Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 380 Stop Killing with Killing!

Chapter 380 Stop Killing with Killing!

"You said, you want to kill us?"

Viper laughed angrily.

"Do you know that Lao Tzu is the boss of the Skeleton Army! Lao Tzu's army is one of the three most famous pirate teams in the world!"

"In Lao Tzu's team, there are [-] top special forces, and they have traveled all over the five continents. They have performed thousands of missions and killed tens of thousands of powerful enemies!"

"As for me, I used to be the captain of the Russian Ice Bear Special Forces. For a little chick like you, I can stab you to death with one finger!"

As he spoke, he took a pistol from a pirate next to him and squeezed it lightly with two fingers.


The gun shattered.

Then, he raised his right hand slightly, turned his palm over, and slapped the pistol parts on the ground.

A powerful airflow spurted out from his palm, crushing the parts all over the place into powder.

"Don't think that you are the only one who knows how to do this! Lao Tzu, killing you is like killing a chicken!"

There was a cruel smile on Viper's face.

Hitting objects in the air, this is a fairy-like method in the eyes of ordinary people, but to him, it is mediocre.

As a former member of Russia's most powerful special forces team, he has mastered countless killing techniques.

Naturally, Ye Yun's sudden attack just now would not be taken seriously.


It was his move that made everyone present break out in a cold sweat.

Crush a pistol with two fingers.

With the palm of your hand, you can shoot steel parts into powder.

This kind of ability is simply superhuman!

Even Tony, who was full of confidence in Ye Yun just now, couldn't help secretly sweating for Ye Yun.

He originally thought that no matter how powerful the Vipers were, they were just ordinary humans after all, and they were at a disadvantage compared to non-humans like Ye Yun.

Unexpectedly, Viper was so abnormally strong.

Looking at his shot just now, he is definitely not weaker than Ye Yun!

"Now, do you dare to repeat what you just said?"

With a smug smile on Viper's face, he pointed at Ye Yun and said angrily.

Ye Yun smiled lightly:
"What I said, I don't like to say it a second time."

The words fall.

Pfft!one sound.

Viper, who was nearly two meters tall, suddenly sank his legs and knelt heavily on the ground.

The sudden pressure on his body almost crushed his kneecap.

"Damn it, how dare you humiliate me!"

Viper wanted to get up, but couldn't move no matter what.

He jerked violently, feeling bad, and roared quickly:

"Shoot me and kill them all!"

Brush brush!
In an instant, hundreds of guns were aimed at Ye Yun, the muzzles of the guns were fierce, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

The Skeleton Legion has always pursued the style of doing things by stealing and killing. Now they are facing a big enemy, and they plan to leave none behind.

Including, the little girl sitting beside Ye Yun.

But, just when they were about to pull the trigger...

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

The guns in everyone's hands were all shattered.

In an instant, all the pirates of the Skeleton Legion were unable to move, as if they had been stabbed.

" could this be?"

Viper's heart was beating.

He has never seen that someone can control a team of hundreds of people without moving, making them powerless to fight back.

This has completely overturned his worldview.

However, after seeing Ye Yun's methods, Tony and the others all looked at Ye Yun with burning eyes.

In their eyes at this time, Ye Yun is God, God!
"Mr. Ye, I will apply to the headquarters to reduce the Murong Group's payment by half!"

Tony walked up to Ye Yun and said excitedly.

Murong Yan showed a slight surprise. According to Tony, now Murong Group only needs 10 billion to buy the TT fantasy brand.

This is simply a big pie falling from the sky!

Make big money!

Ye Yun nodded slightly, then stood up, and said to Tony:
"Tie them all up and take them on deck."

Tony nodded immediately: "Of order!"

Murong Yan asked curiously:

"Ye Yun, what are you going to do?"

Ye Yun smiled gently at her:
"Execute them."

Murong Yan nodded, because Ye Yun didn't want to kill Yaya in front of her.

After Viper and the others heard Ye Yun's words, their faces were ashen with fright, and they all yelled loudly.

"Please don't kill us! We are willing to evacuate now and never invade Huaxia's ships again!"

"God, I don't want to die! Please spare us, don't you Chinese people value benevolence and righteousness the most? Don't you all say that you can convince others with virtue?"

One of the three major pirate teams in the Megatron world, the extremely ferocious Skeleton Legion, was crying at this moment.

It stands to reason that they have experienced countless times of life and death, and have seen countless savage enemies.

Even they didn't understand why their psychological defenses were completely destroyed when facing this man.

He would have a deep sense of fear for him.

Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"I don't like to convince people with virtue."

"I just like to stop killing with killing."

Stop killing with killing!

Those four words made Viper's heads buzz!When the ground rang, the heart almost stopped.

Ye Yun waved his hand and asked everyone to bring them all to the deck.

Ye Yun stood at the bow of the boat with his sleeves fluttering like a giant god.

He pointed it out.

puff!one sound.

Viper's thigh suddenly felt like being stabbed by the tip of a knife, blood gushed out wildly, and fell directly into the sea.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Viper was startled and terrified.

He has executed tens of thousands of hostages, and he has also seen other gangsters, how to execute the whole process of hostages.

I have never seen such a strange thing like this man.

However, when Ye Yun blew a whistle, he immediately understood.

Whoa, whoa!

As soon as the whistle ended, the waves on the sea immediately rolled, and black monsters swarmed over.

"Oh my god, it's a pack of great white sharks!"

Viper and the others all shrank their pupils sharply, their whole bodies trembling.

Under the moonlight, great white sharks are like ruthless killing machines, rolling and cheering in the sea, waiting for their prey to fall into the water.

However, they are particularly sensitive to blood, once they smell a trace of blood, they will fall into a state of madness.

Viper and the others never imagined that this man would kill them in such an extremely cruel way.

"Please, shoot us dead!"

Viper was already crying.

He would rather be killed with one shot than be bitten to pieces by a pack of great white sharks.

That kind of feeling, just thinking about it makes my whole body shudder.

"There's nothing that cheap!"

Tony stepped forward, glaring at Viper and the others.

"When you were robbing and killing people, did you ever think that they are as scared as you are now?"

"When you raped their wives and daughters, did you think they were so desperate?"

"You are devils, so you should use devil's means to kill you!"

How could Tony not know how many inhuman things these crazy pirates have done?

So at this moment, the backlog of anger in his heart was completely aroused, and his voice was hoarse.

"That's right! You should die like this! Death is not a pity!"

Everyone also roared with righteous indignation.

Then, the crowd rushed forward and pushed them all down.

On the surface of the sea, the moonlight was shining brightly, and the scarlet blood was constantly tumbling, and there were countless miserable wailings in it.

Also, the sound of great white sharks chewing bones.

Ye Yun raised his head and smiled slightly against the bloody sea breeze.

Anyone who violated and killed the gods had only one death.

(End of this chapter)

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