Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 265 Only To Fulfill My Daughter's Wish!

Chapter 265 Only To Fulfill My Daughter's Wish!
"My God! Wang Xuan bowed to him!"

"Shock! It's incredible!"

"This play is really unexpected!"

Wang Xuan's actions immediately caused a burst of exclamation from the audience.

The dignified love song little prince, the hottest singer in the Chinese music industry.

Bow to an ordinary person on an ordinary night!

Moreover, it was because of the other party's singing that moved him and convinced him!

I'm afraid that if this news gets out, the entire Chinese music industry and even the entertainment industry will be turned upside down!
However, let's take a closer look at Ye Yun's "Love Network" just now.

Even a layman would have to admit that he sang really well.

Emotional and delicate, every word and every sentence is extremely touching.

It makes every pore of the body open and is deeply infected by him.

And his voice has a very unique taste.

It's like experiencing countless ups and downs, experiencing countless ups and downs in life.

After vicissitudes, travel all over the sea.

It is a kind of temperament that has been precipitated for tens of thousands of years, and every blood vessel in people is deeply moved by him.

When this kind of voice sings the song "Love Network" with deep affection, its power is destructive.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Wang Xuan, an expert in love songs, had to bow his head in admiration.


Just when everyone was shocked, an even more unbelievable scene appeared.

Wang Xuan's legs went limp, and he knelt heavily on the ground, looking up at Ye Yun as if looking up at a god.

"Sir, I sincerely ask you to accept me as an apprentice!"

"I have grown up so much, I have never heard such a magical voice, please teach me!"

The words are conclusive and sincere.

Everyone could see that he really wanted to worship Ye Yun as his teacher.

"My God! Wang Xuan can even worship people as teachers, this world is really crazy!"

Everyone has this thought in their hearts at this moment.

If Wang Xuan can be accepted as an apprentice, then Ye Yun will become a legend in the Chinese music circle from now on!
Xu Meiling and the others looked at Ye Yun with burning eyes.

This man is not only handsome and extraordinary, but also versatile, he is really a treasure.

He should stand on the stage of China's entertainment industry and let the world see that China also has its own world-class artists!

However, to their surprise again, Ye Yun only glanced at Wang Xuan indifferently.

"I sing not for fame or money, but for my daughter's wish."

"As for letting me accept apprentices, you are not qualified enough."

If it was before, when Ye Yun said such words, many people would definitely call him arrogant and arrogant.

But now, no one dares to say that.

Just because he sang "Love Network" so touchingly, he has the absolute ability to become a singer-level existence!

And Wang Xuan, in front of him, is indeed too small!


Wang Xuan lowered his head, sighed heavily, and got up from the ground.

Handed Ye Yun a business card and said:

"Sir, I know that people like you look down on my small role."

"However, I still sincerely want to meet you. Please accept my business card. If there is any need, I will be there at any time."

"If you need me to sing to help out, I will do it for free!"


Wang Xuan's words made everyone speechless again.

His current appearance fee is nearly 100 million per game.

Now he actually promised in person that as long as Ye Yun said a word, he would be able to appear for free.

This is simply giving the sky a big face!
"it is good."

Ye Yun casually took the business card.

Murong Group also holds many commercial performances every year.

Maybe Murong Yan will be useful.

"Then I'm leaving first! Call me if you need anything!"

Wang Xuan bowed respectfully, as if he was afraid that Ye Yun would not contact him.

As for Xu Meiling and the others, they also consciously did not record what happened tonight.

After all, Wang Xuan is very popular and has not had any scandals since his debut, so he can be regarded as a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

If what happened tonight gets out, it may have a negative impact on his singing career.

Comparing their hearts to their hearts, no one is willing to interfere with such a promising singer.

"Alright, alright, let's continue!"

Xu Meiling then waved her hands to let everyone continue to celebrate.

Before the celebration started, the door was kicked open heavily.

A dozen or so black shadows rushed in at once, aggressively.

"Who is Lan Qingyan?!"

The current one with a big bald head, wearing a gold necklace as thick as a thumb, glanced at everyone fiercely.


Lan Qingyan stepped forward with a frown. She had never dealt with these people before, so she didn't know why they came here suddenly.

"Excuse me, what can you do with me?"

The muscles on the big bald head's face trembled, and he looked greedily at Lan Qingyan, with a hint of obscenity in his eyes, and said with a smirk:

"I'm looking for you, of course I want you to pay back the money!"

Lan Qingyan frowned, she never owed anyone money, could it be...

The bald head took out a copy of the IOU, threw it in front of Lan Qingyan, and said arrogantly:

"See clearly, your sister owed us 35 yuan half a year ago, and now the interest rate is 2500 million in total!"

"She can't pay the money now, you have to pay it for her! Otherwise... Hehe!"

Lan Qingyan looked carefully at the IOU. The name of the person who owed the money on it was indeed her own sister, Lan Xinrui's autograph.

"How is my sister now?"

What she cares most about is her sister's safety.

The big bald head sneered:
"She is well now, and she is offering food and drink at our place."

He pointed to the IOU and said:
"You pay back the money now, and I can guarantee that she won't get hurt!"

"Otherwise, you should know our means!"


As soon as the big bald man finished speaking, the audience gasped for a while.

They make a living by operating casinos and lending usury, and the funds they handle every day are calculated in tens of millions.

In addition to their extremely strong financial strength, more than one-third of their members are martial arts masters.

There are Sanda masters, boxing masters, and karate masters.

There are even masters, quasi-grandmasters, and grandmasters in the Chinese martial arts world!

Not to mention those ordinary people who have no background and no strength.

It is enough to see how fierce and fierce they are, and how much prestige they have in the hearts of the local people.

Unexpectedly, Lan Qingyan, who is usually weak in writing, was also involved in their affairs.

Xu Meiling and the others couldn't help but secretly worried, and they sweated for Lan Qingyan.

(End of this chapter)

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