Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 399 Let the devil deal with the devil!

Chapter 399 Let the devil deal with the devil!

Li Junchen and Li Mandong walked in a hurry, and those big men bounced back from the formation that Ye Yun blessed at the same time.

"You can actually fabricate a formation at your fingertips?"

Li Junchen is not a martial artist, but he knows that being able to form a large formation like Ye Yun in one breath, this kind of ability cannot be underestimated.

Although, he has heard of Ye Yun's name a long time ago, and he also knows that there are rumors in the world that he is a master of transformation.

However, the information about Ye Yun in the past was all hearsay. Now that I face it personally, I know that this handsome and extraordinary man really has extraordinary abilities.

Just relying on this skill of fabricating the formation, Li Junchen was unwilling to entangle with him more.

"Firebird, break this formation for me!"

Li Junchen roared.

Hearing this, Huo Niao immediately mobilized all the qi in his body, holding a dense flame in his right hand, aimed at the mask and shot out.

When the flame touched the mask, it immediately exploded into a huge ball of flame.

But after just two seconds, it completely disappeared.

The surrounding air quickly rose several degrees.

"Damn it, it can't be broken!"

Firebird Liu frowned.

Ye Yun smiled coldly, turned his head to look at Yaya and Chu Wenyan tenderly, and said:
"Baby, hang out with Aunt Yan and the others for a while, Papa will be here soon."

Yaya and Chu Wenyan nodded, and miraculously passed through the mask and walked out of the factory gate.


Seeing this, Li Junchen and others were dumbfounded.

Firebird's heavy blows failed to break through the formation, but these girls walked out without any effort.

This formation is really weird!

"Since you can't get away, let's go all out!"

Li Junchen groaned in his heart, and there was already a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

There have always been rumors in the world, saying that Ye Yun is not only a wife-loving madman, but also a thug who will take revenge.

Anyone who offends him will be hunted down and beaten endlessly.

Li Junchen felt that the two sides were already fighting each other, even if they could break through this formation and escape, Ye Yun would definitely not let it go.

With his personality, he might even go straight to Li's house.

That being the case, then don't waste your energy on the formation, and fight him with all your strength, maybe you still have a chance.

There is a saying that the ruler is shorter and the inch is longer.

Li Junchen felt that Ye Yun's formation is powerful, but it doesn't necessarily mean that he himself is stronger than Firebird.

As long as you kill him, the formation will naturally be broken without attacking.

However, Huo Niao is also a genuine martial arts master, she has controlled the fire element to a perfect state, and once she attacks with all her strength, the lethality will be huge.

So if you fight with your back, you may have a chance!
Thinking of this, Li Junchen hurriedly stopped the fire bird from attacking the formation again, and said loudly:

"Firebird, your formation is not as good as him, but it doesn't mean you can't beat him!"

"I order you to kill this person with all your might!"

Firebird nodded and said, "Okay!"

Turning around, she stared at Ye Yun sharply.

"I, Huo Niao, give you a death sentence!"

A bright flame shot up into the sky, and the fire bird turned into a huge flamingo, flapping its wings in mid-air.

"Extreme Light of Flame!"

Chi Chi Chi!
The surrounding air made subtle noises, and the intense flames raised the temperature by more than 20 degrees in one breath.

Li Junchen, Li Mandong and the others were all sweating profusely from the roast, and several of them were panting, lying on the ground in panic.

"As expected of a martial arts master, this breath is so terrifying that it is unimaginable!"

"Even the surrounding air is burned hot by her, it's really terrifying!"

Li Junchen hurriedly yelled at the fire bird:
"Firebird, kill him quickly! Can't wait any longer!"

He was worried that if he continued to delay, he and his sister would be suffocated to death by the scorching air.

"Suffer to death!"

The fire bird raised its strength to the peak, turning into a sharp flame and rushing towards Ye Yun.

Due to her extremely fast speed, behind the fiery red light, the air has been dragged out of a spiral airflow, which looks very fierce.

However, just a second later, the fire suddenly exploded, and the temperature in the air dropped by more than ten degrees.

Li Junchen and the others were surprised to see that Ye Yun just slightly raised his eyelids and glanced at Huo Niao.

The Firebird, which had boundless arrogance just now, exploded in an instant, completely disappearing without a trace.


The air was still scorching hot, but Li Junchen and the others felt their hearts fell into an ice cellar.

A master of martial arts, a power user of the fire element, was completely wiped out by Ye Yun's eyes in seconds.

Is this... a joke? !
"Ye Yun, what are you... what realm are you?"

Li Junchen swallowed hard and looked at Ye Yun in horror.

Everyone knows that Ye Yun is the realm of the master of transformation.

However, Li Junchen found out just now that he didn't think it was what people said.

His ability has far exceeded his imagination.

Otherwise, how could he kill Huo Niao, who is also the Grandmaster of Transformation Realm, with one look?

Li Junchen suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have listened to the rumors just now and ordered Huo Niao to do something casually.

Perhaps, Ye Yun would not be angered.

Ye Yun stepped forward, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and said slowly:

"My realm cannot be defined."

"However, one thing is certain."

"What... what?"

Sensing Ye Yun's bleak breath, Li Junchen couldn't help but tremble all over, and his pupils shrank.

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"That is, you must die."

There was a smile in his eyes, but the killing intent suddenly appeared.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
Li Junchen was the first to burst into blood mist.

The other five big men were also killed.

cluck cluck!

In the air, there is only the sound of teeth chattering fiercely.

Li Mandong collapsed on the ground, with his legs spread apart, ignoring the spring light under his skirt, facing Ye Yun.

At this time, she was so frightened that her pretty face turned pale and her delicate body trembled violently.

"You're a devil! A devil!"

"You don't come near me! I beg you don't come here again!"

Every time Ye Yun took a step, Li Mandong's heart shrank tightly.

This handsome man once made her feel excited for a moment.

But at this moment, only deep fear and hatred remained.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Ye Yun's mouth:

"You say I'm a devil, don't you?"

"Think about it, when you were holding the steel whip just now, and you were about to beat my sister to pieces, did you think you were very gentle?"

Li Mandong's body curled up together, his hands tightly hugged his chest, his eyes were full of tears, and his lips trembled:
"I just want to teach people I hate!"

"What's the difference then?"

Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"You are jealous, violent, cruel, and have a devil's heart."

"In this case, I will use the devil's means to deal with you, and I will be worthy of you."

"You...what are you going to do?"

Li Mandong's face turned blue with fright, and there was already a look of madness in his eyes.

"Don't kill me! As long as you are willing to spare my life, let me do anything!"

"How could I kill you? It's enough to make your life worse than death."

Ye Yun's voice made Li Mandong's hair stand on end.


A purple-red light appeared on Li Mandong's body, and after she screamed, she passed out suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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