Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 357 Your grandpa came to ask for a debt!

Chapter 357 Your grandpa came to ask for a debt!

Time flies, it is already the fourth day after returning from Zhong Hai.

During breakfast, Ye Yun thought that Froz still owed the Murong Group 5 million dollars, so he asked:

"Honey, have you called the money owed by Froz?"

Murong Yan put down her spoon and shook her head:


She raised her slender fingers, and wrapped the hair around her ears behind her ears, her movements were skillful and elegant, and she was extraordinarily moving.

"After I came back, I handed over this matter to the financial department to deal with. I didn't get any feedback before I got off work yesterday."

"It should be that they didn't send money."

Ye Yun put down his chopsticks and smiled coldly:
"This Froz really doesn't want to give money."

Murong Yan nodded:
"In fact, it is not difficult to understand that he has fallen behind in the competition with us, which is a loss in itself."

"Then I lost another 5 million U.S. dollars. I must feel distressed and reluctant to take the money out."

"Otherwise, let's forget it. Anyway, our goal is to win the agency right."

Ye Yun put a piece of homemade cloud cake into her bowl, peeled the egg for her, and looked at her tenderly:
"Honey, you are too kind."

"The shopping mall is like a battlefield. You know this better than me. Froz is fighting against you. There is nothing to be pitiful about losing to you."

"Furthermore, he still refuses to pay back the money he knows he owes, which is a bit of a bully."

"Just imagine, if the Murong Group owed him money, would he pass by for three days without any movement?"

After picking up the tissue paper and wiping Yaya's mouth clean, he continued:
"So, I concluded he didn't want to pay back the money at all."

"In this case, we don't have to be polite to him, I will get his debt back as soon as possible!"

Murong Yan nodded:
"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"Helping my wife pay debts, what's so hard about it?"

"Besides, I'll let Xiao Huang do it. I'll just stay at home and just accompany you and Yaya."

Hearing what he said, Murong Yan showed a happy smile, and said softly:

"Then you ask Xiao Huang to have a good talk with them and try to resolve it peacefully. After all, it is a foreign country, and you will suffer if you are not careful."

Through this period of contact, she found that Xiao Huang was easy to get along with and respected her very much.

It's just that this kid has an arrogant temper to outsiders and is easy to cause trouble.

Afraid that he would suffer a disadvantage if he went abroad, Murong Yan told Ye Yun.

After hearing this, Ye Yun laughed, nodded and said:
"Okay, I will definitely let him talk about it!"

This little girl, Xiao Huang is lucky to meet a sister-in-law like you!
"Come on, wife, eat cloud cakes, sweet but not greasy, and refreshing!"

"Yaya, don't rush to stuff it into your mouth, eat it piece by piece, okay?"


Indian State, New Delhi.

In front of an office building on the edge of the city, Zijin Dragon Emperor was already standing there.

Look up, the No.12 floor above says "Cosmetic Cosmetics Co., Ltd.".

Xiao Huang nodded, with a sneer on his face:
"It's here!"

He was wearing a gray sportswear today, and he looked like a high school student. When he walked into the office building, he attracted many people's attention.

But he didn't take it seriously, stuffed a lollipop in his mouth, and took the elevator all the way to the No.12 floor.

The entire [-]th floor, nearly [-] square meters of space, belonged to Froz's company.

Xiao Huang glanced at it briefly, and found that the decoration was relatively high-grade, and it seemed that the company was quite powerful.

dong dong.

Xiao Huang knocked on the door.

The one who opened the door was a tall security guard in uniform, who gave Xiao Huang a condescending look, and asked in a rough voice:
"Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

Xiao Huang smiled:
"I am your creditor, here to collect the debt!"

"Where is Froz, let him get out and pay back the money!"

The security guard was taken aback by what he said. A teenage foreign boy dared to come to his company and yell at his boss to pay back the money.


"Fuck off! Our boss doesn't know you're such a stupid||pussy!"

The security guard took out his baton and was about to press it on Xiao Huang's chest, forcing him to back up.


Xiao Huang grinned, grabbed the security guard's arm, and smashed his arm with a light fold.

"Shameless, I can't talk to you well, I have to be rough!"


Xiao Huang kicked the tempered glass door to pieces, and walked in with the security guard.

"Froz, your grandpa is here to ask for debts, get out!"

Because there are too many rooms inside, Xiao Huang is too lazy to find them one by one.


With his roar, all the employees' legs trembled in fright, and they collapsed from their chairs to the ground.

Both men and women stared at him with monster-like eyes.

This kid is obviously only a teenager, why... can he make a roar like a monster?

Moreover, judging by his appearance, he is obviously from China, or Japan or South Korea.

How could my own boss get involved with such a person?

"Our boss is really not here, he went out early in the morning!"

"Please let me go, my arm hurts so much!"

The security guard knelt on the ground, sweating profusely, howling desperately.

Without saying a word, Xiao Huang stepped on the security guard's thigh.

He crushed his right leg directly before he opened his mouth and said:

"Call and tell him to roll over with 5 million U.S. dollars. If no one sees him within 10 minutes, I will tear down this company!"

"Yes, I will fight now!"

The security guard almost fainted from the pain.

However, facing this ferocious and violent existence, he had no choice but to endure the severe pain and dialed Froz's phone number.

5 minute later.

Froz, who looked angry, walked in with Ali, four muscular black men, and an old man in a khaki cassock.

The old man had a shaved head, dark skin, a thin face, bare feet, a string of Buddhist beads hanging on his left hand, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he looked imposing.

"Are you from the Murong Group?"

As soon as Frozi heard the 5 million US dollars, he knew that the person who came was from the Murong Group.

It's just that they didn't expect that the other party sent only a yellow-haired young man who looked only in his early twenties.

"That's right! Pay back the money!"

Xiao Huang crossed his legs and licked the lollipop.

"My sister-in-law told my elder brother to ask me to get the money back calmly."

"So don't mess with me, otherwise, I will be rude!"

After hearing this, Froz's eyelids twitched, and a ball of anger gushed out of his heart.

Kicking down the company's gate and maiming the company's security guards, how can he be calm?

He was not going to pay back the money to the Murong Group, but now, the other party has actually sent people to the company to make trouble, so it is even more impossible to pay back the money!

Moreover, he has to teach this ignorant kid a lesson, and give the Murong Group a warning!
"No money, leave your legs, hands and feet, and get out!"

Froz looked fiercely and waved his hand behind him.

"Abandoned him!"

The four big black men immediately rolled up their sleeves and rushed forward.

"Little bastard, dare to come to our country to play wild, you are so boring!"

"I will destroy you now and throw you into the cesspit!"

Amidst the vicious insults, four huge fists were aimed at Xiao Huang and smashed down.

"Stupid || force Ah San!"

The smile on Xiao Huang's face disappeared in an instant, and he stretched out his hands to hold the four fists.



A crisp sound.

He smashed all the right arms of the four people, and countless bone residues penetrated their skin, bringing out dripping blood.

However, this is far from over.

One by one, he kicked the four people's chests, smashing their sternums before throwing them aside like trash.

Then, he looked at Froz with a smile:
"These four people scolded me just now, and now I want you to compensate me for my mental damage."

"Add up the front and back, and now it costs 6 million U.S. dollars!"

(End of this chapter)

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