Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 362 Looking at the universe, there is nothing like it!

Chapter 362 Looking at the universe, there is nothing like it!
Ye Yun then took out the small green bottle, put it in Ye Jingyao's hand, and said:
"You put a drop of this in your mouth, and it can completely heal your heart disease."


Ye Jingyao's eyes were wide open, full of surprise.

When you have a heart attack, it hurts!
If it can be cured, then she can be like a normal person.

Ye Yun touched her head, nodded and said with a smile:


"I remember you had an attack when you were a child, and even my mother was shocked."

"My guess is that you're getting more frequent seizures as you get older, and they're getting more painful, right?"

Ye Jingyao nodded:
"Yeah! It used to be once a year, but recently it's been once every six months. It's a little scary to think about it."

As she spoke, she turned sideways and carefully put a drop in her mouth.

"It seems quite sweet!"

Ye Jingyao turned around and smiled at Ye Yun.

Bright eyes and white teeth, a slight smile is very charming.


"Huh? It feels like my body has been changed, and my heart beats very strongly!"

"Plop plop full of strength!"

Ye Jingyao's eyes were full of surprises, she had never felt so healthy.

"Brother Yun, I'm really healed!"

"You are amazing! You must be a real fairy!"

The little girl's eyes were full of infinite surprises.

Ye Wenyuan stepped forward, so excited that he burst into tears:

"Xiaoyun, you are really the lucky star of our family!"

"If it wasn't for you, Yaoyao and I would be completely hopeless in this life!"

"By the way, and your little brother, please accept my worship!"

As he spoke, he was about to kneel down.

Ye Jingyao also took half a step back in a very sensible way, and was about to fall to her knees.


An invisible force supported them at the same time, and they couldn't kneel down no matter what.

Ye Yun looked at Marven Ye with a faint smile and said:
"Since I call you second uncle, you will be my second uncle in this life."

"I think back then, when Uncle Zhou and I were poor, we also received your kindness, so let's repay it today."

"Because of emotion and reason, you don't need to thank me like that."

Ye Wenyuan nodded movedly:

"Xiaoyun, you are really different!"

"With your ability and magnanimity today, as long as you work a little harder, you will definitely be able to achieve great things in China!"

Xiao Huang chuckled:
"Second uncle, China's stage is still too small. My elder brother's ability is unique in the entire universe!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ye Wenyuan nodded repeatedly.

He could see that Xiao Huang really admired Ye Yun, so he felt that although the words were exaggerated, there was nothing wrong with them.

Ye Yun then sized up Ye Wenyuan and Ye Jingyao, and it was obvious that they lived very hard in India.

"Second Uncle, now that your health is cured, what are your plans next? Have you considered going back to China?"

Marven Ye thought for a while, shook his head and said:
"Back then, I was tricked by Zhang Daqiang and Wang Yao in the village to gamble, and as a result, I lost everything and fled here all the way to hide my debts."

"Although it's very bitter here, after three or four years, I've gotten used to it and have no plans to go back."

Ye Jingyao glanced at Ye Wenyuan and said:
"Actually, Dad still can't get over the hurdle in his heart. He doesn't want to see those people from the past again."

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Forget it, this kind of thing depends on what you think."

He took out a bank card and handed it to Ye Jingyao:
"You take this card. Although it is not much, it is enough to settle down."

Ye Jingyao quickly put her hands behind her back, shook her head and said, "Brother Yun, I don't want this money!"

Ye Wenyuan stepped forward and said:

"Xiao Yun, we can't ask for this money! Although you are very capable now, but a real man walks in the world, and it is inevitable that you will need gold and silver money."

"It is already a great kindness for you to save us. You can keep the money for yourself, and we will never accept it!"

Xiao Huang took the card, put it in Ye Wenyuan's hand, and said with a smile:

"Second uncle, my elder brother is now the husband of Patriarch Murong, and he is not short of money."

"What? Xiaoyun, are you really with the daughter of the Murong family?!"

Marven Ye trembled in shock.


Ye Yun nodded with a smile: "And there is also a lovely daughter, I will bring it for you to see when I have time in the future."

"It turns out that the rumors back then were true, this is really the sky!"

"Decheng, your Xiaoyun is a master now, you can rest assured that you are under the Nine Springs!"

Ye Wenyuan knelt on the ground excitedly, and bowed to the sky.

This obeisance is both a obeisance to the sky and a obeisance to people.

He then stuffed the bank card into Ye Yun's hand, with a determined look in his eyes:

"Xiaoyun, even so, I still can't accept the money!"

"Before I was sick and couldn't make money, but now I'm fine!"

"I learned a craft of bartending in a bar of a compatriot before, and relying on the craft to eat, I will never starve to death!"

Seeing his firm expression, Ye Yun withdrew his bank card and nodded.

Ye Jingyao then pulled Ye Wenyuan and said:
"Dad, that scoundrel just said that he has found Uncle Tian's bar. Do you think they will trouble him?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Wenyuan stomped his feet and said:
"Yeah, I almost forgot about it!"

Turning around, he said to Ye Yun:

"Xiaoyun, the compatriot I mentioned who runs the bar may have offended the God Cow Gang because of my affairs, can you help me to take a look?"

He thought about it, the abilities that Ye Yun and Xiao Huang showed just now are already extraordinary means.

Inviting them to the past was not to do anything, but to make the people of the God Cow Gang fearful, so that I could have a re-talk with them.

See if you can reduce the usury a little bit and re-agreement on the repayment date.

Anyway, now that I am in good health, the big deal is to suffer more and pay off the usury early.

Ye Yun nodded lightly:

"Since the shot is made, I will take care of this matter to the end."

"You take me there now. If they dare to mess around, they will be killed at worst."


Ye Yun's demeanor made Ye Wenyuan take a deep breath.

Ye Yun, who had a gentle face just now, when he mentioned killing, the indifference and murderous look in his eyes was too scary.

Ye Wenyuan dared to bet that even the most vicious mafia boss he had ever seen, the evil spirit in his eyes would not compare to one ten-thousandth of Ye Yun's.

"Xiaoyun has really changed so much! I really don't know what he has experienced in these years?"

Ye Wenyuan wiped his sweat secretly, and didn't dare to say any more. He took Ye Yun, Xiao Huang, and Ye Jingyao to Tian Yuxin's bar.

When I came to the bar, it was not yet noon, but there were already several commercial vehicles parked at the door.

Moreover, there were vaguely noisy voices coming from inside, and it seemed that there were quite a few people.

"It's over, the members of the God Cow Gang have arrived!"

Ye Wenyuan couldn't help but slapped his forehead.

Hurry up and rush, but it's still a step late.

And it seems that the members of the God Cow Gang have already made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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