Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 270 You can't afford to mess with the Bai family!

Chapter 270 You can't afford to mess with the Bai family!

Ye Yun didn't expect that the Bai family would set up the Blood Eagle Gang in Jiangcheng.

It seems that although they don't care about worldly fame, they care about these real benefits.

You know, before Ye Yun learned from Zhao Boxiong that they pay a total of 15 billion in tribute to the Bai family every year.

In addition, there are at least 20 young beauties every year.

The behavior of the Bai family is very similar to the family association that Ye Yun knew.

It's just that the Bai family has been hiding in the world, and it's even more invisible.

Since they extended their tentacles to Luo Xuewei, and she was so persistent in wanting to do it, it might not be impossible to leave it to her.

After all, Jiangcheng and Jincheng are close together, and one day, the Bai family will reach out to Jincheng.

How could Ye Yun tolerate this?

Feeling that Ye Yun didn't reply, Luo Xuewei said with a hint of urgency:
"Ye Yun, you gave me cultivation and saved me, so in the final analysis, the Luo family is also yours."

"Nowadays, you don't need to do it yourself. Let me do it, okay?"

Having said that, her face blushed slightly.

Saying this in the middle of the night is always like a daughter who is acting like a baby to her lover.

However, she really wanted to do something for Ye Yun.

Ye Yun nodded: "Okay, then you come."

Luo Xuewei smiled happily: "Thank you!"


next morning.

Luo family compound.

Luo Xuewei, Han Jinlong, Han Taixuan, and Li Haolun were sitting in the hall.

In front of them, there were three young men kneeling.

All three had scars on their bodies, and their eyes were full of hatred.

Luo Xuewei looked at the three of them indifferently, and said:

"Where are those five girls?"

"Speak out, and you can save your life."

Today, she wears a high ponytail, wears a long light green dress, does not wear makeup, and has a face like rough jade, extremely exquisite and beautiful.

Sitting upright in the high hall, there is a hint of the demeanor of a chivalrous woman, unparalleled in the world.

As for the three in front of them, they were the three leaders of the Blood Eagle Gang in Jiangcheng.

Yesterday, the two brothers Han Jinlong received a tip that someone in Jiangcheng was starting a new gang.

This gang is called the Blood Eagle Gang, and it has already recruited hundreds of gang members.

Moreover, all of them are extremely brutal and domineering, and have already started to develop usury and gambling businesses in various places in Jiangcheng.

There are even rumors that they are constantly looking for young and beautiful girls.

Capture these little girls as soon as you get the chance.

Whereabouts are unknown.

Han Jinlong and the others immediately reported the matter to Luo Xuewei, and Luo Xuewei ordered to take down the nest of the Blood Eagle Gang.

It was later learned that they had indeed captured five young girls recently.

And the backer behind it is the Bai family in Qianyang City.

However, the three leaders were so stubborn that they couldn't find out where the Bai family was hiding after a whole night of torture.

In addition to what happened to Ye Yun last night, Luo Xuewei brought the three of them over early in the morning.

Prepare to find out the details of the Bai family so that they can make detailed plans for them.


Among the three leaders of the Blood Eagle Gang, the man named Wang Haolong who had the highest status looked up and laughed wildly.

"Little girl, don't think that being the head of the Luo family is nothing special!"

"I tell you, the Bai family is not something you can deal with! Let us go now, maybe the Bai family will take you away as a wife for the sake of your beauty."

"If you dare to attack us, the Bai family will definitely let you survive, not die!"

Han Jinlong got up and walked in front of him:

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me the location of those 5 girls and the Bai family, and I will spare you, otherwise..."

"I bother!"

Wang Haolong spit out arrogantly.

"Don't fucking scare me! I didn't scare you too much!"

The voice fell.

Han Jinlong had a ball of true energy in his hand, and it directly hit his face.

Wang Haolong himself is also a master of half-step transformation, but facing Han Jinlong who is one level higher, he still can't handle it.

This slap directly cracked his cheekbones, and the pain made his eyes tear apart.

"You dare to offend the Bai family! You will regret it!"

Wang Haolong's gaze was full of arrogance.

Luo Xuewei frowned slightly, how capable is the Bai family to make Wang Haolong and the others so arrogant?

While she was meditating, the door was slammed open.

Two figures flew in from outside, their bodies were covered in blood, and they fell heavily on the ground.


Han Taixuan and Li Haolun got up at the same time, glaring at the door.

Breaking into Luo's house early in the morning, and even severely injuring the doorman, that's a lot of courage!
just see.

A young man about 20 years old, dressed in white, walked in with an old man in gray clothes, and five middle-aged men.

The man held a folding fan in his hand, looking quite bookish.

However, the arrogance and domineering look in his brows is very obvious.

Several people walked in, the man looked up at Luo Xuewei, his eyes were full of greed:

"There are beauties in the southern country, whose looks are like peaches and plums."

"Patriarch Luo, you are truly stunning, unparalleled in the world, and even more beautiful than what you see on the camera!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, an attendant moved a chair and put it behind him.

Then he sat down facing Luo Xuewei, crossed his legs, opened the folding fan, and shook his head, very arrogantly.

And the gray-clothed old man stood closely behind him, his gaze occasionally raised, as sharp as a falcon.

Luo Xuewei looked calm:
"People from the Bai family?"


Bai Tong grinned and clapped her hands.

"I like beautiful and smart women the most! Someone like Patriarch Luo, who is beautiful and smart, is my Bai Tong's favorite!"

Seeing his frivolous words, Luo Xuewei couldn't help frowning:
"Your Bai family, you can be considered as a big family in the world, you actually do some tricks and rob people's daughters, don't you feel ashamed?"


After hearing this, Bai Tong snorted angrily, "In the eyes of our Bai family, these mortals are just a bunch of ants!"

"Those girls, being able to enter our Bai family is the blessing they have cultivated in eight lifetimes!"


Luo Xuewei raised her eyebrows, she had no intention of making peace with the Bai family.

But I didn't expect them to be so shameless!
Bai Tong said with a playful smile: "What? Is the beauty angry?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm here today, one is to flatten your Luo family, so that the Blood Eagle Gang can continue to operate well."

"The second one is to take you back and be my little wife!"

"Presumptuous! Do you think our Luo family is paper?"

Han Jinlong roared violently, and slapped Bai Tong with his right hand.


Bai Tong's eyes turned cold, and the folding fan in his right hand touched Han Jinlong's palm at an unimaginable speed.


Han Jinlong's palm was pierced by one move!
(End of this chapter)

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