man who beat his daughter again, and then tell it out, how can he mess around?
Therefore, there was a hint of threat in the way he looked at Tong Ruichang.

Unexpectedly, Tong Ruichang ignored his threatening gaze at all, and said firmly:

"That's right! I just want to stand up for him!"

"I'm going to put my words here today. If anyone dares to embarrass him, I, Tong Ruichang, will fight him to the end even with the strength of my whole family!"

~Here we come!Dizzy, dizzy, wanting to die~
(End of this chapter)

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