Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 244 Baba Mama's love has been upgraded!

Chapter 244 Baba Mama's love has been upgraded!

"Honey, the equipment is quite complete."

After Murong Yan came out of the dressing room, Ye Yun's eyes could not help but brighten.

At this time, Murong Yan changed into a white tracksuit with black stripes.

Her hair was tied into a high ponytail, her face was perfect and her neck was slender.

The fair skin is particularly dazzling under the light.

Although a woman wears sportswear, it will cover most of her figure.

However, her round shoulders, slender waist, and a pair of straight and delicate long legs are still well preserved.

At first glance, it is easy for people to mistake her vigor and vigor for a [-] or [-]-year-old junior high school student.

Yanyan is light, while Yingying is soft.

Still not as good as the Murong Yan in front of her, so touching.

In addition, her feet have been replaced with a pair of professional bowling shoes.

That's why Ye Yun praised her professionalism.

Murong Yan's cheeks were slightly red, it was the first time for her to dress up so delicately in front of Ye Yun.

I don't know, is he laughing at himself in his heart?

Taking a deep breath, she smiled sweetly:

"Of course, since you're here, you should be more professional."

Yaya gave Murong Yan two thumbs up:
"Mama is great! Mama hit the ball!"

Ye Yun touched Yaya's little head, and smiled at Murong Yan:

"Honey, try throwing it once."

Murong Yan nodded and smiled, and took a red ball.

Then he bent down, raised his chest and raised his hips, and threw the ball out in a beautiful posture.

Half the pins were knocked down.

"It seems that the level is very poor."

Murong Yan smiled shyly.

She was in the group today and heard several secretaries discuss that bowling is very helpful for body shape, so she searched for a few bowling videos on the Internet and learned it.

It has to be said that everything looks easy but is difficult to do.

She was a little embarrassed that she only hit 5 pins at a time.

Ye Yun smiled and said, "No, it's already great. I remember the first time I played this game, I only hit the one on the far side."

"is it?"

Murong Yan showed a puzzled look, as such a talented martial artist, she did not believe that Ye Yun's level was so poor.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that he is comforting himself and deliberately speaking badly about himself.

This made her heart feel sweet immediately, her whole heart was sweet, so delicious!
"Miss, you must have learned your posture from the Internet, right?"

Wang Zhe was on the side, quietly watching Murong Yan finish the first ball.

Naturally, business opportunities were also seen.

Murong Yan glanced at him lightly: "Yes."

"Sure enough."

Wang Zhe smiled in full control, "Most of the videos on the Internet are amateurs, and they are recorded for their own entertainment."

"Following the video to learn, at best, you get the shape, but not the meaning. In other words, you just learn the superficial things, but you can't learn the main points."

He walked to Murong Yan's side, took a ball and made a demonstration:
"For example, when you threw the ball just now, it is right to raise your chest and hips, but the range and angle of your arm swing are not good."

"This also resulted in the fact that few pins were hit later, which shows that your level is still very, very amateur."

After hearing this, Ye Yun frowned, stepped forward and said:
"You can shut up."

"My wife is also something you can criticize casually?"

Wang Zhe was taken aback for a moment, seeing a trace of chill in Ye Yun's eyes, he couldn't help being startled, and quickly lost his smile:
"I'm sorry sir, I'm not criticizing and belittling her, but just evaluating from a professional point of view!"

Ye Yun's eyes were firm:

"No matter how professional it is, it won't work! In short, she is not something you can judge!"

Wang Zhe shook his head and smiled, although it was a bit inappropriate to comment on Murong Yan just now.

However, what Ye Yun said just now also aroused his disgust.

As a professional bowling coach, you can't comment on amateurs. Isn't this a big joke?

"Sir, from your point of view, it seems that you are more powerful, do you want us to compete?"

Wang Zhe looked at Ye Yun with a hint of provocation.

It seems to say that if you lose, then you should shut up, not me!

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: "Yes."

Murong Yan had a surprised expression on her face:

"Ye Yun, didn't you say that your level is poor? He is a professional coach!"

Ye Yun looked at her tenderly:
"My level is poor, and he may not be better than me."


Wang Zhe sneered three times, these words are really extremely arrogant!

He was once the winner of the International Bowling Bronze Award, and his level is recognized by his international counterparts.

Although I have been used to living a comfortable life in the past few years, my level has dropped.

However, it is not an amateur who can be defeated casually.

"This gentleman, are you also in the same industry? But I have never seen you in the bowling association!"

Wang Zhe wanted to confirm Ye Yun's identity for the last time.

Ye Yun shook his head: "I rarely play bowling."

Wang Zhe sneered, he was really a man of boundless arrogance.

Even if you are not an amateur, you dare to challenge yourself. Isn't it self-inflicted humiliation?

"Forget it, let's get started!"

Wang Zhe stretched out his hand, "You are a guest, please first!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, and took out a pure white towel from Murong Yan's bag.

Fold into bars and prepare to be blindfolded.

"You... what are you doing?"

Wang Zhe was stunned.

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "It's not interesting to play bowling with your eyes open. I'm used to playing with my eyes covered."

"I rely on!"

Wang Zhe swears once in his heart.

Blindfolded bowling, should he go too far!
While he, and Murong Yan Yaya were surprised, Ye Yun made a move.

all hit!


Wang Zhe immediately took a deep breath.

And Murong Yan and Yaya were already stunned.

"It's impossible, it must be a trick!"

Wang Zhe reacted quickly, took a ball and handed it to Ye Yun, "Try again!"

Hit again!

"Damn! This is okay?!"

Wang Zhe exclaimed.

One time is foolish, but two times, that is strength!
However, even the top bowling players in the world cannot achieve this level of blindfolded bowling.

This man did it so easily!
This is simply too unreal!
Ye Yun took off the towel, put it back into Murong Yan's bag, and looked at Wang Zhe indifferently:

"You try too?"

Wang Zhe's face turned red and white, extremely embarrassed.

"Hehe, that, I don't know that you are an expert, so I'll forget it."

"You win!"

After speaking, he walked to the side as if fleeing for his life.

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun coquettishly: "I guessed it again, you just said that you are not good enough to lie to me."

Ye Yun laughed and said:

"How could I lie to you? At the beginning, my level was indeed very poor."

Murong Yan shook her head and said: "Then you just said that you have only played a few times, so you are so good?"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "This is very simple, you can become proficient after learning it a few times, and you can do it too."

"Then you teach me?"


Ye Yun immediately came to Murong Yan's side, and put his arms around her slender waist:

"Bend your body down slowly first."

Murong Yan's shoulder was pressed against his chest, and her head was pressed against his shoulder, so she could clearly feel his body temperature, as well as that unique breath.

Can't help but flicker, looked at Ye Yun's side face in a daze, and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Huh? Wife, are you sneaking up on me?"

Like a child who did something bad, Murong Yan immediately blushed and her heart beat like a deer.

"Didn't you sneak up on me last time? Come back now, is there a problem?"

In the end, I asked this sentence with confidence.

"No problem! Do you want to do it again?"

"You're so thick-skinned, I don't care about you!"

Yaya was behind, watching the two flirting with her eyes wide open.

Baba and Mama used to only fall in love during the next meal, but now, it has been upgraded!

~~520 and 521 two days, these two chapters are sweet, I wish you all the same as in the book, and be sweet with your loved ones!So what, subscribe a lot!

[Due to force majeure, all the next updated chapters can only be updated on QQ Reading at present, and it will last for about a week. Please go to QQ Reading APP to watch it]

(End of this chapter)

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