Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 390 How dare you call yourself a god in front of me?

Chapter 390 How dare you call yourself a god in front of me?
Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Ye Yun.

The high priest was casting a spell to save Tian Wenshan just now, but Ye Yun interrupted him, what on earth was he going to do?

Batur stepped forward, twitched the corners of his mouth, stared at Ye Yun angrily and said:
"Young man, what are you doing? Do you know that interrupting the high priest's spellcasting is a great sin?"

"In our country, the high priest is the supreme existence! How could you be so disrespectful to him?"

After a pause, he glanced fearfully at the angry Sanjay, and said:
"What's more, I hired the high priest at a huge price. You make such a fuss, do you want your friend's father to die?"

The high priest Sanjay slammed his staff on the ground again, interrupting Batur's speech.

He stepped forward, held his head high, looked down at Ye Yun and said:
"You interfered with my spellcasting. This is a disrespectful crime. You must be punished today!"

The Brahmin high priest, no matter where it is placed in India, is the supreme existence.

Even a Chinese person will not be forgiven for any disrespectful behavior towards the high priest!

"The spell you cast just now, if it doesn't hurt others, as well as my daughter and my sister, naturally it doesn't matter."

"However, if you want to cause any harm to them, I will never agree!"

Ye Yun looked at Sanjay calmly.

"Mr. Ye, you said that the spellcasting by the high priest hurt us?"

Ye Yun's words made Tian Yuxin's eyes tremble.

Tian Yuxin had already seen Ye Yun's ability, so he had no doubts about him.

On the contrary, his two brothers both looked like they didn't know why.

So far, they have only heard Tian Yuxin say that Ye Yun is a living god, but they have never seen him show any real ability.

As for the fact that Ye Yun interrupted the high priest's spellcasting just now, in their opinion, it may be because Ye Yun also has the ability to do so.

But, how profound is it, how can you have a clear understanding without seeing it with your own eyes?

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"That's right, his technique just now was to forcibly increase your father's life limit at the cost of sacrificing the life value of the people around him."


After Ye Yun finished speaking, Tian Yuxin and the others gasped.

Sacrificing other people's lives to save his father is clearly exchanging lives for lives!
"High Priest, is that really the case?"

Tian Kai asked timidly.

Sanjay snorted angrily, nodded and said:
"That's right, I was indeed borrowing your life points just now to save this old man."

"However, I only asked you to pay one year's lifespan, but he can increase his lifespan by at least ten years!"

"What does it matter?"

Tian Yuxin and the others couldn't help frowning when they heard this.

Although, it is not a big deal to exchange one year of my life for my father to live another ten years.

However, Sangjayi forcibly took other people's lifespan without saying hello, and even implicated Yaya and Ye Jingyao's two children.
Seeing that Tian Yuxin and the others seemed angry, Sanjayi couldn't help but stare, and said in a deep voice:

"Do you have a problem with me?"

He was not angry and pretentious, and his angry appearance was even more terrifying, which scared Tian Yuxin and the others to bow their heads.

Sanjayi smiled disdainfully, continued to look at Ye Yun and said:
"Whoever disrespects the high priest will never stand up!"

"You, kneel down and be punished!"

A red light emerged from the staff and soared into the sky.

Seeing this, Tian Yuxin and others all shrank their pupils:
"High Priest, please be merciful!"

Just after their words fell, a shocking scene appeared.

I saw that Sanjay's body bent and he knelt heavily on the ground.

The staff in his hand broke in two and fell to the ground.


The audience was terrified.

"You actually... knelt down to the high priest?"

Batur, as well as the two doctors, were all terrified.

High Priest!
The supreme existence of India, even if he is only the weakest of the Brahmin high priests, is an inviolable existence!
But, now, a Chinese man blatantly knelt down to the high priest.

This not only humiliated Sanjay himself, but also challenged the whole Brahmins!
This kind of behavior is no different from provoking a war between two countries!

Even Tian Yuxin and the others were trembling with fright.

Ye Yun is really too fierce!
He even attacked the high priest, which is tantamount to declaring war on the entire Brahmin.

However, Brahman is the most supreme and powerful existence in the entire Indian country.

There are countless masters among them, and they are by no means comparable to the God Cow Gang and the Mammoth Alliance.

There are even more rumors that there are as many as dozens of real god-level powerhouses in Brahmin.

They have been hiding from the world for thousands of years, but their breath can affect the fate of the entire country.

It's crazy for Ye Yun to do so.

He didn't even think about the consequences of openly insulting a high priest!
Different from everyone's extremely terrified expressions, Ye Yun had a calm expression:

"What is a high priest? Even the whole Brahman is nothing more than a pile of sandcastles on the beach. If you say it is flattened, it will be flattened."


His words once again left the audience speechless.

The three brothers Tian Yuxin, Ye Wenyuan and Batur all opened their mouths wide and were speechless.

Well, it is not enough to humiliate the high priest, and he even said that he would flatten the entire Brahmin.

This is simply... crazy to the edge of the universe!
"You have to pay with your life for what you said!"

Sanjayi's eyes were about to burst, and he raised his head and roared a spell.


A bright golden light descended from the sky.

The entire Tian family compound is filled with the breath of mountains and tsunami.

I see.

Lie Lie in golden clothes, glorious.

A middle-aged man in a golden robe stepped on the golden light and fell slowly.

In his hand, he was holding a golden staff, and behind his whole body, there was a golden sun faintly spinning around.

"My God! The Golden High Priest!"

When the man appeared in front of everyone, Batur exclaimed and knelt down on the ground.

"For most of my life, I have only heard of the legend of the golden high priest, but I have never seen their true faces."

"I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see the golden high priest come to the world. This is really incredible!"

The high priest, to mortals, is already a god!
However, the golden high priest is the god of gods!

They are the controllers of the entire Brahmin, representing the supreme power and energy.

Ordinary people may not see a golden high priest descend in their entire lives.

Batur was so excited at the moment that he almost had a heart attack.

As for Ye Wenyuan and Tian Yuxin, they were too shocked to speak.

Even the golden high priest has come forward, this time Ye Yun is afraid, he is doomed!

"Haha, the golden high priest has come, you mortal, kneel down and die!"

Sanjay laughed heartlessly at Ye Yun.

"Golden high priests are supreme gods, they are invincible and unrivaled!"

"Any enemy is an ant in front of the golden high priest..."

Before Sanjay finished speaking, a golden light burst out in front of his eyes.

The golden high priest exploded before he landed, turning into dazzling golden light and dissipating with the wind.

Looking at the stunned Sanjay, Batur and the others, Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"How dare you call yourself a god in front of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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