Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 271 Domination of Jiangbei is now!

Chapter 271 Domination of Jiangbei is now!

Han Taixuan, Li Haolun and others all gasped when they saw this.

Han Jinlong is a real master of transformation, unexpectedly, he was abolished by Bai Tong.

This Baitong is truly terrifying!


Han Jinlong's eyes trembled, and he stepped back, holding the torn palm, in excruciating pain.

Bai Tong glanced at him with disdain:
"A mere master of Huajing, dare to act presumptuously in front of me!"

"Don't you know that our Bai family is the queen of killing gods? Even if my cultivation base is comparable to yours, I can easily kill you instantly!"


Han Jinlong was shaking with anger.

But he understood that although Bai Tong's words were crazy, what he said was the truth.

He also vaguely heard that Jiangbei province was originally composed of four major families 30 years ago.

The Murong family in Jincheng, the Jin family in Sucheng, the Shui family in Linyun, and the Bai family in Qianyang.

Among the four families, the Bai family has the strongest combat effectiveness.

They claim to be the descendants of Bai Qi, the god of killing, and they have the most powerful skills handed down from their ancestors.

Speaking of Bai Qi, he was a famous killing god in Chinese history.

When he was King Qin Zhao, he served as a general of the Qin State. He once defeated the Han and Wei coalition forces, captured the capital of the Chu State, and severely damaged the main force of the Zhao State in the Battle of Changping.

During his more than 30 years as a general of the Qin State, he captured more than 70 cities and wiped out millions of enemies.

It is a well-deserved god of killing in Chinese history.

In the Bai family, his blood of fighting flows in his bones, and his self-created exercises are regarded as the treasure of the family.

For so many years, it has been standing firm in Qianyang.

If it weren't for the fact that they deliberately hid themselves from the world and moved behind the scenes a few years ago.

I'm afraid that in Jiangbei Province, the number one family is not yet the Murong family's turn.

Seeing Han Jinlong's awe-inspiring expression, Bai Tong showed an extremely contemptuous smile:

"That's right! If you don't want to die, get out of here first!"

Then he turned his gaze to Luo Xuewei:
"Big beauty, the strongest master under your command is not as good as me."

"Do you want to fight with me, or go back with me obediently and be my little wife?"

Luo Xuewei's brows were furrowed tightly, and her angry look was also so stunning.

"Shameless, damn it!"

A golden flying sword flew out along with her slender fingers.

Bai Tong sneered:
"As expected of Goddess Luo, even the posture of drawing a sword is so beautiful, I really love you to death!"

"Come on! Let me see how capable you are!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Xuewei's figure was no more than half a meter away from him.

The sword light flashed, and it was an instant.

That sharp sword energy actually made Bai Tong's skin crawl.

"Damn it! How come it's so fast!"

Bai Tong was dumbfounded.

He originally wanted to tease Luo Xuewei, but unexpectedly, Luo Xuewei's moves were not only extremely fierce, but also extremely fast.


As soon as Bai Tong raised the folding fan in his hand, Luo Xuewei's sword pierced through the folding fan and quickly approached his forehead.


Bai Tong was so frightened that his whole body became stiff.

If he knew that Luo Xuewei was so sharp, how could he sit here and wait for her to strike first?
life and death.

The old man standing behind Bai Tong stretched out his fingers and flicked on Luo Xuewei's flying sword, and opened the sword.

"Your negligence, you will die at the hands of a woman sooner or later!"

The old man scolded, his figure had already flashed in front of Luo Xuewei, and he slapped her shoulder.


Luo Xuewei snorted and slammed heavily on the chair behind her.

However, there is no serious problem.

The old man stood in the middle of the living room, with his hands behind his back, proudly scanning the audience:
"Except for this woman, if any of you want to do something, you can let them go, and I, Bai Qinglin, will definitely accompany you to the end!"

When he said this, the audience was shocked.

Bai Qinglin!
Patriarch of the Bai family!
Once No. 1 in martial arts in Jiangbei Province!
Because of his seclusion, Xiao Xuanzong became No. 1 in Jiangbei Province.

In the martial arts world in Jiangbei, there are many people who don't know some rumors about the Bai family, but Bai Qinglin's name is absolutely astonishing to anyone!
He was once a famous fighting maniac in Jiangbei Province, and the martial arts master who was defeated by him, at least by thousands.

Among them, there are as many as ten Huajing Grandmasters.

There are as many as a hundred quasi-grandmaster-level masters in the half-step transformation realm.

As for the person with the peak internal strength, in front of him, he is just like a chicken and a dog.

This is a living legend in the martial arts world of Jiangbei Province more than ten years ago, and it is an idol-level figure for countless young martial artists.

Unexpectedly, today he actually appeared in person.

It seems that this time, the Bai family is bound to win for the Luo family and Luo Xuewei!

Luo Xuewei didn't know much about the Bai family, but seeing Han Jinlong and the others' extremely frightened faces, she could guess that the situation today was far more serious than she had imagined.

Bai Qinglin looked at Luo Xuewei coldly:

"Since my son has taken a fancy to you, you can just get caught and come to my Bai family to be a wife!"

Han Jinlong scolded angrily:
"Bai Qinglin, don't think that you are the number one in Jiangbei Province, so you can act like this!"

"The Patriarch's uncle, but the Patriarch of the Yin family, if you dare to embarrass her, be careful not to walk around!"

"The Yin family?"

Bai Qinglin couldn't help sneering.

"The Yin family is powerful and powerful. For the former Bai family, it is indeed an existence that cannot be offended."

"But today is different from the past, now...hehe!"

"What does my Bai family want to do? Their Yin family may not be capable of doing anything to us!"

Luo Xuewei frowned and said:

"What do you mean?"

Bai Qinglin smiled proudly:

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the ancestor of our Bai family has been resurrected!"


Han Jinlong and the others were all ashen.

They are also members of martial arts, and they know that the resurrection Bai Qinglin mentioned is not simply resurrection from death.

Instead, the divine sense left over by Bai Qi, the God of Killing, successfully fused with the body of a certain master.

You know, Bai Qi was born more than 2000 years ago, and it is said that he was already a master of transformation at that time.

Now more than 2000 years have passed, although he died a long time ago, his spiritual thoughts are still there.

After so many years of baptism, his divine sense must have become extremely terrifying.

Han Jinlong guessed that it was at least at the innate level!
If such a terrifying divine thought is combined with a human body, I am afraid that this person's cultivation is at least infinitely close to innate.

This is terrifying!

We must know that there are no living innate masters in Jiangbei Province.

Some time ago, the only two, Li Jiutian and Murong Bo, fell at the same time in the battle at Murong Villa.

If the Bai family has innate level masters, the Yin family is far away from the emperor, and they really can't do anything to them.

"Hahaha, you must have guessed that our Bai family also has innate level masters?"

"Now, if our Bai family is born, there will be no one in Jiangbei Province who can compete with us!"

"If you are sensible, quickly kneel down and beg for mercy, and be a dog to our Bai family! Otherwise, you will die without a whole body today!"

Bai Tong got up and laughed wildly, looking at Luo Xuewei ferociously:
"Beauty, I have liked you for a long time, if you take pity on me today, our Bai family has the capital to challenge Yin's family."

"Come on! Although I am a young wife, I will not treat you badly! Even for you, I can divorce my current eldest wife!"

Luo Xuewei's eyes turned red with anger at his vulgar||cheesy words.

She held Feijian tightly in her hand, and made up her mind that if Bai Tong dared to touch her, she would kill herself!

Suddenly, there was an explosion, which made everyone's eyelids twitch.

Bai Tong, who was extremely arrogant just now, instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Ye Yun took Xiaotian and appeared in front of everyone.

Xiaotian held a black bag in his mouth, shook his head, and threw the bag on the ground.

From the bag, a human head rolled out.


Bai Qinglin didn't care about Bai Tong, but looked at the head in shock.

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully and said:
"You just said that the Bai family has an innate master, is it him?"


As soon as he asked this, Bai Qinglin's legs trembled and he sat down on the ground.

Face as grey.

(End of this chapter)

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