Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 272 Don't even dare to act like this on TV!

Chapter 272 Don't even dare to act like this on TV!
The head rolled out of the bag was Bai Qinglin's father, Bai Lingdong.

Last week, when Bai Lingdong was sitting quietly in the ancestral ancestral hall, he suddenly noticed a dazzling golden light flashing from the portrait of the ancestor Bai Qi on the wall.

At that time, he, who was at the peak of half-step transformation, was keenly aware that this golden light was Bai Qi's legacy.

Extremely powerful!

After more than 2000 years of dormancy, this divine sense has accumulated a lot, and when it reappears, it is already comparable to the mid-innate state.

Moreover, Bai Lingdong vaguely saw the figure of the ancestor slowly appearing in the golden light.

He has a majestic appearance and a world-class appearance.

Although there are some discrepancies with the portrait, there is infinite power in every gesture.

Daqin's No. [-] God of Killing really deserves its reputation!

Bai Qi's phantom had just appeared, and the first thing he said to Bai Lingdong was that he was very disappointed with the Bai family.

As a descendant of his killing god, he has become more and more depraved, relying on the most powerful skills he left behind to earn his living.

For more than 2000 years, instead of making further progress on his basis, it has been going backwards.

Not even a congenital level master appeared in the Bai family.

What a shame!

Originally, he planned to continue to hide his divine sense until one day, he would take away a powerful body and complete his rebirth.

However, seeing how incompetent Hou Yi's heir was, he decided to come out and help.

As the most senior member of the Bai family, Bai Lingdong got this great gift logically.

After merging Bai Qi's divine sense, not only does he not need to survive the catastrophe, he can be promoted to a master of the innate level.

Moreover, he also got Bai Qi's killer move at the bottom of the box.

After Bai Qinglin learned that his father had such an adventure, he concluded that the Bai family would soon dive into the sea and shake the entire China.

Unexpectedly, before the old man could come out and pretend to be coercive, news spread that the Blood Eagle Gang in Sucheng was wiped out, and the Blood Eagle Gang in Jiangcheng was pushed flat.

Originally, the Bai family planned to take down the Luo family from the nearby Jiangcheng first, and rob Luo Xuewei along the way.

Then investigate the matter of Su Cheng and find out the mastermind behind the blood eagle gang's extermination. It's a shame!

Unexpectedly, shortly after arriving at Luo's house, he saw his biological father, who had already been beheaded.

This is simply unimaginable in dreams!

As for Luo Xuewei, Han Jinlong and Han Taixuan, when they saw Bai Lingdong's head, they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Bai Lingdong's eyes and mouth were wide open, as if he saw something extremely terrifying before he died.

To make him a congenital level expert, to be so afraid, what happened at that time?
"Dad! You died so badly!"

Bai Qinglin came back to his senses, with tears streaming down his face, he rushed forward and hugged Bai Lingdong's head in his arms, confirming that it was his father's head.

"You killed my father, I will make you pay with blood!"

"Are you Ye Yun from Jincheng's Murong family?"

"I tell you, I will let you die! Let the entire Murong family die!"

Bai Qinglin was about to burst into tears, blood was about to spurt from his eyes.

Although, he had also inquired about Li Jiutian's incident, and knew that it was mainly because of Murong Bo and Li Jiutian's fight to the death that Ye Yun had the chance to sneak attack.

Logically speaking, it is well known that Ye Yunxiu has not reached the innate realm, and he does not have the strength to kill Bai Lingdong.

But now that the head was brought by Ye Yun, it means that Bai Lingdong was indeed killed by Ye Yun.

No matter how you say it, Ye Yun is now Bai Qinglin's enemy who killed his father and son.
Ye Yun smiled disdainfully:

"I wasn't the one who killed your father."

"Who is that?"

Bai Qinglin gritted her teeth.

Could it be that behind Ye Yun, there are experts to help?
"It's my dog."

Ye Yun pointed to Xiaotian.

And Xiaotian was sticking out his tongue, staring at Bai Qinglin, as if there was a hint of provocation.

"What did you say?!"

Bai Qinglin was stunned for a moment.

Ye Yun is the realm of the master of transformation.

But his dog killed Bai Lingdong who was a congenital expert.

Dogs are better than people?

Is he joking? !
Even Luo Xuewei and Han Jinlong were stunned by Ye Yun's words.

Han Jinlong once suspected that Ye Yun could easily turn Luo Xuewei into a peak transformation expert, and his cultivation was very likely to be above innate.

However, it's not easy to ask Luo Xuewei about this matter.

He could tell that Luo Xuewei was interested in Ye Yun, and she must have kept things about Ye Yun a secret.

Even so, Han Jinlong has always suspected that Ye Yun's cultivation is definitely not as simple as a master of transformation.

If it is said that his dog can easily kill a congenital master, then his own strength may have far surpassed congenital.

After all, a dog is an animal. If you are not stronger than it, how can you subdue it?

"Could it be that he is already a golden core monk?"

Han Jinlong was taken aback by his own thoughts.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"It's impossible for a trash who was recognized four years ago to become a terrifying power at the Golden Core level, no matter how great the opportunity is!"

It's like a beggar who went out for four years and became the richest man in the world after he came back.

I'm afraid they don't dare to act like this on TV!
Han Jinlong guessed and guessed, only feeling that his head hurts.

Same as him, Han Taixuan and Li Haolun.

How strong is Ye Yun?
neither knows!
However, what Luo Xuewei was concerned about was why Ye Yun suddenly appeared here. Did he already know that he would be in danger?
Thinking of this, Luo Xuewei felt warm in her heart.

In times of crisis, there is nothing better than having the one you love appear in front of you.

Li Haolun handed a pink mobile phone to Luo Xuewei:
"Patriarch, please forgive me. Just now when you were fighting, your phone fell to the ground. I happened to see Mr. Ye's phone."

"So send a message to tell him that the Luo family is in trouble."

"Oh it's you."

Luo Xuewei took the phone, she turned to Ye Yun:
"Then how do you know the exact location of the Bai family?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"It's not difficult. I caught a person from here just now, first ask the address of the Bai family, and come back after killing the door."


Ye Yun's words once again caused the audience to exclaim.

It turned out that he had already been here!

Bai Qinglin took a look around and found that one of his followers was missing.

"you you you……"

Bai Qinglin's hairs stood on end in fright.

Ye Yun and his dog caught someone from here, but he didn't realize it.

What kind of pervert is this guy!


At this moment, Bai Qinglin no longer had the thought of resisting, and the boundless fear made him completely lose the desire to fight.

Ye Yun looked at him contemptuously:
"You are the only one left in the Bai family. Follow them."

"Ah! No! Please don't kill me!"

Anyone who faces death wants to survive.

Bai Qinglin was no exception.


Xiaotian walked slowly in front of him, raised his paw and patted it lightly.

Bai Qinglin turned into a puddle of blood.

Once one of the four great families in Jiangbei Province, a descendant of the Killing God, fell!

(End of this chapter)

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