Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 266 Sorry, I Changed My Mind!

Chapter 266 Sorry, I Changed My Mind!
Hearing the name of the Blood Eagle Gang, Lan Qingyan couldn't help but her heart trembled.

She is a native of Sioux City, although she has lived outside for many years because of her studies.

But, how could it be possible not to know the name of the Blood Eagle Gang?
She didn't expect that her sister, Lan Xinrui, would have a relationship with the Blood Eagle Gang and owe them so much money.

1500 million!

For a girl like her who just graduated, her salary is meager, and she is not even a third-rate star, this is an astronomical figure!


She couldn't just watch her sister suffer.

Since she was a child, her sister was her only relative.

Her parents died early, and her elder sister was like her mother, she was the one who raised her up.

Over the years, in order to support herself in school, she has suffered a lot.

I still remember that in the winter of that year, it was snowing heavily and it was freezing cold.

In order to help herself earn the living expenses for the next month, she gritted her teeth, stepped on the snow more than 20 centimeters thick in thin cloth shoes, and delivered goods by bicycle.

That day, she saw her sister's toes, which were as white as jade, were frozen like carrots.

At that time, she couldn't help crying.

But my sister held her in her arms, told her not to cry, and told her that she was her only hope.

The more girls you are, the more you must be strong, because what God bestows on girls is a weak appearance.

But a girl can have a heart stronger than any man.

do not Cry!
Because, as long as you have your sister, you are the happiest little girl in the world.

It is precisely because of the encouragement and care of her sister that she has worked hard in her studies over the years and successfully entered the university that countless people dream of.

In college, she worked as a part-time student and has been working part-time to earn living expenses and tuition fees.

On the one hand, it can help my sister relieve a little pressure.

On the other hand, she hopes that one day, she can buy her sister's favorite Dior perfume.

Give it to her and say to her: "Sister, this is the first gift I gave you."

"In the future, I will give you many, many gifts."

"Send it for a lifetime!"

Hardworking people are always favored by luck.

Later, she received some script roles and earned a little more money.

It's a pity that my sister's first love met with an unkind person. Although she was not cheated, she was seriously injured.

On that day, she heard her sister say with heartache that she would never believe in men again in this life, and she would live alone like this.

Later, my sister never mentioned men again.

She originally thought that her sister had already forgotten this pain, and lived a good life as before.

Never thought that she would owe usury to the Blood Eagle Gang.

She guessed that her sister must have done something without letting herself know.

"My sister, why do you owe you so much money?"

Thinking of this, she asked anxiously.

The big bald head chuckled: "Why else, it's gambling!"

Lan Qingyan's pupils shrank involuntarily.

She didn't expect that her sister would become addicted to gambling!
Then it is not difficult to understand why she owes others usury.

"I can pay back the money for my sister, but 1500 million is too much, can it be less?"

The big bald head frowned, and asked quite meaningfully:

"How much is less?"

Lan Qingyan calculated carefully and said, "35!"

This is all the savings in her hands. She originally planned to save a little more, pay a down payment, buy a small apartment in the city, and live a good life with her sister.

"Ha ha!"

The big bald head sneered twice.

"Do you think our Blood Eagle Gang is a fool? 35, 1500 million debts, you little girl is really open!"

"I tell you, 1500 million! One penny less, and one of your sister's fingers will be chopped off!"


When he said this, the audience gasped.

Although Xu Meiling liked Lan Qingyan as a younger sister, she also wanted to help her.

But 1500 million is too much, and the new drama has not officially started broadcasting, and it has not yet paid back, so it is impossible to spend that much money.

Just as she was about to speak to help Lan Qingyan pay back a little, she heard a calm but charming voice.

"Since you haven't paid that much, let's pay back 10 and let your sister learn a lesson."

Ye Yun took Yaya by the hand, walked forward and said calmly.

Lan Qingyan was able to protect Yaya at a time of danger, regardless of her life, it was worth helping her.

However, Ye Yun didn't have the habit of bringing extra money, and it was impossible for him to ask Murong Yan for 1500 million.

Therefore, the only way to help Lan Qingyan is through other means.

He turned around, looked at the big bald head calmly and said:

"Give you a chance to send people back and leave with 10."

"Hey! This kid has such a big tone! Just want to send us away with 10?"

"Dog, how dare you talk like that in front of our third master, I guess you will kneel on the ground and cry later!"

"Kneel on the ground and cry? Haha, you kid is too kind! I guess he will kneel on the ground and watch his wife and sister-in-law get fucked and cry!"

foul language.

The group of people brought by the bald head all looked at Lan Qingyan with lewd||evil eyes and let out extremely obscene laughter.

They guessed that Ye Yun and her should be husband and wife.

Insulting Ye Yun like this made them feel very happy.

Very cool!
The big bald head raised his hand to signal the gang of dogs to be quiet, and looked at Ye Yun arrogantly:

"Boy, pee before you speak and look in the mirror to see who you are!"

"Damn you, dare to talk to members of our Blood Eagle Gang like this, let me tell you, you are dead today!"

He glanced at Lan Qingyan, lewd|| laughed and said:

"By the way, if you don't pay back the money today, your wife and your sister-in-law will belong to our Blood Eagle Gang!"

"Our boss, I like this kind of delicate girls very much. If you dedicate them, I will definitely be rewarded heavily!"

Lan Qingyan couldn't help but blushed when she heard the big bald head and the others repeatedly saying that she was Ye Yun's wife.

However, thinking that the Blood Eagle Gang is an extremely brutal gang, she didn't want Ye Yun to take the risk of conflicting with them.

So I want to pull him back:
"Ye Yun, don't meddle in this matter, I'll find a way."

Ye Yun looked at her indifferently: "What can you do?"

Lan Qingyan's heart skipped a beat when he saw her, she quickly lowered her head and bit her red lips tightly.

Ye Yun lowered his head, touched Yaya's little head, and smiled gently:
"Baby, go play with Aunt Qingyan in the back for a while."

Yaya nodded, and followed Lan Qingyan to the room behind the bar.

Turning around, Ye Yun's eyes were cold, like an ancient beast staring at the big bald head and the others:
"I've changed my mind, you Blood Eagle Gang, you will disappear tonight."


As soon as he finished speaking, Dabald and the others, as well as Xu Meiling and the others, all gasped.

Ye Yun is going to fight the Blood Eagle Gang to the end!

"You fucker, you're looking for death..."

As soon as the word death came out, Ye Yun slapped the big bald head on the top of his head.

All I saw was blood spurting wildly and brains splattering.

The big bald head was blown apart from head to toe, it was horrible.

(End of this chapter)

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