Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 361 I, Ye Yun, Will Protect You!

Chapter 361 I, Ye Yun, Will Protect You!

This finger scared Ye Jingyao to hide behind Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang felt the little girl trembling, obviously very afraid of these people in front of her.

"Jiang Bin, how did you find this place?"

The man who spoke just now is Jiang Bin, who is also from Huaxia.

Ye Wenyuan did not expect that he would find his own residence.

Jiang Bin laughed and said:

"It's not like you don't know that in Indira, our God Cow Gang is the biggest!"

"Even if you are hiding like a mouse, if our leader says a word, we will still find you out!"

After hearing this, Ye Wenyuan frowned.

Indians worship cows, so the largest underworld gang in Indira State uses the sacred cow as its name.

Rumor has it that there are more than 3000 people in this Shenniu gang, of which more than 1000 are hooligans, belonging to the bottom forces of this gang.

They are mainly responsible for stealing, robbing civilians and stalking.

In addition, there are more than 2000 people belonging to middle-level forces. Most of them are prisoners who have been in prison, and some are retired from military martial arts organizations.

These people have a certain fighting capacity, and their style is quite sturdy, and they are the backbone of the entire Shenniu gang.

However, those who stand at the top of the Divine Cow Gang are all extraordinary human beings.

Among them, there are spell masters, fighting masters, and martial arts masters.

And the most powerful and terrifying thing is their leader.

The identity of this person has always been a mystery, even the locals in Indjirabang, no one knows his origin.

However, to be able to lead such a large gang, its strength must not be underestimated!
Half a year ago, Ye Wenyuan would not have had anything to do with this terrifying gang if he hadn't been forced to.

It's just that they didn't expect that after hiding in XZ for the past few months, they still found their place.

While he was terrified, he also had to sigh that the ability of the divine cow was indeed as high as the sky.

It's awe-inspiring to even find it in such a remote place.

Seeing his frightened expression, Jiang Bin smiled triumphantly:
"What's the matter, don't you have anything to say now?"

He glanced at Xiao Huang, stayed on his face for a second, then left, glanced at Ye Jingyao who was hiding behind him, and said:

"I tell you, as long as you are still in India, we will have a way to find you!"

"No one has ever owed us the money of the God Niu Gang! You will not be an exception!"

"Today, if you can't come up with the money, your daughter won't be able to keep it!"

After finishing speaking, several big black men behind him all showed grinning grin, staring at Ye Jingyao.

Xiao Huang frowned and asked:

"Did your father go to gamble again?"

Ye Jingyao shook her head quickly:
"No! My father lent me money to see a doctor!"

She held Xiao Huang's hand tightly, and her voice was a little low:
"I have congenital heart disease. I had a sudden attack half a year ago, and I almost didn't survive."

"In order to save me, my father went to them to borrow money. Later, the interest rate was too much and he broke his leg. He took me to hide XZ!"

Her words are earnest, and there will be no falsehood once she hears it.

Xiao Huang nodded and said:
"Okay, I know."

Turning his head, he looked at Jiang Bin with a smile and said:
"My second uncle owes you money, and you broke his leg. This matter is settled."

"get out!"


After Xiao Huang's voice fell, the audience was silent for a while.

Who is this kid, talking so crazy?

Tell people to leave as soon as you open your mouth, do you know that Lao Tzu and his gang belong to the Shenniu Gang?

Jiang Bin and the others all looked dumbfounded.

Although he is only a small team leader, he is not less domineering when he is next to the big tree of the God Bull.

In the past, anyone who offended the God Cow Gang would be frightened to the point of seeing a ghost.

How ever, someone dared to yell at him like this, how could he be so arrogant!
This... is going against the sky!

"Boy, where did you come from? I'm telling you, don't meddle in your own business! Be careful that I picked up yours..."

Before he finished speaking, a big slap was slapped on the face, and several of his teeth were directly pulled out.

Mouth full of dirty blood, poof!It squirted out loudly.

"You you you, dare to hit me?"

The muscles on Jiang Bin's face trembled wildly, and his eyes were ferocious.

"Hitting you is still light, I dare to kill you, believe it or not?"

Xiao Huang tilted his head and stroked his shiny hair.

"Fucking mother! I'm going to chop you up!"

Jiang Bin was irritated by his arrogant demeanor, and waved his hand: "Kill him!"


Before those big black men had time to make a move, they were knocked away by a strong wind.

When it fell to the ground outside, there was a sound of bones breaking.


"Master of martial arts?"

Jiang Bin's eyelids twitched.

With so many martial arts masters in the Shenniu Gang, he can naturally see that Xiao Huang is not someone to wait for.


"Don't think that you are a master of martial arts, I am afraid of you!"

"There are so many of us in the God Ox Gang, magic masters, fighting masters, and martial arts masters. If you dare to attack us, you will die!"

Arrogant still.

He stared at Marven Ye with blood-red eyes and roared angrily:

"I tell you Ye Wenyuan, don't think that you can get rid of our God Cow Gang just by finding a young man to help you, just dream!"

"In addition, we have already found out the bar where you worked before. The boss dared to help you avoid our God Cow Gang. Our gang leader will definitely not let him go!"

"Fucking mother! You all wait for me, don't even try to escape!"

As he spoke, he backed away.

It looked like they were going to run back to fetch reinforcements.

Just when his feet were about to step out of the door frame, a cloud of blood suddenly exploded.


As soon as Xiao Huang was about to make a move, he was preempted.

The person who can be faster than him is naturally Ye Yun.

I see.

Under the sun, a young man like jade came walking.

Wherever he went, those big black men on the ground all shut up, turned into ashes in an instant, and dissipated with the wind.

"It's Brother Yun!"

"It's really Xiaoyun!"

It is always an exciting thing to meet old people in a foreign country while living in this world.

Especially when the person who had disappeared four or five years ago reappeared in front of his eyes, no one could control the excitement.

Ye Jingyao raised her braids and threw herself into Ye Yun's arms like a gust of wind.

"Brother Yun, it's really you!"

The sense of intimacy completely replaced the fear brought about by Jiang Bin and others being killed just now.

Ye Yun nodded with a smile, and patted Ye Jingyao's little head:

"Girl, you have grown up a lot."

In the past, even though they were neighbors, Ye Yun never played with Ye Jingyao.

Although Ye Jingyao sometimes pesters him, Ye Yun only regards her as a little girl who doesn't understand anything, and sometimes even finds her annoying.

Now that we meet again, although time has passed, we feel a little more cordial.

Ye Yun smiled knowingly. He returned to Earth from the Promise God Realm just to find this lost family relationship and make up for the regrets he had had.

Now the people who were close to each other come back one by one. There is nothing better in life than this.

"Others say that life cannot be repeated, but I, Ye Yun, can!"

"I, Ye Yun, will protect all my relatives!"

(End of this chapter)

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