Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 356 The Lich King!

Chapter 356 The Lich King!
Monday morning.

Chu Wenyan was carrying a small bag, standing behind Ye Yun who was about to send Yaya to school:

"Big cousin, my car broke down, please take me to school today."

Just now she found that the car couldn't start, so she had to come to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun looked back at her, nodded and said:
"Okay, send Yaya off first, and go back to your school."


Chu Wenyan smiled and made a gesture, and sat in the back seat with Yaya in his arms.

After sending Yaya to Red, Green and Blue Kindergarten, Ye Yun went to Jincheng University of Foreign Studies.

Soon at the school gate, Chu Wenyan got out of the car with a smile, and waved to Ye Yun:

"Big cousin, goodbye!"

"Remember to pick me up this afternoon!"

Ye Yun smiled and nodded:


Chu Wenyan turned around, her slender and graceful back was especially beautiful in the morning sun.

"Ask for smoke!"

Just as she was about to reach the school gate, someone suddenly shouted beside her.

I saw Jiang Yulin walking over with a smile on his face:

"It's early today!"

Chu Wenyan nodded casually:

"Yeah, the car is broken down, so I can only follow my cousin's car and come to school early."

When Jiang Yulin heard her mention Ye Yun, his eyes turned cold.

However, he hid the bleak gaze very well, and said with a smile:

"Ask Yan, I found a good baby in my grandmother's old house last week."

"Today I specially brought it here for you to take a look at, look!"

As he spoke, he took out a black stone from his pocket.

The stone is only the size of an egg, with a very smooth surface and a round shape, with countless strange patterns engraved on it.

Chu Wenyan couldn't help frowning:
"what is this?"

Jiang Yulin laughed and said:
"This is a good baby."

"I remember when I went to my grandmother's house when I was a child, she mentioned that this treasure has a history of thousands of years. Putting it on your body can refresh your mind, purify your body, and beautify your face."

Chu Wenyan nodded:
"Oh, I see, bye!"

Jiang Yulin said it very mysteriously, but she couldn't arouse any interest.

"This is for you! Don't you want it?"

Jiang Yulin caught up with Chu Wenyan, with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

"do not want!"

Chu Wenyan frowned.

This Jiang Yulin is very popular among the girls in the school because of his good dance, and he is called the little dancing prince of Jincheng University of Foreign Studies.

There are rumors that he has always been in love with the school beauty Lingxue, but he has never been able to pursue her.

Originally, Chu Wenyan had almost no interaction with him.

Unexpectedly, this person seemed to want to pester her a little bit now, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Jiang Yulin suddenly stood in front of Chu Wenyan, with a sneer on his face:
"It's up to you whether you want it or not! Recently Lingxue doesn't come to school very often, and I can't find her. Since you are here today, this opportunity must not be missed!"

Chu Wenyan saw a fierce light shining in his eyes, and couldn't help but tremble:
"What are you doing?"

Jiang Yulin suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled her hand over, and at the same time stuffed the black stone into her palm.

A black light appeared in front of Chu Wenyan.

Chu Wenyan saw that this black light became thicker and thicker like glue.

At the same time, her consciousness gradually became drowsy, and her body seemed to be integrated with the black light.

"Ask Yan, be my woman!"

"I am the supreme Lich King, give me your soul and you will be with me forever!"

A deep voice sounded in Chu Wenyan's head.

This voice was cold and strange, and Chu Wenyan's heart shrank suddenly.

"No! Go away! I don't want to be with you!"

Chu Wenyan was struggling in her heart.

"Hey, it's too late to say anything now!"

"I originally chose Lingxue, but unfortunately, when I was about to recover, she didn't come. So I can only choose you!"

"You are so beautiful, I like it very much, I will enslave you forever! Let you be my woman!"

"You, don't try to get rid of me! Hahaha..."

Jiang Yulin's voice became more and more arrogant.

The boundless sense of fear pierced Chu Wenyan's heart.

Suddenly, a white light exploded.

The huge impact sent Jiang Yulin flying several meters away.

Chu Wenyan's heart trembled, and he regained consciousness instantly.

At some point, Ye Yun was already standing by her side.

"Big cousin, he's a devil!"

Chu Wenyan's eyes were filled with tears, and he hugged Ye Yun tremblingly, sobbing endlessly.

Just now, she felt that Jiang Yulin wanted to devour her heart and body. She had never felt such boundless fear in her life.

Ye Yun patted her on the shoulder, making her try to calm down:
"Don't be afraid, with me here, no one can bully you."

Letting go of Chu Wenyan, he came to Jiang Yulin.

But Chu Wenyan was still very scared, grabbed his clothes tightly, and hid behind him.

"How do you have this witchcraft?"

Ye Yun asked lightly.

The small black stone that Jiang Yulin took out just now is an ancient witchcraft.

This witch tool comes from the Wuxian Kingdom. It is a very evil treasure. It can devour the soul of a person and make a permanent contract with the enslaved person for his own use.

Even after death, the person's soul cannot escape the master's control.

Once manipulated, they will live forever and suffer unbearably.

Jiang Yulin got up, and two strong black lights flashed in his eyes:

"Who are you, how do you know that my Tianshu Wushi is a witchcraft?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain on the left side of his face.

Ye Yun knocked him to the ground with a slap:

"Now I'm the one asking you the question."


Jiang Yulin's face was ferocious: "You have no right to know!"

Ye Yun suddenly smiled:
"You don't have to answer."

Jiang Yulin frowned:
"What do you mean?"

Ye Yun said disdainfully:
"A little lich hides in my body, and dares to attack my relatives."


Jiang Yulin gasped.

"You can even see this?"

He suddenly stuffed the Tianshu Wushi into his mouth, and an extremely dense black light burst out from his whole body.

All around, the air is full of strange aura, like resentment or admiration, like weeping like complaining, like ten thousand ghosts crying together.

"It's scary!"

Chu Wenyan trembled in fright.

This scene was a hundred times more terrifying than the scariest power supply she had ever seen.

"Since you have found out, then I can't keep you!"

"I am the Lich King, I will fully awaken today, and I will use you to sacrifice the flag!"

Jiang Yulin soared into the sky and turned into a sharp black light, trying to wrap Ye Yun around.


With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, all the black light shattered.

Jiang Yulin's body fell heavily to the ground, grinning his teeth in pain and wailing endlessly.

"Where am I? What just happened?"

Jiang Yulin looked at Ye Yun innocently with a dazed expression on his face.

Ye Yun waved his hand again and threw him into the sky.


Chu Wenyan looked terrified and was speechless for a while.

"Big cousin, did you kill him?"

Ye Yun shook his head:

"No, I just threw him far away, anyway, he won't bother you in the future."


Chu Wenyan held Ye Yun's clothes tightly, but still refused to let go.

"What happened just now?"

"He picked up an ancient witch weapon from nowhere, and was possessed by the lich inside. Because he likes you, he wants to control you forever!"

"Ah? So scary! I don't like him, and I hate him! Big cousin, you have to protect me!"

"It's okay, I have completely solved the problem. You can let go of my clothes. I didn't expect you to be so pestering."

"Hee hee, you are my big cousin. It's only natural for an elder brother to protect his younger sister. If you don't pester anyone else!"

Ye Yun shook his head secretly and smiled, this younger sister really will never grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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