Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 400 Nine Dragons Cover the Sun!

Chapter 400 Nine Dragons Cover the Sun!

No.1 People's Hospital of Xinjiang City.

In the most luxurious VIP ward on the top floor, a girl with a beautiful face was lying on the bed.

Her face was pale, and after opening her eyes suddenly, her eyes were full of fear, and her lips were trembling.

"Mandong, you finally woke up!"

A middle-aged man with gray hair had a hint of excitement in his tone.

He is Li Mandong's father, Li Renhua.

"Dad! Dad save me! I don't want to die!"

Li Mandong sat up in horror, and tightly grasped Li Renhua's hands.

A strange sound shocked Li Mandong and Li Renhua at the same time.

I saw that on Li Mandong's original fair skin, purple red fine lines suddenly appeared.

In every fine line, there will be a trace of heat, which looks extremely strange.

However, Li Mandong only felt as if his body was being torn apart, with endless pain.

"Dad, I'm in so much pain!"

Li Mandong's whole body, including the skin on his face, had such fine lines, which looked very hideous.

Li Renhua quickly grabbed Li Mandong's hand:

"Mandong, don't be afraid, you'll be fine once you calm down!"

Since she found Li Mandong, this happened to her more than a dozen times.

As long as there is a slight change in mood, the whole body will be torn apart, and weird fine lines and heat will appear.

Li Mandong resisted the fear and pain, biting his lips to calm down.

"He said that I have a violent temper and a vicious mind, so he deprived me of my seven emotions."

"As long as I have any strange thoughts and emotions in the future, I will suffer from being torn apart and burned by fire!"

Li Mandong finally remembered what Ye Yun said to her at the last moment.


Hearing this, Li Renhua could not help but gasp.

In life, everyone has seven emotions and six desires.

The so-called seven emotions are the seven emotions of joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock.

If all these emotions are deprived, what is the difference between a living person and a cold machine?
This method is really terrifying and chilling!

However, Li Renhua secretly thought, this may not be a bad thing for Li Mandong.

This girl has been spoiled by her since she was a child. She looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact she has a very violent personality.

If they disagree, they like to torture people to death.

Since she was a child, if she saw someone who was not pleasing to the eye, she would look for opportunities to abuse them severely.

In recent years, her methods have become more and more brutal.

Last time, I stripped off the clothes of a little maid in the family, and beat her skin to pieces with a whip.

Not only did she not stop, she even forced the maid to jump into the salt water to wash her body.

If it hadn't been discovered early, I'm afraid that girl would have died of pain.

Now, she can no longer be angry, jealous, angry, happy, etc. She cannot have all the emotions that normal people have.

Can only live like an emotionless machine, but it saves a lot of worry.


"Tell me, what is the name of the person who tortured you and killed your brother?"

The grudge that tortured her daughter can be ignored for now.

But the hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable!

When Li Mandong thought of that extremely handsome face, he felt panic in his heart, and the skin all over his body was cracked again.

"His name is Ye Yun! A member of Murong's family in Jincheng!"

After finishing speaking, she quickly shut her mouth and suppressed the fear in her heart, otherwise she would suffer that kind of torture again.

"Ye Yun!"

Li Renhua stood up, with hatred in his eyes.

As the head of the Li family and the future in-law of the Shui family, how could he not know who Ye Yun was?
Unexpectedly, now they have formed an indissoluble hatred with him.

"You have a good rest here, remember, you must not have any emotions!"

Li Renhua decided to go to Shui Jianyu to discuss the matter of revenge.

Li Mandong nodded, only feeling ashamed.

A person cannot have any emotions, this is definitely a more painful torture than death.

But now she can't even have the idea of ​​suicide, because this is also an emotion.


Water House in Linyun City.

Shui Xinjie and Shui Ruohua, two brothers and sisters, were sitting in the living room practicing qi meditation.

"Xinjie, the head of the Li family is here!"

Suddenly, the butler's voice came from outside the house.

Shui Xinjie couldn't help frowning, and slowly opened his eyes.

Li Renhua walked into the door angrily, looked at Shui Xinjie angrily and said:

"Shui Xinjie, something happened to your fiancée, can you still sit here comfortably?"

Shui Xinjie thought that Li Mandong would go home and sue, saying that he did not help her deal with Ye Yun.

Unexpectedly, something happened to her.

Shui Xinjie got up quickly and asked:

"Uncle Li, what happened to Man Dong?"

Li Renhua burst into tears instantly, and said in a trembling voice:

"It's that damn Ye Yun! He put a curse on Man Dong, so that Man Dong can only live like a cold machine from now on!"


Shui Xinjie and Shui Ruohua exclaimed at the same time when they heard the words.

"Man Dong, she went to find Ye Yun?"

Li Renhua nodded and said:

"Man Dong told me that she was humiliated by Ye Yun's younger sister in an audition today, so she asked Jun Chen to lead someone to arrest those girls, and wanted to teach them a lesson."

"Unexpectedly, being found by that Ye Yun not only cursed Man Dong, but also... killed Jun Chen!"


Shui Xinjie's two siblings gasped when they heard this.

"This Ye Yun is too cruel, isn't it?"

Shui Ruohua and Liu frowned.

She had heard about Ye Yun's name like thunder for a long time, but she still didn't expect him to attack so fiercely.

Killing the elder brother, cursing the younger sister, and sending the only two siblings of the Li family into a realm of eternal doom.

This method is really frightening!
Shui Xinjie let out a long sigh:

"I told Man Dong a long time ago that he must not provoke this person!"

"Unexpectedly, she didn't listen to advice at all!"

Li Renhua stomped heavily and said:
"What's the use of talking about it now?"

"Everyone knows that our Li family and your Shui family have already had an engagement banquet, and Man Dong will be your Shui Xinjie's person from now on!"

"Now that Ye Yun tortured Man Dong like this, and even killed my son, this hatred is irreconcilable, and your Shui family must not stand by and watch!"

When Shui Xinjie heard this, his eyes trembled.

Now the entire Linyun City and even some acquaintances in other cities in Jiangbei Province know that he and Li Mandong are engaged.

The Shui family and the Li family are already recognized in-laws.

However, Ye Yun and the Li family formed such a big enmity, it is naturally impossible for the Shui family to sit idly by.


"Uncle Li, this matter is very important and needs to be decided by my father."

"Right now, my father is still practicing in seclusion, why don't you wait for him to come out, and then discuss with him!"

Hearing what he said, Li Renhua beat the table with his fist anxiously:
"Jianyu, why is he still in seclusion? Didn't I hear that a few days ago, he practiced a kind of magical skill, and he was about to achieve perfection?"

"That Ye Yun is not a good stubble, we can't waste it like this anymore!"

Boom! !
As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise like a landslide.

Outside, the sunlight disappeared in an instant.

The wind was strong, and the dark clouds rolled in the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Nine giant dragons suddenly sprang out from the dark clouds.

Each of them is several hundred meters long, and when they soar in the air, their aura is incomparably domineering.

Shui Xinjie, Shui Ruohua, and Li Renhua rushed to the yard and raised their heads to the sky.

When they saw the nine giant dragons, the three of them could not help but shrink their pupils, and exclaimed at the same time:
"Kowloon covering the sun!!"

(End of this chapter)

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