Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 379 Skeleton Legion!

Chapter 379 Skeleton Legion!

Bang! !

Just one minute after the three speedboats appeared, the gate of the cruise ship auditorium was kicked open.

At the same time, the glass window on the top shattered at the same time, and a dozen black figures fell from above.

Their actions are very fast and extremely skilled, comparable to top special forces.

The crowd screamed, and all the people in the hall dispersed in shock.

The people who rushed in from the door immediately pointed their machine guns at the crowd:
"Don't fucking move! If anyone dares to mess around, I will beat him into a hornet's nest!"

The crowd fell silent immediately, and many people squatted on the ground holding their heads, trembling with fright.

Since Ye Yun and Murong Yan were sitting in the corner, they didn't attract the attention of this group of people, but they could see the whole hall clearly.

Murong Yan frowned slightly and said:

"These are not pirates, are they?"

Ye Yun nodded:


Murong Yan covered her mouth in surprise:
"Isn't this near Haiya's port, how could there be pirates?"

Before, she had only seen pirates on TV.

Unexpectedly, they actually witnessed their appearance today, and they were still around Haiya City.

Ye Yun shook his head slightly and said:
"This is not near Haiya's port, but it's almost on the high seas."

Murong Yan was surprised:
"How did it get here?"

She found it very strange that Tony originally invited herself, that is to say, to hold a celebration banquet on the Golden Rose cruise ship near Haiya port.

It did not say that the cruise ship will be sailed near the open sea.

Ye Yun showed a playful smile and said:

"I guess there are pirates on this cruise ship. Let's just wait and see what happens."

Seeing his calm expression, Murong Yan knew that he had his own plans, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"You... you are not the Skeleton Legion, are you?"

In the crowd, someone saw the skull tattoos on the pirates and couldn't help but exclaimed.

With his shout, the audience gasped.

The Skeleton Legion is the most feared pirate organization in Somalia.

Together with the Ghost Pirates in the Strait of Malacca and the Razor Guard in the Indian Ocean, they are known as the three most vicious pirate teams in the world.

This team is said to have hundreds of members.

More than half of them are retired special forces. They are well-equipped with the world's most elite weapons and the most advanced detection instruments.

And the style is extremely tough and brutal, and the actions are very organized. Every action will go through perfect military planning, which is completely comparable to the world's top special forces.

This also allowed them to kill the Puntland Guards, the National Coast Volunteer Guards, Melka, and Somali Sailors, the four major pirate kings of Somalia, in just four years after their establishment, becoming the most terrifying in the Gulf of Aden pirate team.

No one expected that they traveled thousands of miles today to rob a cruise ship belonging to Huaxia.

"Don't mess around, this is the waters of Huaxia, if any illegal incident occurs, you will all be doomed!"

In the crowd, someone shouted.

The boss of the Skeleton Legion, code-named Viper, is a strong Russian man with a very vicious appearance.

Hearing this, he kicked that person over, stepped on his face and said with an arrogant smile:
"Fuck you, Huaxia! This is the high seas now, it's useless even if you call Potian!"

"What? How did you get to the high seas?!"

Viper's words shocked everyone present into a cold sweat.

It was agreed to hold a cocktail party at the port of Haiya City, but it was opened on the high seas. This is so strange!
Everyone came to their senses at this moment, guessing that this was a premeditated robbery.

Viper ordered his men to take out a computer, he pointed to the computer and said:

"According to the information I have, each of you here has assets of no less than 1000 million."

"I want you to transfer all your assets to the account I designated. If anyone dares to fool me, I guarantee that you will die a miserable death!"


When he said this, the audience gasped.

On-site transfer, and the minimum amount should not be less than 1000 million.

This Viper is too shrewd and sharp!

Instead of robbing cash and jewelry like other robbery gangs, he targeted everyone's accounts.

This not only has a big appetite, but also has a ruthless heart.

Only then did everyone understand, no wonder he was able to lead the Skeleton Army to become one of the three most terrifying pirate teams in the world in just a few years.

The reason is that his methods are different from ordinary people, and more brutal and domineering.

A gunshot woke everyone up.

"Hurry up and get moving for me! Let's start with the owner of this cruise ship!"

Viper waved his hand: "Bring him here!"

The owner of the Golden Rose Cruise is Tony, the operations director of Liz Huaxia.

He was escorted and pushed in front of the computer by two pirates, with terrified expressions on his face.

"Open your bank account!"

At the Viper's command, one of the pirates put his gun to Tony's temple.

"Oh no no, please!"

Tony shuddered.

There are hundreds of millions of dollars in his personal account. If he gives it to these pirates, he will be unable to repay the bank loans for the many properties he bought in Italy and Huaxia in the future.

Moreover, he has long understood the style of the Skeleton Legion, they are a bunch of demons who rob and kill them all.

Even if he gave them all the money, he would still die in the end.

Now, it's just the difference between dying sooner and dying later.

However, keeping the money can also leave a little life security for the family.

Therefore, he was very entangled and did not dare to open his account easily.

"Hey, if you don't do anything, I will shoot you dead!"

Viper saw him hesitate, and couldn't help but get angry.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

If Tony didn't pay, he wouldn't mind killing Tony with a single shot.

This is the only way to intimidate the next person to open their bank account.

"No! Help!"

Feeling the killing intent in Viper's eyes, Tony shivered with fright.

"Save your mother's head, I will kill you!"

Viper lost his patience and directly pulled the trigger.


However, the pistol suddenly failed, and it split and fell to the ground, with parts scattered all over the place.


Viper was stunned for a moment.

A good pistol, why did it suddenly break down?

However, Tony, who was scared to death just now, suddenly glanced at Ye Yun who was sitting in the corner in the distance, and immediately exclaimed as if seeing God:
"Mr. Ye! You saved me!"

He suddenly thought of the scene where Ye Yun and Xu Jingcang confronted each other during the press conference during the day.

It is concluded that only Ye Yun has the ability to turn Viper's pistol into a waste product.

As he shouted, Viper and a group of pirates all turned to Ye Yun.

"Is it your fault?"

Viper noticed that Ye Yun's expression was very calm, and guessed that what happened just now had something to do with him.

Ye Yun smiled slightly:

"Besides, I want to kill you all."

(End of this chapter)

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