Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 363 5 King Kong!

Chapter 363 Five King Kong!

When Ye Yun and the others walked into the bar, it was indeed overcrowded.

A total of more than 30 big men surrounded the bar tightly.

In the middle, stood a few people with relatively high status.

The three middle-aged men all looked Chinese.

They were all wearing gray robes with their hands behind their backs. Although they were expressionless, their aura was extremely powerful.

There are also two dark-skinned, thin-faced old men, wearing brown cassocks, looking like ascetic monks.

Behind them, there is a tall woman with fiery red hair, extremely fair skin.

She held her hands on her lower abdomen, bent her body slightly, and looked like a little maid.

Seeing Ye Yun and the others enter the door, everyone in the God Bull Gang turned their heads and scanned everyone's faces.

A young man pointed at Ye Wenyuan and said:

"Here comes the person who owes us money!"

After all, Ye Wenyuan is just an ordinary person. Under the aura of so many masters of the Shenniu Gang, his legs are a little weak.

He walked inside tremblingly, and saw the owner of the bar, Tian Yuxin, sitting slumped on the ground, his face was bruised and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

He hurried forward and said guiltily:

"Yu Xin, I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you!"

Tian Yuxin shook his head and said:

"Stop talking, it's just my bad luck that I didn't hide you well last time."

When Ye Wenyuan heard it, the guilt on his face deepened:
"Brother, I'm so sorry! This matter happened because of me, so let me solve it!"

"You come to solve it? Do you have the money to pay it back now?"

As soon as the words fell, an Indian man wearing a gold necklace came out.

Marven Ye got up and glanced at him, a trace of anger immediately appeared on his face:


It was this Luke who broke his leg and threw him into the trash can when he failed to settle the debt last time.

Almost made him rot and die.

When they met at this moment, Ye Wenyuan was inevitably a little annoyed.

Luke looked contemptuously, and looked Marven Ye up and down:
"I didn't expect you to be cured. This is really a miracle!"

"No wonder you Chinese people are all pigs. This recovery ability is really powerful!"

After he finished speaking, his face changed, and he quickly bowed to the three Chinese people behind him:
"Sorry, I just said some low-level Chinese people, please forgive my slip of the tongue!"

The three Huaxia people narrowed their eyes when they heard the words, and the fierce killing intent just now disappeared in an instant.

Ye Wenyuan ignored Luke's ridicule, but said:

"Luke, don't embarrass my friend. I am here this time to take the initiative to negotiate with you to pay back the money."

"Please believe me, I am in good health now, and I will definitely be able to pay back the money on time!"

When Luke heard this, he immediately looked back at the three Chinese men, and nodded knowingly when he saw that the three of them hadn't moved.

Turning around, he took out a cigarette and lit it:

"Okay! Our Divine Cow Gang is asking for money. If you can pay back the money, there is nothing to say."

He took out an IOU, calculated it and said:
"You have lent us 20 rupees in total, and the revolving interest is now 150 million rupees. Is there a problem?"

Ye Wenyuan secretly calculated that 150 million rupees is equivalent to about 15 Huaxia coins.

In India, if you work hard, you should be able to save for a year.

Then he nodded and said:

"No problem, but I don't have any money now, can I pay in 12 installments?"

Luke glanced back at the three Chinese men again, turned around and said:
"In 12 installments, you have to pay a total of 200 million rupees."

Marven Ye gritted his teeth and nodded:


He breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought there would be a fierce fight today, but I didn't expect the other party to be reasonable. Although 200 million rupees is a lot, it is acceptable to bite the bullet.

"in addition……"

Luke smiled treacherously:
"This bar also belongs to us!"

"What did you say?!"

Not only Ye Wenyuan, but even Tian Yuxin were taken aback.

It's no wonder that the Divine Cow Gang sent out so many people, and they wanted to swallow this bar emotionally.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"I'd rather die than give you the bar!"

Tian Yuxin was about to burst into tears.

Luke took a puff of cigarettes on Tian Yuxin's face, and said arrogantly:

"Are you a fart! Our five King Kongs are here today, do you think you can escape?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Yuxin and Ye Wenyuan took a breath of cold air.

According to legend, there are five King Kongs in the God Cow Gang.

Dongguishou, Ximiexin, Nanquansheng, Beideling, and Zhongluohan.

Not only in the God Bull Gang, but even in the entire Indian country, they are all super masters who can be ranked in the top twenty.

None of them are unique existences.

Prestigious, sharp-edged!
These five people are exactly the three Chinese people behind Luke, and two Indian monks.

Neither Ye Wenyuan nor Tian Yuxin expected that these five demons would show up at the same time for a bar.

This is simply like cannon hitting sparrows, overkill!


The two brainstormed, they were probably doing it for the land under the bar!

You know, Indira is undergoing great development, and buildings are being demolished and built everywhere.

If the land under Tian Yuxin's bar is sold, it will cost at least 10 billion rupees.

Such a large sum of money is the motivation for the Shenniu Gang to mobilize teachers and mobilize people.

Moreover, looking at the current situation, they wanted to use Ye Wenyuan as an excuse to swallow Tian Yuxin's bar and land alive.

Seeing the terrified expressions on the faces of the two, Luke laughed loudly:
"If you are sensible, transfer the bar to us, otherwise, we have a thousand ways to make you submit!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the members of the Shenniu Gang were filled with cruel expressions.

"Not good! Not good!"

However, at this moment, a young man from the God Cow Gang rushed in.

"Jiang Bin and the others were all killed!"

He pointed to Ye Wenyuan and said, "Just outside his house, I found a large amount of blood, and I'm sure it belongs to Jiang Bin and the others!"

Ye Wenyuan's pupils shrank. He walked in a hurry just now and didn't pay attention to clean up Jiang Bin's blood.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered by the members of the God Cow Gang so quickly.

"Did you really kill Jiang Bin?"

Before Luke could speak, the ghost hand behind him narrowed his eyes, showing awe-inspiring killing intent.

"I killed it."

Ye Wenyuan wanted to nod to admit it, but he thought that he would inevitably die today, so it is better to take all the responsibilities and let Ye Yun bring Ye Jingyao back to the country.

However, before he could open his mouth, he heard a long voice at the door.

The eyes of the audience instantly focused on Ye Yun.

Ye Wenyuan stomped his feet and said anxiously:

"Xiaoyun, why are you rushing to answer?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"What's there to hide?"

"Look at what they mean, today is going to be robbed, it's better to kill them all!"

His words, like stabbing a hornet's nest, immediately caused an uproar.

"Where did the little miscellaneous || broken, dare to say such crazy words? If you dare to say such words to our God Cow Gang, you deserve death!"

"Stupid Huaxia pig, he deserves to be hacked to pieces!"

Among them, especially the Indian gang, the most scolded.

Everyone gritted their teeth, wishing to swallow Ye Yun alive before giving up.

Ghost Hand narrowed his eyes, walked forward and looked at Ye Yun coldly:

"Boy, for what you said just now, you are dead today!"

"For the sake of being a Chinese, I will give you a happy one!"

Xiao Huang smiled, stepped forward and said:

"Little ant, you are not worthy of letting my boss do it."

"Why don't you five bullshit king kong go up together, let me do the tooth-slapping ceremony!"


A terrifying evil spirit rushed out of the ghost hand.

"Big words, I'll take you first!"


His right hand was raised high, with a huge black shadow pressing down on Xiao Huang.

"Little brother, get out of here!"

Feeling the terrifying pressure, Ye Wenyuan was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and hurriedly urged Xiao Huang to escape.

However, everyone in the God Bull Gang sneered.

A kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, dares to provoke the ghost hand, he is purely courting death!
A sudden sound woke everyone up.

I saw Xiao Huang stretched out a slap lightly, and slapped the ghost's hand into meat sauce.

(End of this chapter)

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