Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 391 Domination!

Chapter 391 Domination!


The audience was silent and silent.

The high priest Sanjay, the golden high priest summoned with all his strength, was knocked out as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he didn't even have a chance to speak. too cruel!
You know, existences like the Golden High Priest are already equivalent to innate masters in the Chinese martial arts world.

In the eyes of mortals, they are already real gods.

It is easy to move mountains and fill seas, and subvert a city.

However, it is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination that such a terrifying existence is crushed so inhumanly.

Even the high priest Sanjay was so frightened that his heart almost stopped.

At his level, he has naturally seen those top experts in Brahman.

However, if it is said that a golden high priest can be beaten so badly, he dares to say that there are absolutely few people who can do it!

Right now, he no longer dared to summon a new golden high priest.

According to Brahman's regulations, any high priest can summon a golden high priest to help out in an extremely dangerous situation.

He has lived for more than 100 years, and before today, he never used this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, today he was forced to summon the golden high priest by a man from Huaxia.

The most pathetic thing was that this mighty golden high priest was wiped out in seconds as soon as he appeared on the stage, not to mention making a move, and he didn't even have time to speak.

This is really... a kick on the titanium alloy plate!
"You... who the hell are you, how can you be so powerful?"

Sanjayi felt unwilling.

Hua Xia casually came out with such a strong person, and as the highly anticipated high priest, he was so ruthlessly suppressed by him.

This made his pride of many years gone, and he even felt a little inferiority and fear!

Ye Yun smiled slightly, with a cold expression.

But in the eyes of Sanjay, this smile is more terrifying than death.

"This question is meaningless to the dead."

After Ye Yun finished speaking, he raised his right hand lightly.

Sanjay exploded into a ball of golden-red light, which dissipated instantly.

The people present were stunned again.

Batur can guarantee that in the thousands of years since the establishment of Brahman, two high priests were killed in one go, and one of them was a golden high priest.

This situation is definitely the first time.

Ye Yun is really too cruel and crazy!
At this point, there are no words to describe him.

For a person who doesn't even look down on Brahmin, any words are powerless to him.

"You are a god like a devil!"

Batur lay on the ground panting heavily.

He had no time to think about the consequences of Sanjay's killing. The man in front of him almost made his heart stop.

Ye Yun ignored his awe-inspiring gaze, but came to Tian Wenshan, took out the small green bottle, and put a drop in his mouth.

In an instant, the fragrance is fragrant and full of vitality.

Tian Wenshan fully woke up in just four or five seconds.

"Killing gods with one hand and saving people with the other, you are the real master!"

Tian Yuxin and the others knelt down directly to Ye Yun.

He can kill gods.

He can save lives too.

To him, there is no difference between God and man.

For such an existence, there is only one name that can be worthy of him.


Ye Yun glanced at them lightly, and said:
"Your father, because he was not acclimatized to the soil and water, has accumulated disease in his body for many years. Once it breaks out, there is no cure."

"But now, it's all right."

He then looked at Batur and said:

"If the Brahmins want revenge, let them come to me anyway."

"My name is Ye Yun, from Huaxia Jincheng."

After finishing speaking, she hugged Yaya and turned to leave with Ye Jingyao.

People come like the warmth of spring, and people go like spring rest.

Looking at Ye Yun's slender figure, Tian Yuxin's family, Batur and others all fell to the ground.

In his gaze, only the word awe remained.


In the afternoon, after having dinner at Ye Wenyuan's house, Ye Yun took Yaya home.

It was already off-duty time, Ye Yun called Murong Yan and asked if she had come home, and was told that she was still working overtime.

Ye Yun took his dinner and drove to Longcheng Building with Yaya.

When the two came to the top floor, they saw that the meeting room was brightly lit, and Murong Yan was having a meeting with the staff.

She was wearing a black OL business suit with a white shirt inside, her hair was tied up high, revealing her slender jade neck, and she looked very elegant.

Ye Yun didn't want to disturb her, so he carried Yaya to her office.

On the way, a girl's cry was suddenly heard.

Outside the president's office, there is an office dedicated to assistants. At this time, there is a young girl in her early 20s crying on the table.

Yaya led Ye Yun to her and asked in surprise:
"Auntie, why are you crying?"

The girl turned her head and saw that it was Ye Yun and Yaya. She got up in fright, wiped her red eyes and said:
"I'm sorry, boss! I... I shouldn't be crying here!"

Ye Yun asked lightly:
"What happened?"

When the girl heard this, two blushes immediately appeared on her face, she struggled for a few seconds and said:

"Boss, my name is Zhang Rui, and I'm the newly hired assistant of the president."

"Just now I received a message from my ex-boyfriend, he said he has"

Having said that, her face turned red with shame and indignation, and she dared not speak any more.

Ye Yun said:

"If you have something to say directly, I don't want any employees of my wife's company to be affected badly."

Zhang Rui bit her lip, nodded, and continued:

"During my relationship with him, he secretly took a lot of naked photos of me, and when he heard that I was going to break up with him, he threatened me with these photos."

"He also said that if I don't agree to get back together, I will send the photos to our group mailbox for everyone to see."

Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"So he's a scumbag?"


Zhang Rui nodded heavily.

"He and I were classmates in college. At that time, he was pursuing me. When I saw that he was not bad, I agreed to be friends with him."

"I didn't expect that after graduation, he would not be enterprising. He would play games at home all day long, and would ask me for money if he had no money. I asked him to go out to find a job many times, but he scolded him angrily, and sometimes beat me."

"I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved out alone. As a result, he just told me that he had a lot of photos of me and sent me a few. If he threatened me not to go back, he would let my colleagues in the company and me All of my family, friends and classmates have seen it.”

As she spoke, she began to cry again, and the tears flowed down like broken beads.

Seeing Zhang Rui crying so badly, Yaya said angrily:

"Papa, that sorghum is a big villain!"

"Boys can't bully girls like this!"

Ye Yun fondled her little head, nodded and said:
"You are right. This kind of villain should be taught a lesson. He cannot be allowed to bully others, let alone interfere with Ma Ma's company."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Rui showed a look of surprise:

"Boss, are you saying that you are willing to help me?"

Although she came to Murong Group not long ago, she has heard a lot about Ye Yun.

In the entire Murong Group, Ye Yun is everyone's idol. I don't know how many girls regard him as the Prince Charming in their dreams.

At this time, seeing Ye Yun speak, Zhang Rui felt that he was saved.

Ye Yun nodded slightly:

"Where is your ex-boyfriend, let him come over and talk."

Zhang Rui clenched his fist and said:
"He will come right away and ask me to wait for him at the gate of the company."

Ye Yun sneered and said:
"You let him go to the rooftop and say that you will solve the problem with him tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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