Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 245 The Film King Arrives!

Chapter 245 The Film King Arrives!

The next afternoon, it was not one o'clock.

Ye Yun had already brought Yaya to the Jiangquan Film and Television Base in Sucheng.

Qing Lan and Xu Meiling waited for the parking lot early.

Seeing Ye Yun appear, both of them showed happy smiles.

Especially Qing Lan, with a hint of blush on her face, like a rosy glow after rain, she is extremely moving.

Today, she didn't wear OL business attire, but changed into a strapless skirt.

The upper part of the skirt is white, and the left shoulder is cut diagonally, exposing her round and fair shoulders completely.

The right arm is a trumpet-shaped lace, making her lotus root arm more slender.

The lower part is a zebra-shaped striped skirt with a high waist design that perfectly outlines her slender waist.

Under the skirt is a pair of delicate and straight calves, without a trace of excess fat, smooth and straight, very aesthetically pleasing.

A pair of white slip-on high heels perfectly fit her foot shape, making her look taller and more attractive.

Instead of wearing glasses like yesterday, she let down her brown hair and tied it into a Korean ponytail, with a string of red and green beads around her neck.

Stylish, dynamic, seductive.

Especially with a bit of temperament of a beauty in the workplace, although the overall feeling is a little worse than Murong Yan, but it is also very close.

As for Xu Meiling, she was still dressed in a dignified and gentle manner.

She looks mature and stable, which fits her identity very well.

Seeing Ye Yun and Yaya get off the car, they immediately went up to say hello.

Then Qinglan picked up Yaya: "Baby, let's go to the dressing room to pick out clothes first, shall we?"

Yaya nodded: "Okay!"

Qinglan also has the aura of a strong woman in the workplace, which makes Yaya very fond of her.

In the dressing room, Yaya clapped her hands happily when she saw the dazzling array of clothes.

Xu Meiling said to Ye Yun:
"Mr. Ye, this is an online drama, and the requirements for costumes and makeup are relatively high."

"However, according to your conditions, as long as you change into an ancient costume, your temperament can be perfectly displayed."

"I'll ask the makeup artist to pick out a good set of clothes for you later, can you try it on first?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

At this time, Qinglan also took Yaya, chose a nice dress and walked over.

"Papa, let's change clothes together!"

The little girl is looking forward to what it will be like to stand with Papa in the appearance of an ancient person.

Xu Meiling hurriedly waved and asked the staff to take Ye Yun and the others to the locker room.

"Qing Lan!"

At this time, there was a sound from the door.

A young woman in her early twenties walked in with a smile.

Qinglan turned around and said with a smile: "Jiayue, why are you here?"

Yin Jiayue laughed and said, "I followed the boss to visit the class today, and I happened to see you holding a child, so I followed!"

She put her arms around Qing Lan's shoulders and sighed:
"Qing Lan, you look so beautiful today, don't you want to date some handsome guy?"

Qing Lan said with a charming smile: "How can there be? I'm also here to visit the class."


Yin Jiayue showed suspicious eyes, and suddenly smiled wickedly:

"I see, you just fell in love with that handsome guy just now!"

"Wow, he's really handsome! Just by looking at his profile, I can be sure that there is no actor in our country that can match him!"

"Qing Lan, you really have vision!"

Qing Lan punched Yin Jiayue with her small fist:

"Don't talk nonsense! He is a well-known man! His wife is the daughter of the Murong family, the largest family in Jincheng."

"so smart?"

Yin Jiayue covered her mouth in surprise.

"However, if you really like him, you can find an opportunity to force him to comfort him. If you can't get his heart, it's good to get him first!"

"My God!"

Qing Lan patted her forehead and was speechless.

Yin Jiayue is her college classmate. From the beginning of her acquaintance, she found that this girl is very bold, and often makes some dirty jokes.

Now, to let myself do that in public, I am ashamed to death!
"Go to hell, you little pervert!"

Qing Lan hugged Yin Jiayue's neck, pretending to strangle her.

Yin Jiayue chuckled and said it didn't matter.

The two quarreled a few times, and Qing Lan asked:
"By the way, you just said to accompany the boss to visit the class. Is your boss here now?"

Yin Jiayue nodded: "Of course!"

Qing Lan covered her mouth and exclaimed: "It's too unexpected, I didn't expect the majestic actor Gao to come here!"

Yin Jiayue's boss is also one of the hottest male movie stars in Huaxia, Gao Yongqiang, a first-class Chinese actor.

Gao Yongqiang is nearly fifty years old. Since his debut, he has made great strides all the way, and has repeatedly created miracles in China's film and television industry.

What he is best at is starring in ancient emperors and generals. He can play the great figures of the past dynasties vividly and penetratingly.

Starting from Qin Shihuang, the family and country feelings of many historical figures can be perfectly displayed in front of the audience by him.

With such superb acting skills, he has won numerous awards, including the Golden Eagle Award, Feitian Award, and even Hong Kong Island's Golden Horse Award and Academy Award.

It can be said that he is a benchmark figure in the film and television industry spanning the 70s and 80s.

He is the most admired actor-level star by countless Chinese people.

Qing Lan never expected that such a big shot would appear in a small film and television base in Sioux City.

Yin Jiayue smiled and said, "The boss has a distant relative who plays a guest role here, so he came to have a look."

"You also know that the more important he is, the more nepotism. Sometimes even a relative who has never met will have to meet."

"After all, it's a society of personal affection. If he doesn't come, someone will definitely scold him for not recognizing his relatives."

Qing Lan nodded: "That's true."

"Jiayue, why did you come here?"

Suddenly, a man's voice came from outside the door.

It sounds calm and capable, and there is a hint of arrogance to the world, as if the monarch has come.

Qing Lan and Xu Meiling opened their eyes wide at the same time: "Could it be him?"

I saw a man in his late fifties walking in accompanied by two bodyguards in black.

He is more than 1.7 meters tall, wearing a black Tang suit, with a heavy temperament, and his steps are not slow or hasty, and every step he takes shows a demeanor that is different from ordinary people.

"It really is Gao Yongqiang!"

Qing Lan and Xu Meiling showed excited expressions at the same time.

Yin Jiayue hurried forward: "Boss, why are you here?"

Gao Yongqiang smiled and said:
"I saw you sneaking away, and found out that a court drama is being prepared here, so I stopped by to have a look."

Xu Meiling smiled and said: "Mr. Gao is really kind-hearted, you don't come here to give advice to the younger generation, right?"

Gao Yongqiang is a well-known warm-hearted person in the circle, what he likes most is supporting newcomers and helping them grow.

According to his own words, he just doesn't want the future generation to be cut off in terms of acting.

In this era where small fresh meat is rampant, the film and television industry needs some powerful actors to sit in the role.

After all, that is the cornerstone to ensure the healthy and upward development of the entire Chinese film and television industry.

Gao Yongqiang raised his finger and pointed at Xu Meiling, and said with a smile, "You, this vision is still sophisticated."

He looked around and asked:

"By the way, where is the protagonist? Let me see, how well he can perform!"

(End of this chapter)

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